Thanks for sharing.
Is this like a restaurant style chicken curry?
Is it ok to leave out the fenugreek and coriander...Will it make much difference?
Thankyou I have been looking for this recipe!
ОтветитьCan I please ask why no ginger and coriander powder, is it a nicer taste without?
ОтветитьHi, thankyou for the recipes, just wanted to let you know that sometimes the ingredients in the recipe in the site link are not always matchibg the videos for example this recipe shows 400g tomatoes and 100g yoghurt
Thought to let you know 😊
Hi why are there ingredients different in the video compared to online. Eg 200g tomatoes in the video but 400g online and no kashmiri chilli in the video??
ОтветитьSalaam what oil do you use??