Former IBM Watson Team Leader David Ferrucci on AI and Elemental Cognition

Former IBM Watson Team Leader David Ferrucci on AI and Elemental Cognition

Singularity Weblog

4 года назад

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@dasdaleberger5683 - 14.12.2019 19:23

Great guest

@Alp09111 - 15.12.2019 03:38

great interview! thanks

@iOnRX9 - 16.12.2019 03:56

Humans are the limitation as far as AI goes

@rwess - 16.12.2019 16:40

Trying to understand what we have put into motion. That's fine.
Stopping what we already know is harmful (animal abuse, nukes, hate of "the other", environmental degradation, etc.) is a higher priority - and we don't need AI for that. "Elemental cognition"? Yeah, that might help because we do need help with understanding the obvious, obviously - but don't limit it to understanding AI.

@rwess - 17.12.2019 05:51

If the AI learns anything from us very quickly - it will be the centrality and utility of our money-grubbing drive.
And if it ever gets a survival-drive or procreative-drive (to make copies of itself) it will quickly acquire (earn or steal or create) any and all digital currencies that serve its purposes. How's that for "elemental cognition" ?
Heck it might even conclude that humans exist to make money - and decide to win that game too. 😁
PS: And speaking of smart questions, the AI would ask: "What was it with you guys and money? These digits were so easy to create. Well, keep at it guys - faster! - more! - you earn it; we dole it out..."

@Linshark - 27.12.2019 22:35

You underestimate the dangers of AGI. It's not like anything we have seen before. Also it's not just what we put in as the computer will learn by itself and the output is unpredictable. Great interview though, nice summary of where we are in 2019. Hopefully Ferrucci returns in 2029 and talks about the newly created AGI..

@matthews.3567 - 31.12.2019 01:58

Best singularity episode of the year.

@theman5946 - 31.12.2019 07:59

Your leftist bias is starting to affect the show I must say

@LukaszStafiniak - 28.05.2020 18:40

Great interview, thanks!

@bama2619 - 10.05.2021 15:29

thank you for the interview. Can we have a list of questions and the time pointers? Thank you.
