5 Things I HATE About My Toyota Prius

5 Things I HATE About My Toyota Prius

Elliott Alvis

4 года назад

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@mollerbt - 27.12.2022 11:58

Umm, your not driving electric only in that Prius at 20mph. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think gen 2 Prius had any plug in options. Ssoooo.... Yea.... You're giving us incorrect information. Also, where the heck to do you to have people asking questions at the gas pump? That has never happened to me. Not even once! XD

@ai4kk - 14.01.2023 11:22

This has probably been mentioned, but you can turn the reverse beep off.
Also, to get the absolute best mileage out of any vehicle you have to drive it slowly and gently, that's not just a Prius thing....the Prius just seems to dare us to do so by setting the bar high with high advertised MPG and then keeping score with the avg MPG gauge

@hgunel - 24.01.2023 01:28

You are very wrong about temp change in car. The temp of the air blows is according to the temp you set. It is not the same as ac at home.

@word2228 - 16.03.2023 11:19

After replacing my brake actuator because my ABS system failed that noise that you're talking about stopped or is very minimal are used to think it was a pump as well but it had something to do with my ABS system failing go figure

@pabpabpabpabpabpabpabpabpa1942 - 06.04.2023 00:18

if you have five pet peeves, its the end of the world.

@larryzan8942 - 20.04.2023 13:09

Temp control on wheel cuz the touch screen can go out so u will still have controls

@kryptone3032 - 21.05.2023 21:27

You can stop the beep, look it up

@trampfossil - 26.07.2023 21:22

What will make you HATE your Prius especially a GEN 2 : #1 The back up buzzer is Rigged to stop your car from functioning if you remove it #2 since the FACTORY RECALL was Canceled in 2016 for the 100 Micro Farred Capacitor that should have been a 200 MF Capacitor in the Dash Board Control board and the Entire Board goes black you can spend $850.00 at the Stealership fixing it or buy the $.50 part and do it yourself in several hours, and removing your complete Dash and replacing it. # 3 is Replacing the Radio/6 disc CD Player because it ate your library Cds!!! # 4 trying to Add Fog lights that aren't designed to be on the car.... another pain in the Fire wall and using the Fog light fuse which isn't made to be removed and added to after MFG!!! # 4 Replacing the Horn which always Dies!!!#5 Replacing the Hybrid Battery !!! not fun but always Necessary!!! #6 NEW AC a Must !!!
#7 Replacing the 12 v Battery in the Trunk !!! # 8 Replacing the rear door struts that don't hold up the door one of the relatively easy fixes only $23.00 and 5 minutes # 9 Replacing the rear door latch panel because the plastic breaks multiple times in Multiple places when you open the door ( Very poor Quality needs a much stronger handle!!! #10 filling the tank to full without holding the pump and turning it on several times to finally fill it. YES it DOES get better Mileage *Unloaded " than most cars on the road today a total shame!!! about 50 MPG but is it worth all the SHIT you have to do to keep it functioning??? well until my all electric A[tera that gets 1000 miles to a charge comes out I guess so.... SAD SAD SAD to think Toyota engineers all these Malfunctions into theit vehicle Just to keep their STEALERSHIPS in business!!!!

@frankmazda - 27.07.2023 03:49

good video but ....
1) beeping can be easily turned off. I did it after 3 days since I bought it.
2) wheel temp control. Actually, due to big windows and 'poor insulation' it is the opposite of your house. At your house no matter what, you can leave your thermostat at 72 summer or winter. In your Prius here is the big difference: when it is super hot outside, in the Prius it is smart to raise the cabin temperature (I do it). On the other hand, on a warm day you can leave it at 72. But on a very hot day, it is better to set it to 75-76 otherwise the ICE/hybrid system will work like crazy because it will be impossible to EVER reach 72... that is why it is nice to be able to change your setting from the steering wheel. I PERSONALLY LOVE IT. I would say 72F when outside is 100F will not work....and actually when outside is 80, if you set it to 72, the car will feel really cold...

@cliffdariff74 - 06.08.2023 00:14

Got a 2009 for 3 years now 160k miles.... by the way my computer monitor died (MFD) multi function display...
Do you know where I can get a other one? Dealer says no longer make them.

@LisaKnobel - 15.08.2023 23:43

Every time I have a battery issue that darn backup beep resets. And, then I promptly end up backing into things until I remember how to turn it off.

I think if you have an ODB and the Dr Prius app, you can shut it off from the app.

Occasionally, I have issues with not being able to fill my car. It happens mainly in very hot Temps and it's like it gets vapor locked. Under warranty, the pulled the tank and replaced it, but it still happens at least once a year in the summer.

Just smash that gas pedal and have fun!

@RCFlyBoy314 - 14.09.2023 18:19

Hands on throttle, er... steering wheel and stick? controls are actually quite forward thinking. Once you have the muscle memory, no more looking for the menus and taking your eyes off the road and hand off the wheel. Hitting the audio or display button instead of climate. Switch to recirc air for those who roll coal in front of you... I'm an advocate for them, and they're well done. Simple and well diagrammed. Not 20 arrows and unlabeled buttons with 5 more on the back that you forget are there except when you bump it and screw up some random display.

@whatsit2ya247 - 19.09.2023 08:17

My pet peeve? Watching a-holes use rubber gloves to pump gas! 🤦🤡

@kerrysmith7598 - 27.09.2023 12:55

I drive a 2008 Prius….I work at a petrol(gas) station. People are both intrigued and pissed that they are paying super stupid fuel prices, and I fuel up half a tank every 6 or so weeks.

@Snkrhead__79 - 16.10.2023 12:20

As a toyota prius, i find this very offensive.

@bladerunner1458 - 25.11.2023 20:28

I love my Gen two Prius 2008. I have 170,000 miles on it and use it for only long trips. I use my bike for short trips shopping and commuting. No major issues since I bought it new in 2007 October, 25,000 bucks. Have the original battery no signs of weakness. Car looks great since it’s garage kept and I think it helps the battery last longer since there’s less corrosion on the hybrid battery connections. I have HID headlights and they failed. I replaced them myself without taking the bumper off and they were much brighter than the original stock. The Dash once in a while goes dark but it comes back so far so good. I had the energy saver Michelin tires on it and I replaced them with the regular defender Michelin tires loss a couple of miles per gallon but it handles better and holds the road better. My average mileage is 53 miles per gallon since I only use it for a long trips. it’s a beautiful Barcelona red. in time, I believe it will become my antique vehicle when I upgrade to all electric

@eranomanahan9118 - 09.12.2023 17:01

I'm 70. I love gen 2 prius because i always feel that i am riding a toy car like a child without other knowing it. He he he.

@sauls8250 - 11.12.2023 12:23

You can disable the back up beeper your seft. Just got to the screen on the dash and go to maintenance and setting and look for disable back up allert.

@rambug99 - 11.12.2023 22:30

😂LoL You drive like my grandpa, it's not. How many accidents have you had? It's how many did you cause?. My biggest pet peeve with my Prius is the gas tank is not big enough. If I had 18 gallons I would only have to fill up once a month.

@holdthebacon6651 - 11.01.2024 14:49

The temp. buttons are for people that drive for hire. Lots of people coming and going.

@SecurityZone1 - 25.01.2024 10:12

U can find alot more then 5 if you had a Nissan thats for damn sure! 😂😂

@kendrabrevard1976 - 16.02.2024 02:43

you can get the beeping turned off go to the dealer

@superduper1329 - 23.02.2024 19:54


@Rambomode92 - 25.02.2024 23:40

There’s a way to turn that reverse beep off. I forgot how or else I’d help you out with that lol

@ezy.from.now.on. - 26.02.2024 14:16

Im sure its been mentioned already ij the 3 years this video has been out but you can acctually turn off the revierse beeo in your generation. Just reply and i can help you out if you havent already 🙏♥️

@rubenromero1673 - 05.03.2024 23:33

Thanks, my neighbor gave me his Prius @ 600'00 miles, crazy. My radiator pump makes that noise too 😆

@deafpick9707 - 23.03.2024 03:13

Hahahaha I like so much your sense of humor... Change nothing... Cheers... From France

@RexDogMusic - 23.04.2024 23:07

I change my AC all the time! I love the fact it's on the steering wheel. It is much easier than digging on the radio looking for it.
I never get questions about my Prius. I do not a ton of attention for my dog in the car. He draws in everyone!
I fill my tank daily $35-$40.

@thisislogout - 10.05.2024 15:48

I love my 2008 silver Prius Touring model. I bought it in 2018 for $6,000 with 150,000 miles (now 309k miles). Had to replace the electric motor battery ( $2000 3 yr warranty at a hybrid auto garage) 5 years ago and still going strong. The thing I hate is that it burns oil a lot. I have to buy 5 quarts of oil a month. But I still love the car and it runs great! Great videos on Prius! Thanks.

@PamelaaChu - 30.05.2024 18:13

Actually those temperature buttons are very functional.

@TherealYumpho3107 - 09.06.2024 06:30

Looking back at this the gloves are sad bro and didn’t do anything

@ChefS.Keller - 05.07.2024 01:00

No one ask questions to Prius owners…. Wtf

@mss627 - 13.07.2024 19:28

Pretty sure most cars with backup cameras beep when you put them in reverse. My 2018 Focus does it. It also mutes whatever audio is playing.

@alexhiraldo1137 - 20.07.2024 09:38

Thinking of buying one a little newer.

@alexhiraldo1137 - 20.07.2024 09:39

😂😂😂 i love these videos gentlemen’s shifter

@icethemup - 16.08.2024 00:22

He's so cute. 😊

@pictorelle - 16.08.2024 03:26

Autre petit défaut agaçant : La commande de ralentisseur ( B ) devrait revenir sur D automatiquement quand on relance l'accélération pour ne pas avoir à y penser à chaque fois, et très souvent on l'oublie, on relance l'accélération par exemple en sortie de rond-point et la Prius est sur B. Grrr

@richardconti5756 - 28.08.2024 02:59

if thats the biggest problems you have get a life lol (only kidding)

@kortanul - 16.10.2024 07:20

THE PUMP NOISE! I know that sound, that's air in the line, in the pump especially, which if that's a pressurized or sealed system indicates a seal issue somewhere!
You get those sounds in aquarium filters and water pumps, always air bubbles.

4 years later, but... y'know. Still. As soon as I heard the sound I was a little excited by how exact it was compared to what I know for pumps struggling.

@ryw5862 - 20.10.2024 20:42

What is really bad on those Prius’s is that Toyota did not make a way to open the rear hatch from the outside if the battery goes dead. It should have a manual keyhole because otherwise you have to open a front door with the manual key, and crawl through to the back of the car and open up a little gadget and open the rear lock manually which is nearly impossible for many people to even doPiss poor engineering in my opinion

@jcrnda - 11.11.2024 05:38

1. Traction control sucks, 5" snow makes it impossible to clime up the driveway...
2. Headlights plastic is inferior and will get dull from UV light

(2007 with 330K started to consume 1 qt oil for 1,000 miles, and another 2007 with 205K)

@magoldchannel - 24.11.2024 13:21

man i love your videos!!!!

@dragonflyshards - 17.01.2025 03:31

i'm borrowing a prius right now, considering buying it. so far, my dislikes are:
the doors have no stop points, so they swing closed immediately -on me (unless gravity swings it outward, which is rare)
the window switches are illogically designed (all 3 toyotas i've driven are this way, as were 3 different subarus i've driven)... unlike a volvo or an audi (not that i'd recommend any audi newer than 20 years old) - in which down means down; down again means stop (up, same concept); so moving the window up or down 1/2 an inch, let's say, is a simple, efficient step in those cars; whereas in the toyotas it's a distracting and frustrating process that might take 3-4 tries - before usually settling for 1-2 inches.
the reverse beeping is definitely annoying.
mine (2005) does not have temp controls on the steering wheel; and (having only driven this in the winter) i keep the temp at "max heat" because unless i'm driving it over a 1/2 hour it will never get warm in the vehicle.
...and if i came up behind you in this prius and you going 20 in a 40, i'd blow past you!

Thanks for the entertaining video!

@oldmcdonald0101 - 21.01.2025 16:22

I hate that no one ducks me in my Prius

@WilHenDavis - 28.01.2025 06:52

This video is absolute garbage crap! Elliot Alvis is obviously a shyte-head of the first order!!!!

@hollyprater4499 - 07.02.2025 02:23

Lol mine is the same yr and color as yours. You're lucky though mine beeps inside and outside the car when in reverse

@craigmesco5288 - 09.02.2025 08:57

I've never had anybody make comments about my Prius. Also once you get above 10 to 15 miles an hour the engine is coming on no matter what. Plus you are way to sensitive about the sounds Prius's make. You're just too sensitive! 😂
