A Calming Sleepy Story: The Wonders of an African Sanctuary

A Calming Sleepy Story: The Wonders of an African Sanctuary

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

1 месяц назад

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@lacedreason - 10.02.2025 17:17

I love this one, so relaxing 💤 💜

@mylitebites - 05.02.2025 10:49

Thank you for all the wonderful stories and sweet dreams!

@luciemarinov129 - 01.02.2025 18:03

Thank u for all your amazing and healing stories! I am asleep after the beginning so I’m going to listen to this in the morning now. Thank you for all your work putting these stories out for us so we can sleep, with out them my mind races !❤❤from California

@thatstitchgirlemy - 01.02.2025 01:23

You are so wonderful making these stories I can't go to sleep without one of your stories playing in the backround!Thank you so much Stephen!!❤you are amazing!!

@Floraldehyde - 31.01.2025 15:25

Such a great story, I loved listening to it last night. I can't believe giraffes run like that! Thanks for the sleepy time education 😂

@Max-16p - 31.01.2025 14:06

I would love to revisit the Duvets

@lisamarie2159 - 31.01.2025 10:37

Loved this one but I fell asleep as I was “ walking in” to the sanctuary so I’m listening again tonight!

@Jennifer-pixie - 31.01.2025 02:43

Thank you for your wonderful tales with animals Megan,they are my favourite. Thank you stephen for your soothing narration 🙏

@marissarembach3269 - 30.01.2025 23:29

I live in South Africa so have grown up with wonderful game reserves and animal sanctuaries a few hours drive away I actually had the privilege of walking with elephants last year and it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had such majestic animals ❤thanks for your wonderful stories I love listening to you ❤

@MartinevanderMeulen-d4d - 30.01.2025 21:08

For the giraffe it's: 'only seven cervical vertebrae', The same number as for all mammals. Love the story, as always 😊, TY ❤

@VinceDang2025 - 30.01.2025 19:42

Your voice so relaxing, my friend! Thank you!

@teenamillar7013 - 30.01.2025 18:50

I’m here for a nap!❤😊

@melanieschrantz1613 - 30.01.2025 18:04

Animals are my favourite topics. Well done for your neice to tapping into a such an important issue. Even as a fictional story i know i will love this 💌

@jenniferholmes7669 - 30.01.2025 14:37

Thank you for sharing all of these beautiful stories and allowing me to end my day with freedom and imagination.

@veet9556 - 30.01.2025 12:59

I really enjoy the countdown, and how thoughtful and inclusive it is
Sometimes I will listen to the story again during the day, but I skip the countdown
Thank you for the time effort and thought that goes into producing these 🤩🤗

@GeorgiainCOUSA - 30.01.2025 12:59

@donnahampton3632 - 30.01.2025 12:20

"Hello my friend!" Best words to hear at the beginning of a video....

@DavidVictor-yo4ji - 30.01.2025 12:07

Thank you again for the sweet dreams.

@notthatkaren7580 - 30.01.2025 12:03

Please pass along to your niece how much I appreciate her stories!💜

@alfredotherescuetuxedocat83 - 30.01.2025 11:16

I'm looking forward to this story! ❤❤

@TheRimbaldine - 30.01.2025 10:29

Stephen, I just wanted to tell you how much you help and bless us all. I am a teacher in the most chaotic, toxic environment you can imagine, burnt out from health issues, motherhood and working full time. When I eventually get to crash and try to sleep, hearing you say 'hello my friend' puts balm to my soul. And you work so hard too. You bring so much to the world. Thank you ❤

@msprincess469 - 30.01.2025 10:17

Thanks Stephen 🛏️

@amyphillips1033 - 30.01.2025 07:22

Beautiful story..please do a story with Hope in the winter.. maybe walking her dog in the snow..and going home to watch the snowstorm in her cabin? It would be a comforting story.

@CindyLafferty - 30.01.2025 06:57

Thank you Stephen ❤️

@ginalisenby9668 - 30.01.2025 06:46

Oh thank u. I asked once about an visit to an animal sanctuary. I'm gonna listen as long as I possibly can. I've never made it far at all with your neice stories. Lol. But I will come back to it. Thank you

@denisepayne9656 - 30.01.2025 06:17

the music was so soothing on this one I go back to sleep, just listening to the music

@lpokrova - 30.01.2025 04:55

The specifics of this channel makes me fall asleep before I even hear the beginning of the story. I just want to write a thankful comment: Thank you, Stephen!

@jenibee9834 - 30.01.2025 04:01

Best part of the night. Getting comfy and cozy with Steven Dalton in bed! Don’t tell his wife!❤ ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂❤❤❤ Love you, Stephen. Thank you so much for all of your stories. You have a healing effect on people. I sleep so well listening to you. Thank you thank you thank you.

@finny9507 - 30.01.2025 03:50

it’s so cold here in austria rn! thank you for helping me dream of a warm sanctuary tonight! much love mr. stephen!!

@marissaclaridge7627 - 30.01.2025 03:46

Thank you Stephen...xxx❤❤❤

@LoloTsh-m7w - 30.01.2025 03:44

🌸🌸😴😴😴💤 thanks Stephen ,, good night 😴💤💤😴

@teenamillar7013 - 30.01.2025 03:29

Thank you Megan and Stephen!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊

@kaykaysss - 30.01.2025 02:58

Love the stories. They calm my mind.

@ZaraMulhall - 30.01.2025 02:33

Thank you Mr Dalton for tonight beautiful story' about the animals I love to hear beautiful story's like this Zara

@LadyLegz - 30.01.2025 02:23

Wow this is going to be wonderful!!! I love Megan's stories!!!

@SnxwyYT - 30.01.2025 01:56

Always a good sleep when listening to a stephen dalton story! ❤

@bensamadams - 30.01.2025 01:43

Thank you my beautiful friend and your dog 🐕 you have helped me so much my friend 🧡 sincerely maureen God bless you

@darlascott7585 - 30.01.2025 01:12

I can't wait for bedtime tonight 🎉

@JoBarratt-fd9ee - 30.01.2025 01:11

Thanks again Stephen x

@dianekirby6239 - 30.01.2025 01:10

I'm glad tonight's story is about animals. My 18yr old cat died recently and I got the call today that his ashes are ready to be collected. I'm also collecting a new maine coon kitten tomorrow. Going to be a tough day. Hopefully I get a good sleep before it by listening to this. Night night everyone. Sleep cosy x

@AgentTrust - 30.01.2025 01:08

@jacquifilion334 - 30.01.2025 01:03

One of my very favorites!!! THANK YOU ❤

@littlevoice_11 - 30.01.2025 00:56

O Africa thank you! Have you considered African mythology. Very soothing 😊

@BlessingK-r2z - 30.01.2025 00:44

Good night 😴 every one.

Thank you Mr. Stephen for the lovely, sweet and relaxing stories ✨💕🌻🇿🇦🇿🇦

@thatstitchgirlemy - 30.01.2025 00:41

I think this message counts for everyone!!: You make our day you make us smile you make us laugh you make us fans of your wonderful stories and most of all you make most of our lifes change by giving us something to look forward to every night! I wish you, Rebecca and Timmy the best time ever being the amazing family you are!❤

@tabbycowley5825 - 30.01.2025 00:40

Can I ask, where do the images come from, they are always so beautiful xxx

@nancyliawoods - 30.01.2025 00:39

Yes! Be back at bedtime!! Goodnight sleepy friends! 😴 🌟

@mapleleaf902 - 30.01.2025 00:34

Saving this for tonight. Thank you. I appreciate your stories!

@fenna3905 - 30.01.2025 00:33

Hi Can you do a story about a horse and a human I love your videos they are very calming

@Shanann21 - 30.01.2025 00:31

Hi Stephen thank you for your stories! Ever think of doing one from Santa Fe, NM usa, it’s beautiful there!
