Crash test: Armytek Barracuda series

Crash test: Armytek Barracuda series


10 месяцев назад

320 Просмотров

Testing Barracuda series searchlight's resistance to mechanical wear and damage under extreme conditions. A load of 29 tons, falling from the roof of a building onto an asphalt road, hitting concrete and freezing for 8 hours. Will the flashlight still work?

Attention! This video is intended to demonstrate the strength characteristics of Armytek Barracuda series flashlights. Please keep in mind that using a flashlight not according to the instructions will deprive you of the warranty. The warranty does not cover normal maintenance and service and does not apply to correctly functioning products without defects or with defects, caused by modifications, wrong or improper use, deviation from the rules of care and storage, negligence damage of the product or parts thereof, as well as repair by unauthorized persons.

#armytek #armytekcompany #barracudapro #armytekbarracuda #armyteksearchlight #searchlight #armytekcrashtest
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@flashlightsIsrael - 15.11.2023 17:44

