Full interview: European Union's top diplomat Kaja Kallas

Full interview: European Union's top diplomat Kaja Kallas

Face the Nation

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@Muza-f8k - 10.03.2025 13:18

Biden holds talks with Mexican president, travels to Middle East.про вуз и что не дали исключить меня и уехать из России в Европу и про семью что их послушал и в этот вуз поступил в Финансовый . ГУУ - в безопасности

@NEUTRAL_EUROPEAN_UNION - 10.03.2025 03:06

Von wo die herkommt braucht man nichts von Volkswirtschaft wissen, sondern wie man mit Elchen redet

@bboucharde - 09.03.2025 21:36

Kaja knows better than to say that the current war began on 24 February 2022. For the previous eight years, Kiev had mercilessly shelled Donbas, killing thousands of ethnic Russian civilians. And ever since the mid 1990's, US operatives had been active in Ukraine, seeding the ground for a 2014 regime change managed by Victoria Nuland, et al.

@IlkkaVirjula - 09.03.2025 16:59

Kaja, I really appreciate your wise ideas.

@paschaff-dahom - 09.03.2025 15:56

OMG, Chihuahua on steroids !!!

@Mark_Bridges - 09.03.2025 11:35

Kallas is an impressive leader and spokesperson, she obviously deserves her important role speaking for Europe. There is a huge difference between her and the idiots speaking for the US. Come on US voters, surely you can do better.

@paferreri - 08.03.2025 15:01

Kallas ,a danger to humanity !! 👎🚓👮‍♀️👮

@biniamweldemichaelb9384 - 08.03.2025 09:21

U E in Christian war in Africa. Don't forget that one.too

@trembo835 - 08.03.2025 09:15

Diplomat? Kallas is a horrible war monger 🤡

@yuriS738 - 08.03.2025 08:55

She is from a very wealthy family in the Soviet period, her father is from the communist elite, she never felt a lack of anything. But now she says that they survived under the Russian occupation.

@yuriS738 - 08.03.2025 08:40

the most useless diplomat in the world. does not want peace but wants war with Russia

@eduardoselknam986 - 08.03.2025 07:44

Kallas es otra burocrata guerrerista para quien el conflicto ucraniano se remite solo al 22 de febrero 2022. No tiene idea o bien oculta lo que ha venido ocurriendo con la expansion de la OTAN hacia las fronteras de Rusia. No entender lo que significa tener misiles de la otan a 7 minutos de Moscú tampoco le permite entender lo que significa instalar misiles en Venezuela , Cuba o Nicaragua apuntando a EEUU. En ambos casos eso es amenaza existencial. Y precisamente eso es lo obrado por la OTAN a lo largo de 30 años. Kallas es una completa ignorante en geopolitica.

@eduardoselknam986 - 08.03.2025 07:14

Kallas es otra burocrata guerrerista para quien el conflicto ucraniano se remite solo al 22 de febrero 2022. No tiene idea o bien oculta lo que ha venido ocurriendo con la expansion de la OTAN hacia las fronteras de Rusia. No entender lo que significa tener misiles de la otan a 7 minutos de Moscú tampoco le permite entender lo que significa instalar misiles en Venezuela , Cuba o Nicaragua apuntando a EEUU. En ambos casos eso es amenaza existencial. Y precisamente eso es lo obrado por la OTAN a lo largo de 30 años. Kallas es una completa ignorante en geopolitica.

@eduardoselknam986 - 08.03.2025 06:46

Kallas....crazy, crazy...very crazy

@jimnikas7 - 08.03.2025 04:40

you living in your own fantasy world

@janventer7942 - 08.03.2025 00:42

Doh! NO. The EU was not established to prevent wars among what are now member countries in Europe. That is the purpose of NATO, that was established decades before the EU was! STOP LYING!

@vivahernando1 - 08.03.2025 00:40

She’s not hard to look at.

@gummibrot4948 - 08.03.2025 00:26

German here. Whow, another beautiful and smart girl from the Baltic Sea.Trump will be more impressed by the shortness of her dress than by her arguments. The morality is a beautiful sight, but first comes the big feast.America today does not want moral results, but results in dollars.The childish mistake of us Europeans was that we believed that we would find our peace in the American empire. Europe must also grow up militarily. Open a history book anywhere, you will find Europe but not the USA. So it's not impossible.

@GD-L80 - 08.03.2025 00:20

I feel sorry for our US friends, we Europeans who a good portion of the electorate did not choose Trump, but we here in the EU are also starting to boycott US products. Of course, on services, especially digital, it is much harder to break away and boycott the US, but where possible we do.
Again, I feel sorry for our US friends, but Trump is destroying the West and the free world to ally with Putin... and we don't allow that without reacting!!!

@misheelmishi4140 - 07.03.2025 23:57

from which country is this war monger?

@rikardocatalunya9378 - 07.03.2025 23:03


@TheTzuSun - 07.03.2025 19:40

Good choice for representing the EU diplomatically. You don't burn bridges by bluntly speaking out your opinion, you have to keep channels open to allies, friends, autocrats or even terrorists.

@MrGtraynor - 07.03.2025 18:26

Crazy, crazy woman. If we can't step up to Russia, we can't step up to China. So she has the next war already planned? Don't country your chickens before they hatched. Strangelove.

@NS-cr8pb - 07.03.2025 17:36

Lots of BS...

@lorenam8028 - 07.03.2025 16:39

That horrible woman is a war monger.
Anyone claiming that they are going to war "do peace" is lying through their teeth.

@rose-mariemukarutabana9001 - 07.03.2025 16:38

This girl is really silly...

@WolfgangBerndt-y3z - 07.03.2025 16:06

The West has violated the UN Charter twice. First because they declind to negotiate with Russia before the war, and second because they aborted the conclusion of the draft peace agreement that was developed in Istanbul a few weeks after Russias invasion

@WolfgangBerndt-y3z - 07.03.2025 16:02

The planned subversion of the Minsk II accord by the West was a deliberate ruse to gain time for the rearmament of Ukraine - not to actually implement the UN approved agreement, which would have prevented the war. Ms. Kallas is the absolutely worst choice as the EUs top diplomat! The key impediment for peace talks is the fact that Ukraine still has the law in place to forbid negotiations with Russia.

@kaleeysmith8801 - 07.03.2025 15:32

wow, just look at the 99% BOTs posting on comment section. ROFL A.I chat bot is useful for the warmongers, facist companies.

@kaleeysmith8801 - 07.03.2025 15:30

western media failed to collapse russian economy, now crying. ahahahhahaa!

@andreamanninfiaschi1679 - 07.03.2025 15:14

A real example of top diplomat. Not a wrong word, move or posture. Nearing perfection.

@DingoHammer - 07.03.2025 15:06

Europe is led by silly women.

@Zoe-dp5qt - 07.03.2025 14:12

Maja Kallas' strong Russophobia makes her an unsuitable choice for such a position, especially at this time, as she lacks the balanced approach required for effective diplomacy.

@ergd803 - 07.03.2025 11:16

So, how's business?

@katalinrobin6222 - 07.03.2025 10:19

top diplomat? my foot! a nobody!!!!!

@ericp1139 - 07.03.2025 10:12

If she is clueless as to why her organization is left out in the dark with the US, then she needs to resign her post immediately. You can't be their top diplomat and not understand the most fundamental issues.

@yatch989 - 07.03.2025 09:26

Europe will never never send their troops.
Only fund to help continue the war.
War can stop if all eurpean countries send their troops.

@simonfeldman6505 - 07.03.2025 08:39

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.
There have been 14 US presidents since NATO was formed.
13 US Presidents have supported NATO during this time, and only 1 hasn't.
Were 13 US Presidents wrong and only 1 idiot right?

@jkaugust3586 - 07.03.2025 08:29

The only point I would like to make is that Trump does not represent everyone in the United states by a long stretch.

@Calmama - 07.03.2025 07:28

Yes you just provoke wars and push NATO to Russian boarders …. What a snake in a grass …. No more tax payers money to broke Europe

@denisalvarado9991 - 07.03.2025 07:15

Fact check, Russia inflation is between 9.5% and 9.9%so far this year so she is either lying to the reporter or she's not smart enough to check her facts online. National Wealth Fund Assets in Russia increased to 135.50 USD Billion in February from 122.10 USD Billion in January of 2025. Again, what is she talking about, and why is this reporter not catching her false assertions?

@Tukemuth - 07.03.2025 07:07

How in the world can anyone consider her a diplomat? Warmongering is not exactly the same as diplomacy.

@denisalvarado9991 - 07.03.2025 06:58

Trump said that the reason the war started was because of the stupidity of Biden and these stupid European leaders telling the world that Ukraine will be in NATO and provoking Russia at every step.

@munksoe - 07.03.2025 06:00

Putin and the US Putin wannabe doesn't like NATO because they are allined even coordinating

@crossroadsreport9675 - 07.03.2025 05:50

It's not clear that Russia started the war in Ukraine. The No. 1 American public intellectual, Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who has been intimately involved in advising American presidents and foreign leaders for over 40 years, says the United States started the war in Ukraine. It is clear that this is a war the U.S. wanted and a war the U.S. worked to provoke, starting in 1991. Either Kaja Kallas doesn't know this or she does know it and is a playing dumb. I met the Estonian foreign minister and the Estonian ambassador to the United States when in DC in late 2023. I was appalled by their attitude, which was very seriously Russo-phobic, and their sense of entitlement. They were extremely interested in Americans have hundreds of billions more extracted from them to pay for the proxy war with Russia. My message to Estonians: Prepare to defend yourselves and in the meantime, make amends and learn to get along with your neighbor, the Russian Federation.

@pauldotson5968 - 07.03.2025 05:01

The Biden Administration is really responsible for Russia at war with Ukraine because of poor foreign policy and on goiung wars is profitable for beauracrats to het paid because they invest in it.

@stix8069 - 07.03.2025 04:22

european top diplomat wtf

@ES-mz2dt - 07.03.2025 01:58

Кремлю не нужна пропаганда, когда в ЕС такая представительная дама

@ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΣΚΑΡΑΒΙΑΣ-μ1ε - 07.03.2025 01:25

We have bored all these EU leaders who think that Europe will be peaceful having Russia against. Kallas speaks about the Russian invasion in Ukraine but never speaks about the cup in 2014 when a legal government was expelled. Also EU wants Turkey to participate in European defence although Turkey has killed thousands of Kurds, has occupied 38% territory of EU member state Cyprus, has announced casus Belli against Greece and bombing Kurds in Syria and Iraq. So when Kallas speaks about international principles i believe she isn't objective.
