AtmosFX Ghostly Mansion Digital Decoration Trailer

AtmosFX Ghostly Mansion Digital Decoration Trailer


1 год назад

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@XinaTheGM - 23.08.2023 23:21

It looks like characters from existing decorations layered over a haunted house background.

@shade01977 - 23.08.2023 23:31

TWO full scene animations in one year (the other, Crypt of Creeps)? Did I win the lottery? Is Atmos FX catering to me and me alone this year?

In fact... did AtmosFX use some sort of mind-reading device to pull exactly what I wanted directly out of head? They did, didn't they!? That's MY perfect animation, AtmosFX... I want my share of the profits! 👻

@sampeacaml9307 - 24.08.2023 02:01

Phantom Manor!

@_what._. - 24.08.2023 10:45

I love it

@jaketaller8567 - 24.08.2023 15:55

Intern: Hey boss, which do you think is good for our haunted house scene?
Boss: I dunno, what do we have in the storage room.
Intern: Let’s see, there’s Ghostly Apparitions, Phantasms, Macabre Manor, and Sinister Shadows.
Boss: I don’t have time to decide, man! Do them all!

@cleio81 - 24.08.2023 20:28

This idea is really cool! I hope to see more of these in the future. Maybe one of room interiors so you can make the inside of your house look SUPER spooky with a window or wall projection. Honestly, this route may lend itself really well to projection mapping. Though I know that's its own can of worms haha.

@infasRalboaeinfasRaloae-fd5zs - 26.11.2023 12:44


@AmelAmel-ie6wr - 17.01.2024 00:35

حبا ليكم

@LuPhan-os7ji - 03.07.2024 06:14

ghê rợn quá

@Templarcov - 25.01.2025 11:57

own it. it will be the opening to this years 2025 display. u will be greeted by the butler ( halloween hosts ) then go through rooms and hallways where spooks at goings on will be waiting, then down into the family crypt before out to the family graveyard where music and dance awaits then off for a walk in the woods where legends await you before finding the witches house for the finale
