Doesnt look like her cabin. Did you move
Ответитьhow did you manage to go to this hotel for a few days? Aren't you all in coronavirus lockdown in the US?
ОтветитьPlease add some good quality rain umbrellas with chickens on. I am in Australia and I want to buy 3 if I can find some nice quality ones. I missed the live session tonight so Im watching it now an hour late.
ОтветитьMy coop and run have a fly problem. I only have three hens for six weeks. They won’t eat their feed, but eat people stuff.
ОтветитьWho's watching all your babies at home? How did you manage to get away. Maybe mention arrangements to make. There may be other last minute circumstances when u have to leave home.
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьCongratulations Scott! Very happy for you. You sound very excited; Your off to a good start. Do you both work at home via computers now?
ОтветитьThe microphone was working just was loud enough and clear. I don't know why he thinks it was bad.
ОтветитьHello Becky I have a Bard rock hen that about 5 weeks ago was not feeling very well we brought her inside separated her from the other chickens and after a week she was back to normal and acting good so we put her back out with the other chickens. But sense then she has not laid any eggs at all I was hoping you could help me figure out whats wrong! She is acting perfectly normal eating and drinking She even walks normal. A hand full of times i have seen her in the nesting box acting like she was gonna lay but then after about 20 mins she will come down without laying an egg. Please any advice would be amazing! I LOVE the videos
ОтветитьWe got new chickens! we got a black australorp and a Rhode island red. You said that Rhode Island reds are aggressive. will my hen become aggressive?
ОтветитьIn the beginning I would cry uncontrollably when I lost a chicken for one reason or another and my heart was totally broken, I realized I needed to stop I have so many and am much better at dealing with the circle of my birds
ОтветитьThere was nothing wrong with it, they both work the same & probably best for you to work with what is most comfortable for you.
ОтветитьBecky have you made the DIY PVC tube feeders yet and what do you think of them? I made a 3-inch feeder for my two hens its 3 feet high and I have not had to fill it for three weeks no waist. just had to find the best one so only there heads fit in the hole and they cannot scoop it out on the ground. Hugs Becky love you
ОтветитьI lost 2 baby chicks their coop is destroyed
ОтветитьHi everyone, I have 2 questions . 1st I bought 4 baby chickens. One of them had alittle runny eye. They are now 2 months old all are well but the one still has a runny eye. Sometimes it has bubbles too. What can I do to help it. Also I have ants in the coop. Do I need to worry about them? How do I get rid of them? Thank you and God bless.
ОтветитьMy Rhode island red rooster I had years ago was docile. Yet my latest rooster a buff Orpington was so aggressive he became dangerous to any visitor. I still have scars from his attacks. Needless to say he is no longer. He was so friendly until he turned two. Then he snapped. I have a 7 year old Rhode Island Red hen who gets along great with my buff Orpington flock.
Ответитьyou're skinny now! wow!
ОтветитьHey Becky thank you for this video here and I have a quick question for you how can you get guineas 2 lay eggs all year round like the chickens
ОтветитьAnd I hope you and your family have a nice vacation and stay safe and God bless
ОтветитьI haven't been on vacation for at least 20 years because I'm worried about leaving my farm and animals
ОтветитьI am just starting my flock I had four chickens and I was getting one a day feeding them this stuf and I get like 3 eggs a day it’s so great just got some new point of lay hens but they are so flighty and really don’t want to leave the roosts what should I do?????
ОтветитьThanks Becky as always! We have started homesteading with chicks for eggs and gardening. Questions: 1) what age can chicks start eating your diy chicken feed mix? 2) I heard whole or cracked corn can cause overheating in chickens in summer. Is this true?
I suspect not as you feed it in FL. Thanks!
Hi Becky! We finally got some chickens and guess what!? We named one Becky!!!! We love your channel and your awesome personality!!! Keep it up!!! 😀
ОтветитьGood morning
Ответитьmy chicks show up friday, can't wait. Love your videos your the best!
ОтветитьI’ve been watching you for years and I always wanted chickens because of you! I finally got chickens and they are getting bullied by my Guinnes. They are all getting sick and we give them a quarter of a pill of fish biotic for 10 days and they are still sick! What do I do?
ОтветитьStressed chickens will end with bad results. Overcrowding, bullying from other chickens or other fowl, heat- no shade. Coop too messy, Must have a variety diet, grain, protein, calcium. Becky you always give great advice.
ОтветитьShalom Ms Becky
Can you tell me why one of my chickens are being stingy with the hen house? She used to run all over the yard with the other chickens but now she just stay in the hen house, we have 3 compartments in the hen house but she occupy one specific compartment. And we try to get the eggs her feathers spread out and she makes a really weird mean sounding noise and she tries to peck us lol
Your stories crack me up!!!!
ОтветитьAt what age will my chickens go in the coop by themselves??
ОтветитьHELP!!! One of my chickens contracted coccidiosis and now all 12 of them have it! I have separated them all and put them each in quarantine. I clean all 12 tubs where they are in now, each day with ammonia and I’ve sprayed their coop with ammonia. I’ve clean with ammonia my shoes, their eating trays and water bottles!
I’m exhausted! Chickens are NOT easy!
Thank you so much for doing these videos Becky, you’re a bright spot in a very difficult world God bless you and your husband.
ОтветитьHey I wanted to ask about how long does it take adult chickens to lay eggs once you get them
ОтветитьOh my we had so much rain in NC and it's been horrible on my chickens! I had to treat them with Corid for coccidia
ОтветитьDo you have any tips on growing Watermelons?
ОтветитьGood for you, enjoy. You look so good. I have been watching your videos on and off getting notes from your experiences and learn. I will like to get into a little homestead when we retired and watching your videos help a lot.
ОтветитьHi Becky! I experienced the worst a few weeks ago when my hen, "Lovey" showed up with a prolapsed situation coming out of her cloaca. It was a strand of veins, tissue and two ova still in the tube. I was shaking!!! I took her to the vet and they advised to put her to sleep, so to speak. God knows how that happened!!!????? I was in shambles ever since and deep depression, as well as her pal,"Sweetie", who the first morning missing her, had cried and called for Lovey all day! I ended up having 3 panic attacks and am just now feeling back to myself. What the hay happened to my dear hen? She was only just turning 4, but was a bad layer most of her life. Her eggs always came out narrow-ish and pasty and thin with the shell regardless of the oyster shell and supplements I supplied, like the Omega egg, etc.. Oh! My heart weighed heavy that day. She was the one that had eye contact like a soft caring God.
ОтветитьOne of three baby chickens has a turned leg and can't walk on it. The vet said it's already too stiff to fix it. I'm really worried because it's tired all the time. Do you have any advice to improve her health? We feed her twice a day so she gets enough food. After feeding she always falls asleep in our hands. She is just such a cute little thing and it would be so sad if she died
ОтветитьYou always give so much good information. Thanks for another great video.
ОтветитьBecky are you married or single?
ОтветитьI can hear you now.
ОтветитьMicrophone was working great.
ОтветитьSounds great
ОтветитьGood morning, I have added my new 5 chicken to my 3 older hens. One hen is terrorizing the whole flock. Any suggestions
ОтветитьI always wondered about this I can't wait for your next vid by the way I also love love chickens I can lottery cry if one pass away
ОтветитьLet me come join you Cutie.
ОтветитьSame college my friend recommended to my son! I have heard good things about that on-line college! Good luck Scott!
BTW: I've watched your vids for yrs. I just got hens a few days ago! I'm so excited!
I've found myself watching every video of yours and bought 2 acres and built a coop hatched 9 eggs in an incubator from my 4 hens. Expanded the coop and loving this life.