StereoTypes London - Race vs. Class

StereoTypes London - Race vs. Class


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@TheBiggFrizzz - 03.08.2014 20:11

Not from London but I've come across quite alot of racism tbh, mostly against asians, but against blacks and europeans aswell, saddest part is, alot of people I know that I know are racist, don't even know themselves that they are.

@BRSG. - 06.08.2014 19:32

the chick with the nails is HOT

@sossoft - 08.08.2014 01:23

I dunno how it is in UK but i leave in UAE and I find British to be really racist and to think they are better than anyone. I didn't know much about british people before coming here but I can say now I would never want to live there. Let's say it probably doesn't help that class here is vastly influenced by nationality and most management position are held by British. But still... Well, maybe in UK they are different idk...

@amster2007dam - 11.09.2014 22:44

Come to Holland!

@RogerPowell8 - 23.09.2014 17:01

Everybody has pretty much got it spot on. It's not so much race anymore but class. I live in Hackney and at one point it was voted the worst place to live in England, not London alone, but England.

Since then Hackney has seen a lot regeneration or gentrification and a lot more middle-class people want to live in Hackney. Hackney is seen as "hip" and "cool". I'm all for regeneration because it has brought a lot of business to the area and jobs too, but it's being done to the detriment of people like myself who have lived in Hackney our whole lives. The one thing I'm worried about is that with all the regeneration going on, I'll eventually be priced out of living in Hackney as all the rich middle-class hipsters that have swarmed to Hackney will drive the house prices up even more than they have done already. 

@xzclaire - 14.11.2014 01:31

no class system? paha

@midnight15086 - 23.03.2015 13:49

It's always about class.  In every society ever.  And once an association or connection is made between poverty and any particular race, it perpetuates an ongoing cycle.  

@shveshrahoo4950 - 27.03.2015 21:28

Too much double negatives. Need took a while to get used to it.

@shveshrahoo4950 - 27.03.2015 21:29

Last quote in this of man with blue jacket. What he said?

@happycalvin4094 - 15.04.2015 23:50

You do realise that the actual royal family is 'mixed'. Well, kinda. Princes harry and william have indian (from india) dna in them. It was passed to them from the beloved mother, Diana. Diana's ancestors had married an indian woman! So yah, the princes have dna in them from outside europe. Although europeans and indians are both Caucasian  there is still still some cultural mix! LOOK IT UP GUYS!!!

@t.tthegreat6319 - 17.04.2015 01:13

haaaaa aint no rich black people here in England (unless you marry a rich white man with money) telling it like it is no hate......

@harryc266 - 11.05.2015 06:33

Just try and be the best, richest and most successful person you can be in life. Why would you want to be poor uneducated and at the bottom

@williamleshi2691 - 22.05.2015 01:27

Spoken like a true lefty

@angelsalazar7520 - 29.05.2015 06:28

Fucking racists host and ignorant

@TheClodora - 31.05.2015 02:31

Race in the UK is NOT THE SAME as in the US. In the US the majority of you guys go by the one drop rule thereby that girl in the video who said her mum was black and her dad was white would be called black. In the UK unless the girl calls herself black they are referred to as mixed not black. Both systems have their flaws because how much black blood does someone need to be considered black in America? Do you need to look at least slightly tan or can you look fully white but have a black ancestor? In terms of the UK one most people use the shade of your skin and your hair texture. If you are of a lighter complexion, with non kinky hair and you are not Caribbean then you are most likely to be called mixed. But if your of a lighter complexion but have kinky hair then you are called black. Both methods of categorizing people flawed because where do you draw the line that says who's black who's not?

@TheClodora - 31.05.2015 02:38

You will never see our royal family marry someone who is not white. Some people in this video were talking rubbish because everyone in England knows that this will never happen, there would be carnage. Some people in England need to remove their rose tinted glasses. What that man said in the video was right all of England has accepted black culture (the stereotypical view) but it has not accepted the people fully. There will not be an ethnic prime minister any time soon not simply because of race although this plays a part in it but because of class. All of our freaking prime ministers came from either Eton or Oxbridge.

@BelleroseQC - 06.08.2015 20:08

London no longer looks or feels English.

@moviedude22 - 25.08.2015 04:19

Look at the construct of their House of Commons, or their parliament

@markganus1085 - 02.09.2015 18:54

to all pc shitlibs, bear this in mind:

Stereotypes don't arise in a vacuum

@TweekyFeio - 30.10.2015 18:01

I could not understand almost nothing of that guy with the blue bandana spoke.( I am not 100% fluent in English. )

@louiscfc93 - 23.12.2015 08:08

American blacks have it better than blacks in Britain? Are you fucking kidding me? Oh poor me, poor me, little black baby, grow the fuck up. Black self victimization will be their fucking downfall.

@pwat7254 - 01.01.2016 07:19

Asking most white people about racism is like expecting a wall to talk back. Ofcourse they're not going to see it (since they're the majority in those places) and usually if they do, they'll deny it.

@JCstone1000 - 21.01.2016 19:21

We could theoretically have a black prime minister if Chucka Ummuna ran for the Labour leadership. If he had done that, we could've had a black PM in less than 5 years technically.

@allnamesaretaken - 07.03.2016 06:58

I have never once met anyone use the term Uncle Tom with the exception of someone from the US. If black people were not hired, its racist and if they are hired, some black people call them Uncle Toms (going by what he said at the end). FFS. If you want black people to be hired, you need to stop knocking them down when they are successful.

@noblesavage5689 - 29.03.2016 18:46

You can tell which European nation is more tolerant by the number of terrorist attacks per year.

@Kilamanjaro009 - 29.03.2016 19:29

Why ask white people about racism? That's like asking heterosexuals about homophobia, or men about sexism.

@cameronyuma - 12.06.2016 06:56

where's the badboi Yardies?

@justalostcause4425 - 23.06.2016 21:18

haha England also have good looking women that's surprising

@LazsalzariRomnzevroskki - 10.07.2016 12:28

I fucking loooove British hip hop!

@nixxi1 - 11.08.2016 01:39

does the white chick with the nails have snapchat or instagram?

@emmamcmahon7099 - 25.09.2016 21:41

"This is our city" fuck off, Britain belongs to the English first, foreigners second.

@paulomilan515 - 29.11.2016 02:04

It's so funny how oblivious white people when it comes to minorities and how they are treated. White people always answer hypothetically and black people answer realistically.

@Lovelyminidonuts - 20.01.2017 09:14

money money money

@StCloud-ns7vt - 26.01.2017 02:52

"our culture is accepted but we aren't" super poignant

@Luckimee - 25.10.2017 18:19

Uh Brexit?

@Luckimee - 25.10.2017 18:23

Prince Harry is dating a black woman

@nicnico1734 - 31.12.2017 12:19

Pharrell needs to bring back this series. Why, did this series stop.

@kazi1072 - 03.07.2018 08:02

Its funny cause now someone in the royal family is married to a black woman

@AASW320 - 16.08.2019 04:18

FYI more white ppl live in ghettos than black ppl. They’re called trailer parks

@magicworld3242 - 29.09.2019 03:55

White people don't experience racism therefore they don't believe it happens.

@jltrack - 09.11.2019 10:06

It is 2019, Prince Harry married Megan Markle, an Biracial African American/Caucasian American woman. They have a child together. It happened.

@Traces13 - 11.11.2019 20:24

Wow, this wuz recorded b4 Harry wed Meghan. It was a joke in the past.

@RankedShooter - 18.09.2021 02:42

It all comes down to people fearing what they don't understand. I know its cliché but its simply truth. Once you start learning about why people live the way they do and the causes, learn the history and cultures, its an eye-opening experience. Also, people tend to want what they can't have. The world's biggest enemy is the rich white man. But why, is it because he has all the money and power, or the fact that he's white?

@Kriskaligator - 18.10.2022 01:30

Meghan Markle
