"Sdan" (Rough Cut) - Dan The Journeyman, Eminem, Dido

"Sdan" (Rough Cut) - Dan The Journeyman, Eminem, Dido

98 Просмотров

A special edition of Tool Show Pre Editing made for one man! Mike Judge I'm always here if you need a multi talented young dude for any of your projects! From writing to acting to music and DANce I'm around anytime! You're the man and keep up the amazing work! Music starts at 1:31 and song is censored! Will Smith didn't have to cuss in his rap to sell records.


#Tool #Show #Sdan #Stan #Eminem #Dido #Mike_Judge #Genius #Job #Application #Funny #Hilarious #Talented #Acoustic #Cover #The_Future #Next_Big_Thing #Dream #Dreamer #Comedy #Canada #America #Worldwide #King_of_the_Hill #Skill
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