Can Britain Rejoin the European Union?

Can Britain Rejoin the European Union?


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@samcapper3750 - 21.07.2024 04:43

I voted to leave
I proud to be British 🇬🇧
We always been global and will be
Free trade agreements with eu states
Is enough
No membership

@Clausmiran1837 - 21.07.2024 07:42

Not until they provide food that doesn't suck

@jamesgreen807 - 21.07.2024 22:53

NO WAY!!!!!!!

@NO_Expectations - 22.07.2024 03:07

The UK should join BRICs they can get a good deal on energy with Russia and there are plenty of countries doing well in BRICs, trouble is the UK has absolutely nothing to offer anyone and they have managed to upset every country on this planet.

@jamilchihneh2258 - 22.07.2024 08:12

Rejoin is far worse for UK , you will regret it

@andrewballard2564 - 22.07.2024 23:54


@daviddunmore8415 - 23.07.2024 13:48

Well the new Labour government has passed/is passing a law that allows the UK to unilaterally align standards with the EU in many areas of trade.

@nevillespence6101 - 24.07.2024 10:05

Leaving the EU Dictatorship was the greatest event since 1945 our country has ever seen. The Tories and now the open-door socialists will continue the destruction of the UK, but out of the ashes will grow a people's movement and a BRITISH POPULIST PARTY (Reform UK) that will stop third-world immigration and start mass deportations of illegals. The Populist party will govern on behalf of the British people, putting them first, unlike the Tories and Labour who govern on behalf of Global Elites and their criminal organizations, UN, EU, IMF, WEF, and NATO in their current form, these insidious non-democratic institutions policies are MASS UNCONTROLLED IMMIGRATION, WOKE IDEOLOGY AND NEVERENDING WAR. Reform UK will bring PEACE, end Woke Ideology, stop immigration./. TRUMP / FARAGE are the last best hope for Western Civilisation

@jotakanim - 25.07.2024 02:14

Eu go for it. Braxitc was on Nigel f….. Nigel should be banned from UK 🇬🇧. Rubbish citizen . Ask him what passaport his siblings have. Please

@josiestaunton6920 - 25.07.2024 15:07

No we can not we have voted out and we are not thinking about going back not happening

@rodneyderosayro5932 - 25.07.2024 21:52


@thilinajayasinghe7339 - 26.07.2024 06:57

Actually “ I also agree with that idea ,, it’s may huge gain for everyone!!!
If they re join better “!!!

@fernandomadrona5266 - 26.07.2024 16:41

Never will 😅

@denyseharrington889 - 26.07.2024 20:25

Stay out of the EU, or you'll be worse off than now.

@robertwirth8459 - 26.07.2024 23:33

I hope that the UK joins the EU - the younger generations want it!

@AB-qo2xq - 27.07.2024 22:57

I think The UK is currently the most stable country in Europe. I would like for us to rejoin (and we should never have left) but lets just see how the next few years go first with Ukraine/The USA.

@RealOGfikey - 28.07.2024 14:28

It's the EU's conditions upon re-entry that virtually guarantee we will never rejoin it. This is all a moot point anyway. We left, get over it.

You're the only lot who keep talking about it ad nauseum. The spouse who just won't shut up about being divorced. 🙄

@Brett-im2jo - 28.07.2024 15:57

Yes yes yes let's dump the pound and take the euro at all costs.

@bryensaeed - 29.07.2024 06:08

No way

@smileysan9261 - 30.07.2024 10:36

In my opinion, the UK isn't a founding member anymore but a new member and has to bow to the regulations like everyone else if they want to rejoin. Which means it would take years for them and they wouldn't get extra privileges. Also means that they would most likely not rejoin, but idk. There are to many exceptions already in the EU, it needs to be more unified

@alea_iacta_est.rubicon - 31.07.2024 00:41

No it couldn't

@rodneyderosayro5932 - 02.08.2024 01:19

If this stupid government take us back into the EU, when nigel FARRAGE is our PM HE will get us out from the EU again and he will get us out from the ECHR , thank GOD FOR NIGEL FARAGE AND HIS PARTY HIS OUR SAVIROVY, HE WILL SAVE ENGLAND FROM THE EU AND THE ECHR BASTARD.

@redspecial4102 - 02.08.2024 02:53

No thanks

@gordonbradley3241 - 02.08.2024 17:36

Not a chance !
The EU members would never allow it !who could blame them !

@vlahopolcaraiman75 - 05.08.2024 07:38

rejoin?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yes,in 3958 b.c.😂😂😂😂😂😂

@steenrasmussen9772 - 05.08.2024 22:25

No. The UK left so live with it.

@verasantos-yx6eu - 06.08.2024 16:04

What a disrespect to the British people who voted for leaving the EU. The UK should not support financially all 23 countries that contribute zero Euro and send their citizens to take British people and the legal immigrants who need training so that they can fill the gap of non skilled workers. I don't think that the British people are "desperate" to return to EU! The UK can have trade freely with Australia New Zealand Canada USA and so on what it could not while an EU member!

@luisPcordeiro - 07.08.2024 10:31

If the referendum to leave the UE had happen before the Scotish one... the Scotish referedum would have had a different outcome.

@geoffanderson9440 - 08.08.2024 06:40

The problem is not the UK but England. Brexit is an English matter. Happy to accept the Scots and Welsh into the EU. Engeland along with their racist thugs can stay where they are.

@user-ck3uu8rj3x - 09.08.2024 10:57

As a brit, our problem was the 'superior ' attitude which stopped us integrating fully, adoption of the euro and all other conditions.
It still is... unfortunately. 😢

@MaximDL1410 - 11.08.2024 03:40

We do want you back in EU! 😡 We are far better in EU without ,, UK Diva ,, 😉🤣

@ShahinMb - 11.08.2024 06:58

Uk should rejoin EU

@hansd3295 - 12.08.2024 01:24

No. Leave them out, gone is gone !!

@paulthomas3841 - 12.08.2024 02:20

" Nope" keep out !

@stephendutton2279 - 12.08.2024 14:45

The case presented in this video represents a challenge , that must be embarked on if , England wants to rejoin the EU , and once more enjoy the many benefits that would come from rejoining the EU market. . The Scottish people were not listened to in the vote for Brixit . The vote of the Scottish was not taken into consideration , at the time . The much larger population of England clearly overlooked Scotland , The decision was yes to leave the EU market . The unity of the United Kingdom is at risk . It is clear a second vote is needed , to ensure a clear response to Brexit . The much larger trade market the UK once enjoyed , would be a financial benefit , to the UK and the people of England and Scotland , would rejoice in being offered and opportunity to vote to rejoin the EU market . The EU would benefit if England rejoins the EU along with Scotland .

@cr4yv3n - 13.08.2024 18:26

Stay out !

@cr4yv3n - 13.08.2024 18:31

"Once in a lifetime" assholes , remember??
Next referendum in 2100 ! EAT SHIT until then!

@LuKaZz420 - 15.08.2024 20:08

No way!

@LuKaZz420 - 15.08.2024 20:10

Those entitled arrogant bastards? I want the whiskey tango shites out of Spain and Portugal

@theultimatereductionist7592 - 17.08.2024 19:20

If Brits are free to leave the EU without being shamed and humiliated and called traitors
without being forced to physically move from where they were born,
then Brits are free to leave the stupid childish monarchy and are free
to overthrow the nation/the country & punish it for imprisoning Julian Assange
without being shamed and humiliated and called traitors
without being forced to physically move from where they were born.
It is called LOGICAL CONSISTENCY: either ALL separatism movements
are justified or NONE is. Nobody is entitled to a nation or status quo.
There is nothing sacred about nations over any other form of collectivsm.

The INFINITE hypocrisy of nationalists to complain or ridicule or insult European collectivists who wish to remain with the EU.
If you get to separate from the EU without physically moving, then anyone in the UK is allowed
to break free of stupid unelected monarchy and form THEIR own separate province, without physically moving.
I respect Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists who voted for or supported Brexit, but NOT hypocritical nationalists.
And ZERO respect for Brexiters who don't take Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) seriously.
You are free to Brexit, but you must be forced to live in a bubble and not force YOUR CO2 emissions onto anyone else.

I remember back in 2011 when Greeks rose up against European banksters that THAT was the motivation for Brexit:
to prevent banksters in Europe forcing austerity onto citizens. That was what Brexiters feared. So, did that happen?
Did Brexit prevent massive austerity caused by European bankers or not?

A so-called "criminal" of one country is the hero/patriot of another.

Every individual is forced into the world without their consent by their breeders and therefore has ZERO obligation
to maintain the status quo. Therefore NOBODY has ANY reason to feel ashamed about having political views
that go against the status quo or nationalism.

Does the UK allow OTHER separatist movements within the UK?
Does the UK deny prisoners the right to vote?
If not then the UK is corrupt, anti democratic, unaccountable, declining, protectionist,
mafioso organisation run by a bunch of childish, vindictive, self serving, gravy train riding,
free loading parasites. Oligarchs and unelected monarch.

@theultimatereductionist7592 - 17.08.2024 19:22

I HONESTLY do not know why the vote shouldn't be by INDIVIDUAL?
Each INDIVIDUAL should be allowed to VOTE FOR THEMSELVES whether to be a member of this entity called the EU
whereupon they accept ALL THE RESPONSIBILITIES, and NOT JUST the benefits, of being a member.
Each INVIDIDUAL would be issued a special EU membership card (if you want to call it a passport, call it a passport)

@picklesan772 - 18.08.2024 23:33

Okay, but they will have to adopt the Euro, start driving on the right-hand side of the road, and use european wall outlets

@Magnolia-rq5iz - 23.08.2024 11:19

Something that might sweeten the pot is the money that UK would have to contribute, considering the required financial support to the newer, poorer members

@RogerMullan - 23.08.2024 20:48

Britain has joined the pan Pacific Partnership as some Conservative MP's seem not to be good at geography. Please note: We are in the North Atlantic.
Same bright sparks that thought we could sell Welsh lamb to Australia and New Zealand
You couldn't make this sh*t up 🙄

@user-pi2ln5md3u - 28.08.2024 13:40

No way back! Stay out, the EU is not busy with Brexshit! You made your bed now lie in it🤣🤣

@soba1543 - 28.08.2024 20:35

all of these people in the comments are being very spiteful by saying ''stay out; you made your decision''. Because they are not taking into account that only roughly 37.5% of people (52% of the turnout) actually voted for this SHIT. Are you really so unforgiving as to punish all of us for the decision that most of us didn't (or couldn't even, at the time) make? I would be VERY happy to rejoin the EU, including adopting the euro, Schengen, all of it. This climate is a joke.

@fatimaSM236 - 04.09.2024 18:40

Noooo !!!

@markquartermain3703 - 07.09.2024 16:38

Charles de Gaule was right. The UK should never have been accepted into what became the EU. Now the UK has chosen to leave, it should stay out for good. And there should be no concessions in general made by the EU towards the UK. You can't have your cake and eat it. The UK suck it up.
- A native born brit, that has lived and worked in France for 30 years (and wasn't allowed a vote in the referendum, while a Pakistan national who has lived in the UK for 6 months could...go figure).

@garypalmer1122 - 10.09.2024 22:44

Current polling of the five largest EU nations - Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, and the Netherlands' are all in favour of the UK re-joining. Ministers in various EU countries, including Germany have said that the UK would be welcomed back and that a deal could be made to help transition the UK back into the EU.
