Is Too Much Detail A Bad Thing? Warhammer

Is Too Much Detail A Bad Thing? Warhammer

Revenn's HandiCrafts

2 года назад

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@thundersnow8149 - 28.11.2022 20:03

Seeing this validated my feelings after painting a box of custodes

@kevorhode - 28.11.2022 20:14

Waking up to handi video 😊 also crys in unfinished dark angel models sitting on desk 🥲

@KillerOrca - 28.11.2022 20:16

That a Costco hot dog with or without the free soda. Cause where I am (or, at least, one of the three fucking Costcos within my driving range including the apparently very first store ever of all time) the sodas are pretty fuckin MID.

Also; details are nice to look at when painted but FUCK PAINTING THEM YOURSELF.

@Valkmerr - 28.11.2022 20:21

Ah yes the golden trim, my favorite army to play is night lords, but their is NO WAY im gonna make myself suffer 64+ hours just to paint trim, it make me hate chaos just for that.
So now i play Dark Angels thanks to you

@stevenbolt4980 - 28.11.2022 20:34

Hi handicrafts

@red4foxela - 28.11.2022 20:37

I also painted 10 of these. If you remove the Cloaks and the Shoulder mounted Wings the models look a lot less clustered.

@d1turtlelunn569 - 28.11.2022 20:38

🎉money 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

@Alpharius12 - 28.11.2022 22:43

Comment for the Costco hotdogs

@machodges1979 - 28.11.2022 22:52

This is my comment.

@VerbuggterHerrderDunkelheit - 28.11.2022 23:58

I think it's good if a miniature has a great deal of details, because it's more interesting to look at it from every angle for hours than some plain simple armor

@clinicallyinsane9955 - 29.11.2022 00:18

Details can improve the look, but there's a point where it looks cluttered n a bit much.

@GPFallaize - 29.11.2022 00:50

Nice to see the channel growing buddy.

I’ve got some angry (there are no wolves on fenris) space wolves who would like to say hi 😁

@havel4385 - 29.11.2022 01:18

dark angels are flexing by having 1000 details per model, they are attempting to prove their superiority.

@comradebusman3 - 29.11.2022 02:03

“Can’t spell painting without pain”
My painting desk is attached to the wall in my painting room at a very low elevation, so I spend my time painting all hunched over. My neck and back are in shambles

@tulemm5439 - 29.11.2022 11:23

Where is the war lord titan mid winter minis has finished his he’s had it for two years and it’s done

@twilightgames001 - 10.12.2022 12:26

Yeah, too much detail can be bad, that’s why if its not a display model, snip snip snip!
Also good job on the monetisation of the channel!
(Also Also holy, just joined the discord and it is great! 10/10 would recommend)

@azathoth_the_emperor - 23.12.2022 16:58

im probably going to paint ether ultramarines or salamanders for Christmas
