Classic DJ Gear: Vestax PMC-06 Pro Mixer

Classic DJ Gear: Vestax PMC-06 Pro Mixer


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@djdecimator97 - 15.01.2024 04:55

That super slim Mixtick the slimmest of em all is fire. I got two Gold Mixtick, sold one of them and the remaining one has a broken headphone cue slider and very minimal sound coming off the headphones! too bad I sold the better one together with a limited edition blue PDX2000! It was a sad day for me. fortunately a friend of mine swapped his PMC05 Pro III for my Xone 22 (Xone had a bleeding fader). The sound is nice and clean just like the Xone22.

@jel2106 - 23.07.2023 00:56

Bought a Pro A recently for about £60 - some paint off the fader area and the line faders were stiff but everything else worked, including original PSU. Opened it up today to give the faders a clean and found it had a P&G as the crossfader instead of the standard PCV. Happy days!

@dooshmasta - 15.06.2023 01:55

One thing he doesn't mention on these PMC mixers was the poor quality of RCA inputs that they used. The shielding collars (RCA negative contact) would break off all the freaking time and out of the 4 I own, only one still has all of it's RCA jacks working. I've thought about getting them all refurbished, but there's no point.

@dooshmasta - 15.06.2023 01:51

People forget that balanced outputs on DJ mixers weren't a thing in the '90s because powered speakers didn't exist back then. You're making a short connection between the mixer and your power amp that's usually under your table, and running 1/4" or speakon cables to your speakers, not XLR. Most of us didn't know what a balanced connection was until the JBL EON or Mackie SRM 450 came out, and some of you STILL need to learn.

@miscmisc1023 - 13.05.2023 17:49

i just bought one at good will for 56 bucks

@INTshyt - 14.04.2023 07:37 06a 🤢😂 I still have my Japan made 06

@djxsquizit - 12.11.2022 02:19

I was a proud owner of this bad boy and I miss it

@gabomasters - 23.07.2022 18:08

Yeah , i have my one.

@Dubmayer - 13.05.2022 04:39

I drank a shot of Vodka everytime he said bizarre....

@dogbreath8396 - 08.05.2022 14:15

still use the 06 superb kit - OG Bedroom damage

@Davehiphop - 07.05.2022 10:36

What was the difference between the Vestax PMC-O6 Pro Mixtick & Vestax PMC-O6 Pro Mixtick Pro A

@djmattpositive - 19.02.2022 09:33

the Vestax 06-T was perfect if you had a tiny room, had less than 100 USD to buy a mixer, & wanted a backup mixer. sound quality, build quality, & crossfader build were inferior to the 05pro or 06pro, but the 6-T wasn't entry-level either (and infinitely better than Gemini-type mixers). I think I paid $60usd new. I'm always looking for one but weirdly ironic that the 05 and 06 go for 150-200 and the T go's for around 500-600 (currently) .

@vincentpecoraro118 - 04.11.2021 19:45

have the T...iconic style

@twojaedzia9238 - 09.09.2021 16:08

Can I install a Innfofader to this 06 ??Or is there a better option ?

@DanielleKingdjdinosaur - 09.04.2021 17:32

the China build quality thing used to be true witz some makes but mostly now its bullshit

@tomasfrias - 11.03.2021 23:09

hi, could you make me a huge favor and measure the barrel plug diameter of the pro VCA, thanks in advance and cheers from chile!

@geraldescalante2577 - 11.02.2021 01:47

Anyone remember how to do the master/cue mod for the VCA models? All the old instructions on the web seem to have disappeared.

@scratchgonzo - 05.02.2021 15:42

What's the "mixtick" bit about?

@abelmunoz2836 - 02.02.2021 18:01

Right on dude thanks

@BobbyBriscoeBeats - 13.12.2020 22:43

I got this just because it was cheaper than the 05 lol

@sawtoothiandi - 09.12.2020 23:31

noob question: would this be ok for double vinyl techno sets?

@makismako9910 - 08.10.2020 19:10

what about the red version? Vestax PMC-06 Pro D Samurai

@DanDJMASTERPIECEDegrossa - 30.09.2020 08:20

I had one, I loved it!

@thehunterofdeath2180 - 07.09.2020 19:10

I never saw no one using the t6 mixer in the battle style DJ mix

@nep611 - 25.05.2020 07:47

Dam i copped my 06 for 600$ when it first came out in rock n souls nyc. And i still got it only 1 input switch is broken.

@ChrisBrideauMedia - 01.05.2020 06:30

Love the the 30" Cinema display.

@jonyfraze - 21.04.2020 02:01

The homie IXL made that mixer iconic!

@kryptichands968 - 30.11.2019 02:37

Still have my 06, best mixer I've ever bought, easy to fix, also those fader spacer lugs (ya'll know) when you're learning to crab shit helps, still cut on mine

@winstoncampbell9547 - 26.10.2019 03:50

Is there anyone familier with the Vestax MW300 if so where can one purchase the chips and is there an demo on utube 😐

@sumonmiah2258 - 02.10.2019 03:34

Pmc 08 pro hybrid.

@mcyummy.9356 - 10.09.2019 08:17

Called the PMC O6 not the PMC 06A.

@mcyummy.9356 - 10.09.2019 08:16

There is a Japan model though.

@cwpalacios1 - 01.09.2019 02:13

this was my second mixer. It was a work horse.

@Phicxtion - 21.08.2019 03:58

Still my fav mixer I’ve ever touched. I have 4 of them lol. I generally see them go for $30-40 bucks at local pawn shops. I tend to snag them if I can.

@magneticproductions7066 - 05.08.2019 13:49

im rocking a pmc 05 Pro SL in mint condition with org box, man, and psu i love it but im thinking of selling to get a rane 62 its hard to let go! when i play out djs always talk about it, especially the shape its in.

@magneticproductions7066 - 05.08.2019 13:47

lulz there you go again telling ppl how to spend their money.. amazing

@jae_everlasting - 11.05.2019 08:34

What about the red face plate 06??

@DroppedandSkrewed - 19.04.2019 07:27

im still rocking this man, goes hard

@nelsoncordova9354 - 19.03.2019 16:27

One thing I might add is that there were 4 different model versions of the PMC-06. That being the Samurai, the Pro, the Pro A & Pro VCA. The only main differences Ive been able to find here on the Net are: the Pro A & VCA have the ability to have a Headphone Cue switch soldered into them & the Pro having an Alps fader & the Pro A having either an Alps fader or a PCV fader & the VCA having only a PCV fader. Other than these Im not sure what other main differences there are or exactly why the VCA is the best model. Maybe someone can elaborate more?

@TheTrixXxor - 28.02.2019 01:45

i need a headphone fader for my 06 Pro-a, if somebody have 1 pls tell me i love this mixer

@danielcalderon.5059 - 25.11.2018 08:01

Love it mixer.

@tobinharrison7787 - 19.08.2018 12:50

Paul bozak morrissey more than likely designed that mixer ,i know he designed the pmc275 and a few other decent mixers ,i love my 275 and ive gone through probably 15 mixers,altho mixing on a bozak is an amazing experience ,nice vid

@alstongeorge9654 - 07.08.2018 19:00

How are you,I have a Vestax plc-25 mixer and I am in need of a power cord

@Michelle_Schu-blacka - 16.07.2018 23:29

My PMC-06 is still going strong although I recently had to replace the crossfader after nearly twenty years.

I thought of replacing it with a modern mixer with Traktor functionality built-in but they're all too big and have far too many features that I'll never use.

@Steadyawake - 17.05.2018 10:06

I still have this baby but now it has all stock faders swapped out with innofaders

@OmarNachtraaf - 10.04.2018 00:29

Please make more videos in this series, they are amazing!

@yoitsgiook - 14.02.2018 23:09

Loving this series. I still have two champagne 06 and a black version. Special place in my heart. Best slim-lined mixer though is the Ecler Nuo 2.0.

@DJkautionNY - 14.02.2018 08:48

I still have my black 06. Really need to break out of the attic.
