O4U Mysore Sandalwood Essential Oil For Fading Dark Circles & Ageing Marks, Naturally & Glowing Skin

O4U Mysore Sandalwood Essential Oil For Fading Dark Circles & Ageing Marks, Naturally & Glowing Skin

O4U - The Organic Beauty Shop

1 год назад

350 Просмотров

100% pure, steam distilled and certified organic sandalwood essential oil extracted from best quality sandalwoods from Mysore for intensive skin care. With anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, O4U Mysore Sandalwood Essential Oil helps detoxify the skin and maintain the natural glow. Use it in aromatherapy for relieving your stress and improve the conscience.

✔ Helps get glowing skin; antioxidant powerhouse
✔ To relieve stress, aromatherapy
✔ Helps diminish dark circles and sunburn
✔ For all skin types

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