Kyusho Denmark 2012 - Training Session

Kyusho Denmark 2012 - Training Session

Nikolaj F. Skarbye

55 лет назад

3,735 Просмотров

Just a mix of our last training session in Kyusho Denmark - Copenhagen...

This Video was created by Nikolaj Fænø Skarbye, from Denmark. His website is, although mostly in Danish, we try to translate it into English and German aswell. Nikolaj have been training in various martial arts, Japanese Karate, Chinese Kung Fu/Gung Fu and Filipino (FMA), as well as the more style specific arts such as Shoto-kan Karate (both JKA and SKIF), Wing Tsun (EWTO) and Wing Chun (generic), Kenpo (Ed Parkers American Kenpo - Parker/Planas), Ju Jutsu/Jiu Jitsu (some experience also with grappling aspect from BJJ, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), Kick Boxing and of course the old arts of Dimmak (China) or more commonly know as Kyusho (Japan) or simply attacking the nervous system of the human body. Nikolaj teaches seminars both national and international in Eng-lish, German or Danish.

Most of the focus in regards to the videos relates either to functional and practical self de-fense versus untrained opponents (not pre-arrenged fighting like Boxing, MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and other ring oriented K1-like sports). Or the more classic and traditional aspects of understanding Koryu (Okinawan) Tode (Chinese hand) from reading, learning and under-standing the Oyo and Bunkai of the traditional Katas (Forms, Poomse, Quan), such as Nai-hanchi, Chinto, Passai, Heian, Pinan etc.)

At his website, you will find contact information along with material for learning and next upcoming seminar.

Thank you for watching and feel free to leave a comment or ask a question at forsvardig-selv(@)hotmail(DOT)com.


#Kyusho #Black #Belt #Action #K.O. #KO #Knockout #Knock #Out #Balance #Structure #Anatomy #Physiology #Natural #Breathing #Atemi #Tuite #Torite #Tode #Tote #Okinawa #Chinese #Martial #art #self_defense #self-defense #karate #kung_fu #kenpo #kempo #light #touch #Bunkai #Oyo #Wa-za #Kata #Wing_Chun #Pressure #Point #Nerve #TMC #Ju_Jutsu #Aiki #Qi #Ki #Chi #UFC #K1 #Fastest #Fast #Jitsu #effective #Nikolaj #Fænø #Skarbye #Scarbee #Danish #Gi #Red
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