Western vs. Chinese Couples | Love Across Cultures

Western vs. Chinese Couples | Love Across Cultures

Mythic Picnic

55 лет назад

3,836,688 Просмотров

Embark on a baijiu-drinking, golf-playing, baby-handing-off adventure through the worlds of dating, marriage, and child-rearing as we compare the unique quirks of Western and Chinese couples. It's a romp through cultural norms, unexpected traditions, and the universal comedy of navigating life's milestones, side by side but worlds apart.

This episode is part of the Shanghai set cross-cultural comedy series, Mamahuhu.

Starring Kay Wang, Johnny Tian, Joe Schaefer and Elle McLogan.
Written by Johnny Tian, Alessio Avezzano and Joe Schaefer.
Directed by Alessio Avezzano


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#mamahuhu #shanghai #comedy #sketchcomedy #crosscultural #eastvswest


#comedy #china #shanghai #funny #educational #fun #zhongguo #digital #best #good #chinese #middle_kingdom #skit #video #content #TMD #TaMaDe #ta_ma_de #他妈的, #mamahuhu #couples #love #relationships
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