The Reason Why Sigma Males Are Extremely Intelligent

The Reason Why Sigma Males Are Extremely Intelligent

Official Sigma Male

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@FUKURASS - 29.01.2025 22:22


@tuhinmazharulislam1158 - 29.01.2025 23:19

We have to cause we have to depend on ourselves

@johnking2740 - 29.01.2025 23:36

The Sigma personality is the only type that uses both hemispheres of their brain at the same time, which is why we tend to have overlapping thoughts when speaking to others; we can also be artistic AND logical at the same time.

This part is my own opinion from research on the matter of Sigma's (M & F) - only a smaller portion of the Sigma personality have a higher purpose, some may call it biblical since they feel not like Old Soul's but Ancient Soul's and will relate more to the meaning behind the 144,000 as in the book of Revelations Ch 7 and 14 - their Intuition and perseverence have been and are still being honed to be able to handle what is to possibly come in the next life, they feel like Ancient Soul's because they are, they have been reincarnated since the Roman Army were hunting down the baby Jesus because of a prophecy, instead they killed 12,000 babies (newborn to 2yr olds) in each of the 12 districts of Israel. No idea how many times they have been reincarnated but their new body will have some residual memory of how they died in their past life.

@FulvioGa - 30.01.2025 05:22

This video is just a list of the abilities.

@andyscouse4090 - 30.01.2025 06:02

Sometimes I think it's a burden being a Sigma male, on the one hand i like my independent nature and free thought and not fitting in with the beliefs of others. Having no friends i truly trust can be at times lonely. Still i have given up now trying to help people for their betterment, because no matter what i say people are still asleep to any new ideas.

@jerryrichendollar7096 - 30.01.2025 07:43

Why should a wise man look upon fools & wish 2 B a fool?😊

@BernardSchlund - 30.01.2025 07:43

Interesting how the heading on screen moves to keep your attention.. lol.

@Rocky_Anunnaki - 30.01.2025 09:19


@Americanmutt-z8k - 30.01.2025 09:29

I want to fix one of the misconceptions about sigmas. We know how to read a room because most sigmas study humans. The very few segments that I've run into are just like me and want to know everything about the human being. We taught ourselves how to read the room. I have spent hours at college campuses just observing how the educated or thought they were educated lived. The one thing though that I did notice about sigmas is the most of them have OCD. That might be the only thing that is different about sigmas. But a true sigma would know how to read humans how to tell when they lie how to tell their body movements how to just understand the human being. It's not a gift we worked for it. Matter of fact we don't get any gifts everything we get we work for.

@Americanmutt-z8k - 30.01.2025 09:34

Do you want to know how a sigma really thinks? There's an auto manual that was brought out back in the 60s into the 80s. And it was called how to keep my Volkswagen alive. You look at that book and see how the man Drew different pictures of a Volkswagen bug. He did one artist drawing of Evita bug that every part of the bug is beside the car. A sigma male looks at the world as it's broken up into hundreds of millions of pieces and we put those pieces back together in our mind. So look up the name of that book and then look up the artwork in that book that's how a sigma thinks. Matter of fact the picture of the bug in that book blown apart hangs on my wall right beside me to remind me that everything is just pieces of everything else. And even if you don't want to learn how to work on Volkswagens I recommend this book it's great artwork and it's a great story telling you how to fix something. I appreciate the way the guy went about it. And I'm sure the writer of this book how to keep your Volkswagens alive what's a sigma male that wrote it. To a true sigma everything is a puzzle that needs solved. And that is one of the downfalls of being a sigma. Sometimes it's hard for us to let go of an answer we cannot find.

@frenc1813 - 30.01.2025 09:37


@Americanmutt-z8k - 30.01.2025 09:39

If you want a society to succeed, then the sigma males need to come out of hiding. I did a few other sigmas come out of hiding we can fix this planet together. I understand why you hid because I did the same thing. I did it because I don't want to create weapons and I will never use science against Humanity. But I do believe a lot of sigmas stay hiding because no one can understand us other than another sigma. We're not trying to be rude we just don't take most of you can handle a conversation with us. And I'm sorry it's nothing that you can't change you can easily evolve. If you ask a sigma what he thinks or she thinks the human intelligence level can you achieve we will tell you 200 or higher. Matter of fact I'm trying to get 30% of the population up to 160 just increased the human intelligence. I believe humans are a hive mind and we could use that to our advantage. And by that if we had 30% of the population at an IQ of 160 the other humans will follow. Sigmas don't hate Humanity we just get sick and tired of how Humanity lies. So we stay out of it but now I'm realizing that was what caused the problem. Show to all my sigmas out there it's time to come out of hiding.

@Americanmutt-z8k - 30.01.2025 09:48

I got a thinking skill for you other humans that want to achieve sigma level. Look up any topic you don't understand or any topic you don't agree with and figure out a way to solve the problem between both parties. Sigma males are one of the best mediators designed. When we look at someone that commits a crime we wonder what their childhood was like what they' grew up like. We will get the details of someone's life in full before we judge or try to make a judgment on someone. And if you ask a sigma we will tell you straight out we will never quit doing what we do. I don't think we can? At least I know my brain doesn't shut off ever. Oh yeah I'm one detail I never see on the sigma programs. We don't sleep very well. Because even in our dreams are sigma mind takes over. That's just a friendly warning before you want to try to achieve sigma level. Because once you become a sigma you can't go back.

@Americanmutt-z8k - 30.01.2025 09:54

All I have to say to finish off what your story did. As I will give you a cautionary tale, once you become a sigma you can never go back. And once you become a sigma you realize what the world really is. And as a sigma male it will drive you nuts and it can also become an obsession to try to fix the world. Sometimes it's easier just to be part of the regular crowd. But once you become a sigma you will no longer be a part of that crowd. You want to fix the crowd. Only a true sigma can enjoy a sigma life and be able to handle what reality truly is. So be careful before you walk this path it is not for everyone I wish it was but it is not the most humans cannot handle it. So far?

@ministerraphael7310 - 30.01.2025 11:32

This guy's are not born, they are made 2ru life experience's

@omegaredteam2516 - 30.01.2025 11:44

Thank you for the information.🎉🎉

@mattm3t3 - 30.01.2025 15:04

sigmas are inclined to be spiritual... it adds more to them into a deeper state.

@arturom628 - 30.01.2025 15:13

You cannot mimick of be a self proclaimed "sigma". You are just a poser.

@CEBLOOMS - 30.01.2025 17:25

You guys are really trying to understand me huh--It is still more layers, like oneness with nature and working with all the elements and let's not forget about main drivers like faith, obedience and purpose. etc

@bernardbell4429 - 30.01.2025 18:39

So why does thinking outside the Box scare people??!

@edwardkim2511 - 30.01.2025 22:35

Spot On.

@trucker9345 - 31.01.2025 00:01

I firmly believe we are masters ( or PhD⁷) in survavility. Therefore, we persistently develop our adaptability and intuition, which, in turn, continually enhance our intelligence. Therefore, we have our standard procedure: you are always on your own, and nobody knows better than ourselves the best path forward, including alternative paths just in case. Maybe we are just the reincarnation of lonely hunters who lived thousands of years back and managed and survived against all odds, including all kinds of cataclysms. Just saying.

@Drivefunction - 31.01.2025 07:24

This is Awesome!

@VILLANELLE-gx8hr - 31.01.2025 07:56

LOVE Sigma males. UNFORTUNATELY, there are far too FEW of them.

@petarbenjamin6770 - 31.01.2025 14:57

So what do I think? I believe everyone has the exact same intelligence, but I ( & probably all sigmas) see things in patterns & not concepts. I can ace any IQ test, because I skip non pattern questions & go back to them at the end. Mathematical thinking, which I believe we all do. Plus the fact that you can't turn your brain off, & can't stop analyzing, means that no matter how hard the problem you will get there in the end. Just normal human intelligence is all that is required for all problems as long as you can focus. I'd like to mention that I believe all posts about sigmas are written by sigmas, so they aren't too objective. I have never seen anyone mention that most sigma men are either single, or divorced. I'm an exception because I have a very understanding, but long suffering, wife.

@RobertHowe-zv7gs - 01.02.2025 01:10

Being loners they have more time to read and study.

@romaroman4370 - 01.02.2025 12:05


@beginnereasy - 01.02.2025 12:54

Beta males hate it and are always challenging the alphas. Sigma is just a beta who can't see who the alpha is. The alpha is a different species. If you have a job or get married you're a beta.

@bartroberts3634 - 01.02.2025 14:11

I've taught my children and grandchildren that true intelligence isn't memorizing answers but knowing what questions to ask.

@bryancobb1151 - 01.02.2025 18:02

Well I haven't figured out how to get rich but spending all my time alone I research and study nothing but important things like personally disorders, philosophy, engineering etc etc etc and my new thing is quantom physics instead of playing video games😮😊

@Veteransolo - 01.02.2025 19:14

I was always pretty much a lone wolf, I'm not that intelligent, but I know how to avoid unnecessary drama, and I prefer to explore and learn things from around the world, and I love to workout out on the parks alone,
Being alone for me, with God, gives me so much more to learn.

@amadeusturbat8567 - 01.02.2025 22:47


@markclark9239 - 02.02.2025 01:17

Hello that is so awesome doing great so excellent 👏 when Der is a will Der is a way ✨️ bless you ❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

@VincentZevecke - 02.02.2025 06:36

I might have a problem, i have mental processing a letter in the letter: i'm begin the processing, i will processing it many times, so that the email will be sharp as razor blade. I have many neurocognitive disorders. it do not stop me from thinking highly rational and highly logic. I got a speech impediment. I get unnestabished all of the time. all of my sigma male friends , you that major spelling problems, however it do not stop from thinking

@eduardosuarezalvarado1467 - 02.02.2025 07:46

I dont think they’re intelligent, maybe the opposite. They’re so dumb overconfidence comes easy

@floriangeyer3454 - 05.02.2025 19:09

we are not more intelligent than others. We just USE our grits consequently.

@kennethlapointesongwriter3330 - 06.02.2025 04:05

Fairly high IQ, high EQ, intuition, empathy, analytical reasoning, high awareness, good communication abilities and depth of .....Yup, I would say that's a pretty good array of things to have. Can't be fooled easily, can discern genuine stuff.

@henryalonzo6530 - 06.02.2025 14:43


@ryangentry5414 - 08.02.2025 04:23

As one of these like to say..WTF...shit i Kew i was different...but shit

@JeremyKing18-s3b - 09.02.2025 18:15

Because i don't care

@larrydraper1620 - 10.02.2025 11:32

Gcroom Gp safe maybe cause CIA All Bosses or friends others maybe g federal employees government half business maybe breaking laws under IRS tax credit Union Bank medical business maybe i feeling well good free time business maybe cancer center hospital and medical fasters food and drinks and GORW FOOD 🥝🥑 and good luck well good free not right feeling better good bad Gp food
Medical services down NASA and Pentagon and UFO and 51 and federal employees maybe bags keep like it's too small to like the law and stop and By law 💯 better people Are people good people well good free Lock and safety services ER see outside said see maybe win and time maybe more like Dr cares about it maybe more for people safer safety services. safe but and maybe for your own business people right under by laws and By law under family and friends others maybe more for Father's family services support service social services people Hear Gp see each other's eyes 👀 looking to help with maybe more than others too OK

@jeremydurdil556 - 14.02.2025 18:50

Study and mimic our traits. I encourage you to do so. Frankly, we would prefer if everyone acted like us. We’re been studying everyone for a very, very long time. We never understood why you weren’t doing it too.
If you aren’t learning it may be due to your own words deafening your ears.

@josh930 - 15.02.2025 19:29

Best explanation I've heard so far

@jasonmckenzie612 - 21.02.2025 22:25

it took me approxmately 41yrs to understand myself and, it is through this channel. i know that i was a rare type, but just could't figure out why i operated like that. Kudos to all sigma am 1 to the bome 😂

@mukhtarmohammed6799 - 23.02.2025 16:08

man I can't explain who I'm, but I remembered that I was trying to make my boss look good and he was talking behind my back to the organization and, he couldn't handle me, he used to ask me if I need help but my answer was always I'm fine, I don't need your help, I can do it my way, it's a long story but father God is good

@robotswithgunzlol - 27.02.2025 15:40

TTS AI Shite again with the standard stock video clips.

@KevinNguyen-zn4vv - 06.03.2025 12:33

My manager's annual performance: Calm and easily to work with. Be confident and continue what've I've been doing with full autonomy.

@nodozhit - 15.03.2025 03:14

That's definitely my mode.
