Looting Tips | Day R Survival

Looting Tips | Day R Survival

Wak Dolah

4 года назад

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@alokpradhan1973 - 16.07.2021 09:29

How to get a pet

@OzVeroy - 23.03.2021 13:36

So if im going to go new safe base im gonna leave my items? except food becus all city has no loot

@Shadow-bg8lk - 20.03.2021 09:43

We’re do I store my stuff or is that not a thing in this game

@aidanverdon84 - 10.12.2020 18:36

"Cries in tank armor" HOW DO I REPAIR THIS!?

@akbarsholihin7352 - 09.11.2020 00:59

Bang dapatin masker gas dimana bang

@eworsabarre9041 - 03.10.2020 20:36

I have question
Is your base with in ur items apply to your other base? Even hut

@fantom354-c7b - 20.09.2020 19:19

Музыка в видео очень хорошая

@talkaboutgd3336 - 04.09.2020 23:13

I got a BeLAz in online mode

@xi_ipa_2ivansahrulramadhan589 - 24.08.2020 11:59

Ternyata bukan cuman aku yg cara mainnya kayak gini.

@aldothelizard6669 - 22.08.2020 18:24

What happened if all places are already looted? How can you get more resource? And is there any end to this game my furthest travel is Tver (1st survivor base lol)

@Jensina154 - 11.08.2020 06:16

Bagus kak.. tipsny dong buat mid lvl 50 an setelah "misi mencari kebenaran" kan kelar tuh itu tinggal misi " jalan pulang" kan jauh2 lokasinya jdi susah .. trus yg diutamain apa dulu? Apa harus lvling d moscow aj or gmn kk ??? Mohon saran.

@likhitagarwal6860 - 10.07.2020 17:00

Where to find torch bro

@davinbg5423 - 06.07.2020 10:11

Kok Di Tempat Ku Gk bisa Main Multiplayers Padahal Udah Premium

@rastkokokovic8134 - 14.06.2020 12:28

I get to the Leningrad and my bicycle with cart breaks cuz its so damn hard to find bicycle spare parts...And i die from high radiation

@szariq7338 - 05.06.2020 12:39

My looting strategy:
- waking up in the morning
- looting the whole day
- going back to safe area in the evening
- eating stuff
- sleeping until dawn
- if I wake up at night, I'm looting everything with a light source

@hoteltrivago6105 - 03.06.2020 18:00

Oh con subtitulos al español! Perfecto

@galihputrawicaksono334 - 27.05.2020 15:39

Wak saya udah mau buat mobil nuklir tapi buat nyari kayak motor elektrik,baterai sama komponen nuklir lainnya dimana ya wak?

@Qoreader - 17.05.2020 14:11

Game racun ini. Fallout tp versi hape.

@user-gc6tg5qx9h - 08.05.2020 03:21

Just a question. I know there is a base where you can trade for cement. I dont know where it is located

@katrinaallysaatienza7819 - 07.05.2020 18:11

Where i can find nettle ?

@verday7351 - 27.04.2020 11:47

this was very helpful you got a like and a sub from me, thank you.

@NishantCosmos - 17.04.2020 23:44

its not fair , i played easy mode and reached higher kevels then injuries are happening continuously and i can't handle , lack of medicines or longer negative effects makes harder to surview , i am so dissapointed to this game , plzzz i request if you can contact them nd suggest them to make game easier atleast that easy mode just to know the game😕

@NishantCosmos - 17.04.2020 23:38

its hard to create detoxifying juice.. or other medicines ita hard to search for herbs , even in easy mode it bacomes very hard when we reach higher level , I'm in level 41 and can't deal with radiation what i do ?

@ED-ww6vz - 17.04.2020 08:39


@galangalfariz6621 - 13.04.2020 11:06

bro ane kena sial gara gara pake internet

@OzVeroy - 13.04.2020 03:56

wait how did u played with player

@ninjasmilegaming1460 - 12.04.2020 19:16

Is this bad if u even skip a small town?

@ElReyMiracle0903 - 11.04.2020 03:30

BG mau nanya reparcel apaan y
Plz jawab

@arbiter303tbilisi4 - 07.04.2020 14:32


@geeamsedel6561 - 06.04.2020 23:25

hey guys, i bought the premium but dont know how to get the daily login rewards 😢

@ary03yudha - 29.03.2020 09:21

Hello bang, bikin video tentang tips yg penting buat game ini dong.. semisal tips ngatur barang bawaan, barang yg penting, crafting, battle dll..

Btw, nice video, nice content..simple to understand.. well done..
Ini game bener2 bisa kill the time during lockdown..
semangaat teruuss.. stay safe

@bp-vn2vw - 27.03.2020 11:28

I got question where to find Flashlight??????

@하하호호-h9g - 26.03.2020 16:19

Where can i find rubber parts? I cant find it anywhere

@Brandon-rq3ys - 25.03.2020 21:19

I've been playing for 2 weeks straight now and have yet to come upon another person or anything significant at all for that matter. Am I doing something wrong or is this just a long, drawn out game? I also feel like I lose my stuff much too quickly. Such as a metal pot running out or hunger dwindles soo fast I barely have time to get more food. In other words, all I'm doing is searching for food at this point. I also think the attacks happen way too often. They should at least give you an option from the start not to participate in the battle. I really loved this game at first, but I have just about had it with it. Just drags on way too much

@jotarokujo8267 - 23.03.2020 09:04

Where do you find a cart??

@raglac461 - 03.03.2020 17:11

Bang mau nanya., itu item minuman sama makanan kok bisa di sisi kanan gimana itu bang ?, upgrade premium kah ?

@mantisguy746 - 29.02.2020 23:06

Am I the only one who cant use the wolf pets ability where you can track down an enemy since the new Update???

@ekenmkii8697 - 28.02.2020 03:28

I have premium version ever since the combat system was just a picture of the enemie, you choose your weapon gave you a sertarnt amoumt of percent of winning and losing, anyway is this a bug because when i wait 1 min to watch an ad to get a free item i doesn't and just resets the counter to 1 min again, when i wait again it just resets.
Does someone know if this is a bug?

@aimantwsome1274 - 28.02.2020 02:52

Pak mau nanya kok gk bisa masuk online game padahal internet gw kuat

@scatterbomb17 - 27.02.2020 13:43

Hello guys pls
subscribe my channel

@stephens3232 - 27.02.2020 10:43

I have a suggestion dude, can you make a video about new pet action (wolf, raven, lil pumpkin). So you can describe it what it means every single ability (not battle ability). Thanks

@be1real - 25.02.2020 21:36

Bang mau tanya kalau event Halloween nya nanti beda lagi atau sama kayak tahun kemarin

@fajriramadhan4930 - 23.02.2020 20:26

Senter merah dmn carinya y bg? Susah amat carinya

@Dr.Empathy - 23.02.2020 10:09

Yeah! My name! Hello wak😅👋

@thesaint7920 - 22.02.2020 23:36

I got a question where do I find white mushrooms I need them for a quest I can't find them in mountains or swamps or forests, can someone help me or have they been removed?

@codgamer66player4 - 22.02.2020 19:53

Wak adoah (sry my spelling bad) if you need some suport equipment for the new server you can count on me ;)

@m.ratnoalfatahr.8248 - 22.02.2020 18:05

Server nya wahh sama ign nya ap namanya basecaam nya mana?

@aimantwsome1274 - 22.02.2020 14:41

Pak nyobain main game growtopia

@shadowmeresmith - 22.02.2020 13:36

Bom, eu não desmonto os veículos em geral no início do jogo. Primeiro eu saqueio todos os lugares possíveis das cidades, desde nikel até murmansk. Quando eu chego em murmansk eu estou nível 10, então eu faço a bicicleta e saqueio todas as cidades próximas de murmansk. Depois, eu volto até nikel, passando pelas cidades que eu ainda não explorei, e então eu volto até murmansk, desmontando os carros dessa vez. Fazendo isso, se eu não me engano, eu subi até o nível 18, é claro, sempre lutando contra os animais que podem ser encontrados e fazendo os itens a medida que eu vou subindo de nível. Eu consegui chegar nessa "técnica" após morrer 3 vezes e começar tudo de novo. =D

@Dudaim_ - 22.02.2020 13:21

Bang kalo misalkan gua pindah ke DRS premium, bakalan ngulang dari awal gk?? Soal nya gua main di DRS yg biasa udah lumayan jauh..?? Apakah datanya sama??
