NAME THAT SONG CHALLENGE!! ft Uncle & Auntaay B | Life Wyf CaityB

NAME THAT SONG CHALLENGE!! ft Uncle & Auntaay B | Life Wyf CaityB

Life Wyf CaityB

55 лет назад

1,140 Просмотров

Objects used in this video were solely for the purpose of the game/challenge and not intended to hurt anyone. I do not own any rights to any music used in this video.

This sick video was all mums' idea, and I can say for sure, that we alll had fun with this one! To think that Halloween was basically a month ago😂Anyways who's excited for xmas!! CAUSE I AAAMMMMM! Enjoy this one fam xx #bealoyalone #nevaluvme


Don't be afraid to add me on
Snapchat & Instagram: lifewyfcaityb


##Foodie ##Samoan ##Mukbang ##Kiwi ##Aussie ##Saglish ##Fob ##Melbourne ##CaityB ##Sa #Auckland #Aukilani #Otara #274 #New_Zealand ##SouthPacificTalents ##Polymovement #Polynesian #Poly #Otahuhu_College ##FamilyFirst #Family #90s #Pop #Rock #Ballad #December_2018 #Xmas #Christmas #Hosier_Lane #Melbourne_CBD #Snapchat #1999 #Halloween #lit #mariah_carey #dj_khaled #smokey_eye #krispy_kreme_mukbang #vlogger #dr_dre #post_malone #punialavaa #cardi_b #maroon_5 #beats_by_dre #ariana_grande #youtube #youtuber
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