Elmers End Orthodontist Review by Stefanie D. | Premier Orthodontics

Elmers End Orthodontist Review by Stefanie D. | Premier Orthodontics

Premier Orthodontics

55 лет назад

27 Просмотров

Orthodontist Review : "The Premier Orthodontics Team is just simply fantastic"

Orthodontist near Elmers End by Stefanie D. Premier Orthodontics https://premierorthodontics.co.uk/elmers-end-br3/

Premier Orthodontics is a family run orthodontist near Elmers End. We help our patients of all ages, achieve the smile they deserve.

Elmers End Orthodontist Review

We take nothing for granted and are always trying to make our patient's experience the best it can. So, when we get a positive review from our patients, it means so much to us. The following testimonial comes from Stefanie D:

"The Premier Orthodontics Team is just simply fantastic. I had a 12-month Damon brace treatment and couldn't be happier with the result. Especially at the end of the treatment I had to go back and fourth between my dentist and Premier Orthodontics but everyone has been very accommodating and tried to find the best options for me. It's a very calming and pleasant environment and the team is extremely professional and friendly. As much as it was sometimes a struggle having braces as an adult, I would do it again in a heartbeat. 100% recommend!"

Are You Looking For a Local Orthodontist in Elmers End?

Contact us today on 020 8460 6464 to book your comprehensive assessment or for more information on Premier Orthodontics! We are only 15 minutes away!

Premier Orthodontics : https://www.google.com/maps?cid=2324891919460405517

How to find us from Elmers End, we are only about 15 minutes away : https://goo.gl/maps/JfofgLmWiL5f66dc6

Contact us:

Premier Orthodontics
47 College Rd, Bromley BR1 3PU

Tel: 020 8460 6464

W: https://premierorthodontics.co.uk/


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Twitter : twitter.com/YazNafa
Facebook: facebook.com/premier.orthodontics.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/premier.orthodontics.uk/


Video Production by Blue Square Management : https://bluesquaremanagement.com/video-production-service/

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