Forex SIGNALS COPIER Software: Installation & Setup instructions (Fully Automated + InterServer VPS)

Forex SIGNALS COPIER Software: Installation & Setup instructions (Fully Automated + InterServer VPS)

Alex Trading Reviews

2 года назад

58,842 Просмотров

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@DearTraders101 - 18.01.2024 03:47

Hey anyway we can add a second entry and have a different tp?

@jernejfric5738 - 29.01.2024 09:07

Can it also be like: if you have range of prices for example for xauusd between 2023 - 2027 ( buy)... can you configure it? Like you want it to buy anywhere between those prices?

@RowlandSunday - 02.02.2024 23:25

Something i noticed after playing around , if a telegram signal says buy GBPUSD @ 1.26759 -1.26809 or 1.26759/1.26809 or 1.26759 to 1.26809 which means to add multiple entry with varying distance from the first entry, there is no setting in the copier that stacks multiple trade for one signal, has anyone been able to achieve that with this copier?

@willdeng8745 - 04.02.2024 10:19

Do I have to have copier open at all times? Does it still work if my I put my computer to sleep

@ottonyman9254 - 04.02.2024 22:45

Mine does not come up as a expert advisor, what do i do? Using MT5

@EricCawaling - 05.02.2024 17:50

Can I use it for Option Trading Signals?

@nomercy-bv7wg - 06.02.2024 23:04

@Alex Very thanks for the recommendation, the software works really well! I just found out about unusual system of licensing they have ... Do YOU really manage all your trading accounts on 1 machine/vps? would be too risky for me, there must be another solution?

@Freewaves32 - 09.02.2024 00:08

Hello! Just finished setting up the telegram copier! I removed the comment of the signal provider but its still showing. How can I fix this?

@RhyanWhittam - 09.02.2024 17:13

Can anyone recommend any good signal providers?

@vicioussharks82 - 13.02.2024 22:56

Hi will i be able tp leave the profit sectionsas they ate

@vicioussharks82 - 13.02.2024 22:56

As in not putting % but actually TP

@OlyOly-q2u - 18.02.2024 09:59

can this be used for bybit?

@willianmorales874 - 18.02.2024 22:30

Is there a trial version before you buy?

@CRC489 - 08.03.2024 19:54

What if the signal provider gives a range on when to enter? How can we optimize it so that the trade is placed on the further end of the entry range

@ShaneCave-yx1xd - 21.03.2024 15:05

Hi alex i would like some help with my copier please

@meowimfifi1057 - 22.03.2024 10:11

Doesn’t work on MT5

@sanelengidi7824 - 08.04.2024 14:51

lolz man way you please send the code , even if its just a function will find a way to make it work

@Piotruuu - 19.04.2024 17:10

How doees it work exacly when i turn off my PC, apps remain ON? I guess this way, never used VPS

@room616oc - 04.05.2024 20:31

Where’s the link? Removed?

@room616oc - 07.05.2024 16:59

Can you elaborate more on their multiple TP percentages level? I know that they only open one order per signals. Instead of opening one trade for each TP level. That’s benefit of this method? Is the opening multiple order way more profitable? Can you please elaborate?

@ChristopherFalletta-rh9jf - 16.05.2024 03:21

Are these things really profitable?

@jirpatel - 20.05.2024 20:46

I bought your monthly pro account n it's a good software.

Was wondering if you have any offer if I want to buy:

Lifetime + Pro (4 accounts)


Signal Backtester

Do you have any affiliate code?

@pakomarkez3162 - 23.05.2024 19:33

Looks pretty good!!! I will intall it for sure once i join to a profitable channel...😅😂

@imj6974 - 03.06.2024 21:28

always when I want to paste the link to the urls in mt4 it goes away. Any tips?

@Terrydaking - 08.06.2024 22:25

Does this software copy’s trades that look like this entry 2315-2318? Like basically two entry’s ?🤞🏼

@kennygregs3003 - 09.06.2024 14:44

very good explaination perfect thank you

@JuanMorales-b2z - 14.06.2024 09:35

If i dont have tps and stop loss , can it still copy trade if it only says to buy up or down

@JuanMorales-b2z - 14.06.2024 09:39

Can i connect multiple different trading accounts

@mohammedjakirhussain6104 - 14.06.2024 15:47

Easy too use but is remote service free 😊

@mohammedjakirhussain6104 - 16.06.2024 02:39

Is Thier remote service free 😮

@alancarrolafigueroa2283 - 18.06.2024 22:39

In the group of signals that I am in are signals that are TP1, TP2, TP3, I would like to configure the robot, when it reaches TP1=20 pips the SL will move to the entry price without taking profits. When you reach TP2 =50 pips close half of the operation. When it reaches TP3=100 pips close the other half of the operation.

@IainJohnson1980 - 23.06.2024 19:59

This looks great! Is there a prop firm or two you recommend trying for this software?

@leehaoru - 17.07.2024 23:55

Can it copy discord signals?

@mosesjosh2552 - 18.07.2024 17:34

Hello Alex , I would like to start investing with you.
But you need help me.

@albertoscaalberto - 03.08.2024 13:31

Can I set up more than one account?

@K.O17 - 31.08.2024 03:19

Just found your channel. Love your honesty. Following now. Cheers mate

@vineshdarji - 01.09.2024 00:11

Alex Can this copy from discord to Dx trade directly

@JaaaUptop - 02.09.2024 00:41

Can it work on my phone

@herce1467 - 11.09.2024 00:42

Is anyone else having a lot of problem with tradelocker?

@WolFK196 - 13.09.2024 18:45

Can someone explain me what is the role of that VPS and the computer needs to run 24/7 in order for the copier to work?

@Ohjoeee - 13.09.2024 22:11

Will the signal copier copy trades to your mt5 account when you are not online ???

@charlie_u.k. - 17.09.2024 10:10

Do you still use this software, I've tried it, but it does nothing but screw up my trades... a matter of fact I have yet to win any trades using Trade Signals Copier, I would have won the same trades if I did them manually!!!

@collinkerr7477 - 21.09.2024 09:11


@smartfezafx - 05.10.2024 00:14

hi thank you for the video, i would to know what will be the setting for such signal with 2 entries points?

GOLD SELL @2649-2652

SL 2655.80


@Luca-sl6lf - 26.10.2024 17:31

Hello, i buyed the bot buy while doing the setup i noticed that in the signals group that i am u cant 1/2

@mozes8319 - 11.11.2024 15:56

What should i do if the provider provide TP points by R:R and not specific TP prices?

@Jlacoste509 - 03.01.2025 08:35

Hello Alex,

Thank you very much for your videos, they are always clear and very useful!

I wanted to ask you if this software allows to copy signals directly in French, and if it is compatible with configurations in French. This interests me greatly for my activities. Thank you again for your work and your sharing of knowledge!
Best wishes, Jeffry

@jacquesgrove7666 - 22.01.2025 12:47

Hi Alex, I have a question about the bot.
I want the bot to open 3 trades per signal. This mean that there will be 3 stoplosses and I want all 3 trades to close on TP2.
Where can I adjust those settings?

My problem is I want to risk 10% of my account, but to require that, some of my pairs lotsizes needs to be over 3 or 4 lot per trade. MT5 does not allow a single trade to open a lotsize more than 2 lots. So I want the robot to open for example 3 trades with each a lotsize of 1 lot for a signal.

I would apreciate to hear from you.

@diabekingsley671 - 27.02.2025 17:45

Thanks sir
I missed good signals cos i didnt know how to impute and didnt. Understsnd most. I am goikg to trt again
Great video
