Ahaa Kez again❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰😉😉😉
ОтветитьDo you ever not show cleavage?
ОтветитьYeah. Life is too short, I guess.
ОтветитьI love her sense of dress
ОтветитьYes! It's true ❤ Thanks Kezia 😄
Ответитьjust because you have passion in your own interests does not mean she will... remember guys that 99% of women are genetically built to CHANGE a guy... and the FIRST thing she will try to change is YOUR interests and hobbies to suit her own...... even if your interests already line up with hers, she will still try to change you because genetics.......
ОтветитьCan you explain why a woman won't admit she likes you when she clearly does? Literally holding me at arms length in the friend zone but breaking up with her boyfriend to spend time with me but still tells me she's not interested in me romantically. Not even a joke. I got stuff to do and need time for my priorities and goals so I tried to go my own way and she insists on "wanting to talk to me about it" and sticking around. I'm not broken about it but it's funny and honestly just would like to hear her admit she likes me thats all 😂
Ответитьkezia looking totally stunning once again 🥰
ОтветитьThing's in common help, similar music taste, similar entertainment, movies etc. Similar food , Your not gonna mix a Britney Spears with Alice Cooper. Your not going to get a rodeo fan to go to a Broadway musical, And your definitely not going to have a Vegan eating dinner at a BBQ place. To each they're own. In some cases opposites attract sometimes but most of the time common interests help not hurt a relationship.
ОтветитьYeah bigger picture then focus on details
ОтветитьI can say i care about Palestinian people coz , I care about humanity in general
ОтветитьWhat am I missing here? I have a passion for yoga and helping people. If a woman talks to me and finds me attractive because of the spark in my eyes when I talk about my passion and lets say the only things in common are life values. She's fun and grounded. It's just a theory, right. How would that work in the long term if we both get into a relationship with each other?
ОтветитьWhat a load of utter bs!
Ответитьskip all that, she's for sure interested in travelling and fad diets and exercise, learn those both and you'll have a fake connection
ОтветитьGive it up, guys. Nothing is worth jumping through all these hoops. If you want sex then just go and pay for it.
ОтветитьAll this content proves is that women make things too difficult and are a problem.
Ответитьspent way too long searching for Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, and now i know why it keeps disappearing. this isn’t some basic “think positive” book—it actually explains why some people attract everything while others stay stuck. applied just one thing from it, and my results changed fast. if you can find it, don’t sleep on it.
Ответитьever notice how some books just disappear? Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane isn’t easy to find, and now i understand why. the things it reveals about energy and attraction? insane. i thought i was just “unlucky” until i applied what it teaches. within weeks, my finances flipped, and i stopped chasing things—now they come to me
ОтветитьWhat if you’re passionate about so called conspiracy theories and what really going on in the world? Yes I know it’s serious but I’m serious about that passion so will she view it the same as your tennis 🎾 example?
ОтветитьBut this is for short time? Or what do i miss dor for long term?
ОтветитьThank you very much Kezia
ОтветитьGreat topic. Love it. T y
ОтветитьThat's amazing how this has just appeared as i was thinking about this today. Over 30 years ago, when i was in my early twenties, i had two friends, a young man and woman who were together. At that time i really 'envied' their relationship as it looked just the sort of thing i was looking for myself. It was the sort relationship i could imagine being in. I don't know how they had met or how long they had actually been together, but to, they looked the ideal match.( they were both passionate about animals, vegan food, women's rights etc. and were the same 'temperament', quiet, calm ) But then they split up. I don't know why, but it's only recently that i've thought about this. As you say there 'commonality breeds friendship'. Maybe this was the problem. You might find yourself becoming interested in someone because of various similar things, but in effect are you just becoming friends ? In my twenties i never had any interest from women, but then i was always going into things as if i was looking for a 'friendship', doing the same things as when you become friends with someone. It was a long time before i saw the 'fault' with this notion.
ОтветитьWill it be a sin to say how beautiful Kezia is ? ❤
ОтветитьThis was something that i discovered myself years ago. It could be said that you are either friends or lovers, but you can't really be both. ( if there is too much in common you can end up feeling like just good friends, whereas if there are differences you feel that you are 'free' to have more passion, to be more 'natural', more human with the other person because you are not 'just friends' ?
ОтветитьWhat exactly is it that women understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE BIRTH RATE IS TOO LOW?
ОтветитьThere is only one thing I am passionate about, so s*** up.
ОтветитьKezia, like the sun, gets hotter with age.
ОтветитьSo found commonalities in the underlying emotions and motivations, not the activities themselves.
ОтветитьI always focus on talking about what is going on in our surroundings in the present moment while engaging with women, always works for some reason
ОтветитьHow I got better at dating and life:
Started working out (it’s crazy how much better you feel after just a few weeks).
Took cold showers (the first ones were awful, but now I feel great after).
Read a book called Celestial Soulmate by Lentlish (super helpful dating tips).
Learned how to dress better – first impressions matter so much.
Focused on making money and improving myself instead of wasting time
Excellent video, Kezia. Always on point. And I think you're so pretty❤ Keep it up!
ОтветитьIt depends.
ОтветитьAbsolutely beautiful.
ОтветитьThe Unplugged Alpha - Ladies Night
A broadcast Kezia needs to be on to impart wisdom into these ladies.
❤ love kezia...😊
ОтветитьGr8 Advice! More tips or ways of making DEEP connections would be fantastic. THANK YOU!