Hollusion Projection Material Comparison | Halloween Decorating | Digital Decorations | Atmosfx

Hollusion Projection Material Comparison | Halloween Decorating | Digital Decorations | Atmosfx

Haunting with Tricia

2 года назад

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@hauntattheroxbury - 27.06.2022 15:37

Joannes fabric has Chiffon which is pretty close and much cheaper

@lostinseattle19 - 12.07.2022 03:17

I was just looking into this too, THANK YOU!

@simonagullen689 - 09.08.2022 01:15

Thank you so much for doing this comparison. I've been going back and forth trying to find affordable material and not knowing what would work, and this has helped so much!

@bobbyboombeck - 14.08.2022 07:37

Great breakdown. Can you suggest something that is larger? My garage opening is 17' wide by 7' tall. I'd LOVE to have it one continuous piece but I can't find material that large. Any thoughts?

@rickjames1730 - 26.08.2022 22:51

Does it matter what color you use? I prefer to use black. Will that drown out the quality of the image?

@Gingerhomeandgarden - 14.09.2022 05:46

You could buy a grommet kit?!!!

@jeremiahmccabe7594 - 15.09.2022 15:19

Thoughts on mosquito bug netting?

@CornerCaseStudio - 19.09.2022 15:17

I came here specifically to see how grey tulle compared to the others because I want something I can use outside that will almost disappear into the background. The other materials are too thick - they're obvious when used outside... and then you chose not to even test the tulle at all, lol.

@raid6994 - 23.09.2022 11:09

Do you have any non-hollusion Window Projection Material to recommend? AtmosFX is sold out of their smaller projection material. Also, the AtmosFX 5.5 Foot by 9 Foot Hollusion Material -- is 9 feet the height or length? Thanks!

@cutweldngrind - 25.09.2022 23:49

The power mesh I was looking at was called Light Gray but sold out, Would you happen to know if Silver or Charcoal will work? I am thinking on ordering 10 yards just wanted to see if you had any recommendation on these colors.

@Yoris670 - 01.10.2022 18:45

What fabric would you recommend for a window projection?
Thanks for reviewing

@toddhutchins2492 - 08.10.2022 03:04

I still think you should have checked out that sheer fabrick. It may have surprised you. At any rate it would have been a more complete comparison.

@jefftrowercreative - 17.10.2022 00:06

So I see the power mesh does not list the grey color. Black and white would be the only options. Feel like white would stand out and black might absorb much of the projection. Your opinion?

@TheGazman1974 - 19.10.2022 16:15

Hi Tricia. Thanks for the tip on Material i'm from the UK and just getting into the Digital Decoration scene but availability to get the ATMOSFX material is not easy but this looks like a really good alternative and I have ordered some to try I'll let you know how i get on.Great Channel.

@PuertoRocCutie23 - 25.10.2022 19:47

Can’t we use a sheer grey curtain??

@doglove555 - 04.05.2023 16:16

Came here to watch your review as the AtmosFX material is still sold out. Thanks for reviewing power mesh! My order has been placed and im looking forward to doing a hologram in my yard this Halloween! (Have been projecting in my windows for years, and last year added a second projector for Pumpkin Jamboree on orange trash bags which was a big hit. Now i have a 3rd projector!)

@ashernaterer - 19.07.2023 10:53

what materiall do you recommend for rear projection at a window to be viewed from outside? Im looking for a good contrast and sharp image. I feel these would let too much light through for that? but a frosted shower curtain is too blurry

@sergiorodriguez-ks4rr - 24.07.2023 10:35

I want it !! its amazing !!! 👻🎃👻🎃🎃

@paigeconner3910 - 01.09.2023 04:25

Where do you find the videos for this

@schnuppcatfish7777 - 14.10.2023 22:19

i bought this but im not going to test it.......idiot

@JC-ew5ss - 15.10.2023 21:18

So is this REAR projection ? Your testing was not rear projection but the fence set up looks like it will be rear projection?

@BillyBlaze7 - 21.10.2023 19:35

she cute

@stormspottertodd - 17.01.2024 11:17

Did you try a slightly darker power mesh material by chance, like grey instead of light grey? (Do they make grey?) I'm curious if that "hides" better than the light grey. Incidentally I started with one projector and a couple of projections a few years ago. I'm now up to five projectors and I've almost bought out AtmosFX. :) I've projections on my rooftop, garage door, a bedroom window, a "graveyard" area on the left side of the front yard, and another display on the right side of the yard. I'm the hit of the neighborhood. In fact, I don't think anyone else in Gainesville FL is doing projections. Just us. I can't believe no one else has caught on to this stuff! Already thinking towards next year. I want to project snakes crawling across our driveway, cockroaches coming out of a hole in our sidewalk, and tarantulas coming out of a hole under the apex of the rooftop eve on the side of the house. (sigh!) I can't stop! Please help me! LOL!

@ltjkicks - 29.08.2024 04:00

Do you pull your material tight? I’m thinking about buying some power mesh and I will be using it outside. Just curious how wind will effect it if ifs not tight? Thanks

@ossha2004 - 08.10.2024 13:52

I used a grey outdoor curtain from amazon. It’s working. We added grommets to it. It’s 100x120inches.

@mlynnlm9068 - 30.10.2024 09:54

Do you think I’ll have trouble displaying it on my garage door?
