Why Is NSBM So Good?

Why Is NSBM So Good?

The Metal Tempest

4 дня назад

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@darthvader9173 - 03.01.2025 07:34

Im a bisexual latino christian and i enjoy Infernal War, Arghoslent, Apraxia and Absurd

@ghost_to_a_ghost - 03.01.2025 08:55

dango dude you're brave to be posting this lol

@irrakus - 03.01.2025 10:14

Bro's literally making 15 min videos and calling them video essays. That's more like video homework. Love your content tho, keep up with the good stuff

@pedroalvarez5065 - 03.01.2025 10:44

The other day I saw a comment that said that NSBM came about organically (hence it’s authenticity that leads to it “fulfilling the spirit of black metal”) and RABM was just a reaction to it and that’s why it feels forced and usually not that good. The same argument could be made with punk (and all of the us genres that came out of it like crust and grind) organically coming about as an anarchist/left-wing associated genre and that being authentic and good, whereas RAC sucks so much (as it was nothing more than a reaction to it). And no there is not good RAC that shits so wack

@gAIno-music - 03.01.2025 10:50

Gotta be honest that the music in question is not something I'm at all familiar with, but the new video was interesting, lol. Some of it was cool, other stuff not so much. I always enjoy pics relevant to the conversation whether it be band pics or album covers etc. Not sure about some of the other visuals, though, and the forced change of scenery/outfits... but good luck with mixing it up a bit.

@Mayaotsu - 03.01.2025 12:50

Bro, great vídeo i am black and i listem to some nsbm bands like pest noire and gbk , its not my fault the music is good

@Dead_ham - 03.01.2025 21:38

NS bands got riffs. I don’t care about their politics.

@dreddskinnation3770 - 03.01.2025 21:39

White people are pathetic pussys!get a lifes purpose jews dont care about you as much as you like to think they do,all the anti white men sentiment in america ive never heard jews speaking up for them your just cowards virtue signaling!!!

@intrinzikritik - 03.01.2025 21:50

Great Jorb!! 👍🤘

@Chainsaw_Commando - 03.01.2025 22:01

I can't bring myself to support anything on sketchy labels since I know what those labels fund. That's where I draw the line. Yeah, the music may be good but if the organization putting it out is horrible, it's not really worth supporting.

@twodivision - 03.01.2025 23:03

I found myself agreeing with some of your points and disagreeing with other but overall it's a great video and a breath of fresh air for a topic that's usually getting a very one-sided approach

@johnnyscifi - 03.01.2025 23:33


@johnnyscifi - 03.01.2025 23:34

Minus the BM = just Nazi

@Falxifer95 - 04.01.2025 00:31

Personally speaking, I don't partake in NSBM, I can count in 1 hand the amount of openly sketch bands that I've enjoyed, (for the curious; Peste Noire, Sielunvihollinen and Grand Belial's Key) past tense because regardless of the quality if I don't connect with the music beyond the songwriting and performances, and if the people making them are awful human beings with heinous beliefs, I just move on to something more fulfilling. Also, I've one major line I don't cross with these bands and its merch, everyone is free to spend their money however they want, and me personally I have no interest in giving bigots and retrogrades my money, besides its not hard to find their stuff online if anything just to sate curiosity.

@tmp1k - 04.01.2025 01:58

wait the deathspell omega lyricism isn't NS; it's the association with the vocalist Aspa they collaborated with for several of their albums and that particular individuals association with very questionable subject matter that sort of threw deathspell under the bus.

@Lunar_bloodreviews - 04.01.2025 02:41

As a demigirl, and trying to avoid my own political views in this comment, i enjoy nsbm as an art, as art is meant to be an expression of whomever is creating it, regardless of what it is. No, i absence do not agree with the message. But most of the lyrics are in a foreign language for the bands i know.

Graveland dropped the ideology and yes i love a lot of their stuff newer and older. But i also know they don't agree with what they used to.

I, of course, don't always listen to it. But i also understand that we, as people, have our own views and beliefs. Again, i might not agree with the ideologies but that doesn't mean i can't enjoy it

@quasiportal6138 - 04.01.2025 04:14

To be clear I love NSBM and the message behind it <3

@InveterateMendaciousness - 04.01.2025 07:05

It’s really not hard to figure out. Metal is combative and is designed around the constant oscillation between truth and criticism. Metal is a perpetual criticism in the pursuit of reality, a revealer of light through corruption and then the temperament/curing of said corruption: IE forging a weapon time and time again to reinforce itself into a greater piece more resilient than before. Metal makes no bones about the contents of reality and is a challenge by virtue of the craft both physically and ideologically, at least it is supposed to*. This is different than say something like marxian critical theory as CT isn’t designed to actually facilitate a creation of anything new but to make the subject of criticism utterly meaningless by hiding the truth of a idea with constant invalidation, essentially to leave an idea forever in a state of corruption and nonsense. This is a huge difference between left and right wing criticism generally. Right wing critique is baked into metal by the fact that it is always contrarian and can do so by ironic methods to create something better of itself and in doing so incorporates both liberal and authoritarian ideals to make a point, not shying away from either one. It becomes stern and uncompromising in its convictions when done with the honesty of investigating truth.
note that I am not saying that this is a property of conservatism specifically. Right wing, while heavily sympathetic in the current political climate to conservative values, does not mean inherently conservative. Plenty of right wing beliefs can be expressed in a transitory and progressive way even if traditional in approach.

*Left wing (metal) on the other hand is very obsessed with correctness of certain ideas that it takes for granted as objectively unarguable truths even as its ideas are unquantifiable or nonexistent altogether (ideas like equality, which essentially is the reduction of human beings into compartmentalized units of labor that have no intrinsic value beyond being human that can perform work); this effect of the left’s ironic and hypocritical point of view is very easily noticeable in the music that it tries to synthesize- it usually comes across as contrary to ITSELF and half hearted at best because it lacks the certainty of its own convictions, opting to “adopt” its maxims from a higher authoritative morality - which is coincidentally exactly what modern christians do to avoid being wrong about something and take responsibility unto themselves. It is a cowardly stance to avoid any potential conflict within their worldview. This is why right wing metal is more frequently heralded as “trve” and authentic as it decidedly delves deeper into a Nietzchian facet of metal as elitism and supremacy - which is innately tied to human instinct and nature’s call itself.
Of course in many right-leaning conservative circles you will find similar logical fallacies of that dogmatic dictatorial effect in their rhetoric, but those groups typically don’t pay that much attention to art or literature enough to recognize that they’re just as hypocritical as their opponents and tend to disregard any exterior concepts that would contend with their own paradigm, thus cannot create anything very evocative for their politics as well.

@fabiopatane9160 - 04.01.2025 09:26

Sorry, but I do not understand the title: why do you think NSBM specifically is considered so good? I've never heard about that conviction: due to the fact this subgenre is mostly defined by the lyrics, not the music, that title doesn't apparently make sense to me... And however, since most of BM vocals is indecipherable , I ultimately do not see the problem...

@Cyberzombie23 - 04.01.2025 10:31

I listen to plenty of people who are in prison for murder, like Vybz Cartel. He probably has actually done more evil in the world than even Varg. I like evil music.

@vars666 - 04.01.2025 14:55

And everyone forgets Mystifier

@brennuvargr4638 - 04.01.2025 16:08

Great video on an interesting topic that doesn't seem to get covered. I consider myself very much left-wing (socialist or social democrat at the very least), yet I can't stand the majority of left-wing black metal. It usually comes off sounding like an 'outsider' from the genre making the most generic black metal (sometimes infused with crust). Conversely, bands like Nokturnal Mortum and Grand Belial's Key make very high quality and interesting music that really breaks the mould. I always find it weird when fellow leftists claim that these bands and others make shit music solely on account of them having dodgy political views.

I just wish there were decent leftist alternatives to bands like these. There's Gideon's Horn, who make a style similar to GBK, but they're a fairly new band with a rough sound that needs to be worked on to truly be great. But they have potential.

@lorddeathspit1124 - 04.01.2025 19:34

Extreme music in theory is supposed to be on the fringe of society. In the 80s the Florida Death Metal bands ranted against Christianity that was around them in the south , now the forbidden fruit is national socialism and nazi imagery. Most of the Florida guys weren’t actually Satanists and I doubt most of these nsbm guys are actually Nazis. Just a form of lashing out through music.

@TaniaJazzz - 04.01.2025 19:46

You placed Kanonenfieber in the profile pic of a video called "Why Is NSBM So Good?" because you knew it would get you more views.
Metal fans please let Noisebringer Records know about this video's thumbnail, they might be able to take action against the creator of this channel. 🤘

@baronvonamerika - 04.01.2025 19:47

Cause they're not pussies

@Bunkerknacker_Retro-Nostalgie - 04.01.2025 23:07

Great musicians, a great world view, a greath truth standing against the lies, a sane perspective on a brighter future and a wonderful memory of a great nation before it got tainted by... them. "Slowly I began to hate them"

@pieface8032 - 05.01.2025 00:28

If you like good black metal it's impossible to not like a lot of the nsbm bands.

@zxanubizx1172 - 05.01.2025 06:12

Im sorry but this video doesn't tell me nothing about why some NSBM sounds good, let's talk about the fucking music please i don't give a fuck about polemics, drama, feelings or political vews. first of all, a lot of NSBM sounds like shit I would say only the 30% or 40% of the bands from the genre are good the other ones are just generic boring or even absolute garbage.

then why some nsbm bands sound really good? its all about the INFLUENCES in the music, national sotialists take their influences in medieval rythm and melody also in RAC punk, when you mix that with black metal you have some good catchy black metal with a great pagan atmosphere, the actual good nsbm composers also try to create an atmophere strongly influenced by burzum and atmospheric black metal in general and also with a strongly epic feeling, like a war theme, something to encourages you to fight THATS when nsbm sounds good.

Then in the other hand we have shitty idiots just wanting to be polemic and edgy by over spamming swastikas and hitler speechs, and believe me, there is a lot of shitty bands like those.

@HellNation - 05.01.2025 06:47

Friendly to nazi things. You are really using this next 4 years presidential thing to have some views. Very cheap content

@spellman007 - 05.01.2025 07:36

Why are metal fans such cowards. Yes varg is a national socialist. He has said so many times. It’s such pussy shit to make these supposed intellectual analyses videos & not be able to say the most obvious truth about the most famous hitler fanboy in heavy metal history. It’s kinda pathetic honestly.

@alkemyst5411 - 05.01.2025 10:05

Great fucking work hats off and bottom line for me: you like what you fucking like man

@hhdhpublic - 05.01.2025 11:11

To me the, I just like the music and don't support the message, thing doesn't hold water. First of all, music has never been just music, an isolated thing that stands apart from the rest of the world just by the fact that it does so much more than, well, be an isolated thing apart from the rest of the world. It makes people feel different emotions, it brings people together and draws people apart, it communicates emotions, stories and political and religious messages. Not only that but, unless we are talking about music which is purely instrumental and has no titles and no packaging, it no longer is just music but the artwork, lyrics and message are just as much part of the music as is the music itself. If an artist would want to just write some cool riffs then they would just write some cool riffs and thats that but a lot of the time people want to also communicate something through their music and a lot of that communication, especially in extreme metal genres where vocals are rarely intelligible, happens through artwork and lyrics. This isn't only a thing nsbm does, obiviously, it happens with all forms of metal. There is a reason why a power metal band chooses fantasy artwork and fantasy lyrics even though they could choose to have any other kind of artwork and lyrics. Not only that but music also has a social aspect to it, every genre is born within a community that forms around that genre and with that comes shared beliefs, shared social norms, shared fashion and all that.

Not only that but by purchasing music you financially support said artist and whatevere they are doing and by extension that which they want to communicate through their music and by talking and disseminating said material you are doing the same. By purchasing, talking about and dissemenating material in positive context you are supporting the artist and their message no matter how much you want others and yourself believe otherwise. You cannot say, hey, check out this cool shit, without supporting the thing you are telling people to check out. Now, to certain extent you can, by your lonesome, listen to some music and not participate in the genre and the community around it but thats pretty much the extent you can listen to something and dissassociate yourself from the genre and the community and people in that community. Beyond that you are already participating and supporting said genre and community even if its only financially, although its rather strange to say only financially because in current society financial support is extremely important, it is what makes the existence of a genre and community around it possible.

Now, another thing is that claim that nsbm became a thing through the channel of it being completely antisocial and misanthropic and whatever. That simply does not make any sense. If you are antisocial and misanthropic then why do you openly yearn for and support politics which are inherently social and which core beliefs are based around establishing and upholidng certain form of society, society where, in centre of it, are a lot of social institutions such as family, local community and all that? No, you are neither antisocial nor misanthrope, you are just angry because the current society isn't the way you would like it to be and you are hateful not towards the whole society, not towards whole of humanity but certain humans, certain groups of people. You do not want to see the destruction of society, you dont want to see the destruction of humanity, you want to change the society into what you believe would suit and serve you better than the current society. So, no, nsbm was not born from extreme antisocial feelings or misanthropy, it was born from same place from which all political extremism and radicalism is born, from feeling lost and like you do not belong in the society you have been born in to and you cope with those emotions through holding certain political beliefs believing that were those politics come to be you would become part of a society to which you would feel like you would belong to. Yeah, nsbm people can be genuinely angry, bitter and hateful towards current society and certain groups of people in it but they arent antisocial or misanthropic. Their hate is same hate as anyones who feels like they dont belong and fit in the society they have been born to and who find some political ideology to believe in. Not only that but that feeling of not belonging and fitting in can be channeled to the other direction too. Punk was born from same feelings of not belonging and fitting in and in it left wing politics prevailed.

@jellytroid - 05.01.2025 11:26

Your voice reminds me of light yagami

@GuildistGuevara - 05.01.2025 12:58

The pure VRIL energies released by these songs cleansed my brownoid islamo-socialist sovl. Based/10.

@hider1488 - 05.01.2025 14:28

Communism killed 100 million people

@nikhtzatzi - 05.01.2025 19:08

Cause some of the bands sound epic.
Cause extreme sound listeners we love some taboo and wild stuff and artists.
Nonetheless... I totally cringe with people defending it, I like it, but I can live without these ideas around for sure :)

@fuhrersavior9575 - 05.01.2025 20:52

hhmmm. are they white male gentiles creating the music?

@nunchuksteev9811 - 05.01.2025 20:55

It's the riffs man.

@black_winds666 - 05.01.2025 22:50

>90% of NSBM sucks tbf

@AdamRainStopper - 06.01.2025 02:13

It doesn't really matter if, even after finding out they're Nazis, the riffs were still cool and the blast beats still sounded tight. Obviously, Fantano doesn't want to drive traffic to a project done by Nazis and wind up helping them as a result. I would have done the same thing, and in fact, I wouldn't need a bunch of nasty comments to come to the conclusion that I don't wish to help Nazis in any way at all. All it would take is finding out.

Seriously, is this a mystery? He doesn't want to support Nazis, and that is bewildering to you? It's funny, a lot of sort of old school reactionary metalheads will call to boycott a band if they find out the members are "woke" or whatever, they may even scream about keeping politics out of metal.....as if completely apolitical rock & roll of any variety has ever existed. When the shoe is on the other foot? Oh, yeah, that's just fine, heiling Hitler and shrieking about Jewish conspiracies and degeneracy is just music.

@Yomomaloveme - 06.01.2025 04:14

Just let the hair go bru 😭🙏

@NephilimOrnias - 06.01.2025 07:20

This nih have a cross on? 😅

@edzhus - 06.01.2025 11:01

NSBM 4 life

@TheMetalTempestYT - 01.01.2025 18:07

Happy 2025, Review Family!!!!!!! I wanted to tackle a very in-depth and difficult topic to approach: Why are so many non-agreers attracted to NSBM music + how did NSBM start off and are all bands exactly what people think, or is there more to it? Be sure to let me know down below your thoughts on this topic!!!!!!! But for now, cheers, rock on, stay heavy and have yourselves a fantastic rest of your day or night, depending on when you see this!!!!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
