Using VA Benefit To Buying a Multifamily Home 2022 - Buying a Multi-Family Property With a VA Loan

Using VA Benefit To Buying a Multifamily Home 2022 - Buying a Multi-Family Property With a VA Loan

Jennifer Beeston

3 года назад

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@jdude9002 - 01.08.2022 13:57

Hi can I message you i have va and interested in 2 unit.

@zachb757 - 08.08.2022 19:46

Can you do a video on VA multifamily home construction loan?

@alouisgene - 08.08.2022 22:53

For first time buyers would you have to live In the property for the year minimum if you were to hire a property manager?

@NolDee247 - 11.08.2022 18:24

Does it matter when you were a landlord? I was a landlord in the past while I was still on active duty, does that count as the landlord experience?

@MrGman127 - 12.08.2022 00:33

Jennifer, thank you for this informative, no-BS video on the subject of VA - Multi-family home buying. I have watched, read, and listened to numerous talking heads on the subject, but you are the only one that provides the facts. Thanks again for all that you do to help us Vets understand how the program works.

@waynebanks13 - 18.08.2022 02:29

What about crypto?

@jodymiller1 - 25.08.2022 04:30

How do you get landlord experience? Asking for a friend.

@gabrielramirez8457 - 01.09.2022 19:20

If I was able to get a construction loan from a builder for a 4-plex, would I be able to roll that over to a VA loan once it’s done if I don’t need rental income to qualify?

@MisSamIvee - 13.09.2022 00:49

What about building a multi-unit, can you use VA?

@ericbrooks3328 - 14.09.2022 20:24

Hello Jennifer, loved the idea on passive income multi unit! QUESTION, WILL VA help build one with construction?

@nathanbuttry7643 - 16.09.2022 19:07

Something you mentioned regarding reserves, obviously 6 mo piti needed if you need to use any of the rental income to qualify, being self-employed I do need that. Question, I understand the reserves cannot be a gift, how long do they need to be " seasoned "?

@angelo-001 - 21.09.2022 23:10

I have both of these 2 things, and was just told today by Veterans United I can “never” use the income from the new property. I guess jus their own rule?

@benbrasher5981 - 23.09.2022 18:28

Does the landlord experience still apply if you plan to live in a unit

@yoshana - 03.11.2022 02:14

Our son and his wife are looking to get out of their apartment. But no savings to buy a house. Will VA allow my husband to co-sign with the loan and get the VA Benefit? We used VA loan to purchase our home on 2021. Not sure if VA will allow us to purchase a home for our son and his family.

@russlea6383 - 30.11.2022 01:53

Now, why can't every rental property tuber tell the truth like you do?

@joseredondo7156 - 20.12.2022 01:05

Jennifer- curious about the last statement you made. Are you saying an 8 unit property is actually viewed by the VA as a 2 unit?

@richardreeves6162 - 31.12.2022 00:01

Hi Jennifer, thanks for the info. I’m looking to build a 1-4 unit using my VA entitlement. I currently have one rental and my primary that both use my entitlement now. I’d be looking to sell those and build this new construction to live in one unit and rent the others. I’ve only been a landlord for 6 months also. Can you help me get lending, or point me to a lender that could help me? Thx!

@Ace-ht1is - 03.01.2023 02:16

100% rated veteran does not receive any property tax deductions in California, right?

@TEEZUSDA1 - 13.01.2023 20:23

What about for 2 veterans that are married?

@nico3262 - 15.02.2023 23:19

Just wondering if u can clarify. Love the video btw If you don’t have enough income to qualify for a 4 plex va loan
But you have more then 6-12 month reserved + 20 percent if needed and 2 years landlord experience can you still qualify? Or can you use using the potential rental income that you would use when u purchase the 4 plex to qualify ? Or it just not possible
Thank you so much hope to hear from u

@alanspringer113 - 14.03.2023 04:04

Hello Jennifer, would I be able to buy a house that has a double wide manufactured home that comes with the property and I qualify for the homes with a VA loan and I would not need the rental payments for the mortgage?

@ArmonMitchell - 17.03.2023 16:28

wonderful functional informative!

@joeallen5074 - 22.03.2023 23:20

Great information as usual Jennifer! You read my mind!

@sanferelectric2080 - 14.04.2023 00:42

Hi, 2023 if you qualify with income, do you still need the management company?

@greglong2103 - 23.04.2023 15:36

I have rental experience of two years and can show on tax returns but it’s from 4 years ago. Will this suffice for proof of experience. Also what is the loan limit for multi family? Brunswick County NC is where I want to purchase a 4 unit. Thanks.

@brianlovelady6517 - 25.04.2023 18:21

Does pension count as reserves?

@emilygay6851 - 15.05.2023 22:07

Can I buy 2 duplexes, same deed and live in 1 unit

@marty1258 - 24.05.2023 19:40

Thank you for this info. I am in a situation in which, we are both VA qualifying, one with 6 month reserves, the other with property management experience. We are interested in a 4 plex, and are trying to understand the rules a little better.

@nebby2722 - 05.07.2023 22:35

Damn total bummer for me. I have the reserves for sure but I’ve never been a landlord. I sure as hell don’t want to hire a management company

@elementsofelle888 - 14.08.2023 04:18

Thank you!

@Zonedout_vids - 30.08.2023 13:07

Jennifer, how we get proof or what document is needed to show we have consecutive years of landlord experience?

@msjones015 - 09.09.2023 02:08

I have a question, just to verify, if I rent out land for people to put mobile homes would that consider to be experience?

@JayKayBel - 16.09.2023 04:47

Does it need to be a company or can you hire someone that has been a landlord with 2+ years of experience

@king.m.m.l4882 - 21.09.2023 13:58

Good Morning, I recently used my VA loan to purchase our dream home for 442k. I have a great opportunity to purchase a 2 unit duplex for 110k. I been doing research on my options to finance this purchase. Any suggestions would help. TIA

@Vinegarissweet - 12.10.2023 00:33

😢 This just depressed me. But, I appreciate the honest truth!

@KurtMarx-m4h - 13.12.2023 05:14

What if it were 2 veterans want to get just a 4 unit property? Both ahaving 100% service connection

@cheeriomartinez - 14.12.2023 20:46

Thank you!!! There are so many videos out there making it seem like you can just go to a lender and purchase a multi family unit.

@Vet45tn - 15.12.2023 17:48

My primary home is VA got a good deal lined up on a triplex , but I don’t want to move from my primary married with 2kids 2600 sq ft primary don’t want to move to a single unit. What’s your advice ? VA, conventional? Anything else ?

@1eyekhandy - 18.12.2023 21:01

What if I just used my VA to a single unit home?

@siphotchala5202 - 29.12.2023 01:40

that intro is hilarious, thanks for the clarification in the beginning

@realology777 - 30.03.2024 18:00

Military Veteran here to say, you gave us solid content & an amazing video ❤ Thank you for sharing your knowledge ma'am. So my question at the end of this would be , what if me & another Veteran just decide to come together & agree to stay at the "4 Unit Limit" So that doesn't become a problem with the Gennie May issue. & both have some reserved Capital as well to make it a more secure situation? Would that make things more Gravy lol. Serious question. So a question might be , well would that even be worth it to share this kind of a situation. My answer is OF Course!!! Some people might just have some goal of becoming rich off their 1st deal, Not me. Building solid equity in a Quad unit over the next 5 to 10 years is an amazing idea to me because me and that other Veteran still have to have a place to live, still would be paying rent elsewhere just giving our money away & now can later down the line decide to buy eachother out if so desired once we have much more Capital saved on top of putting extra principle payments Every single month is mu goal to build crazy equity while saving interest on the back end of the load over the years if that makes sense. 🤷‍♂️

@Irishcalica - 03.04.2024 19:43

Does having an airbnb unit for more than a year counts as landlord experience?

@Conrad86424 - 04.04.2024 04:40

This is my second time using my VA. The first house I bought I sold it and move to a different state. I am currently living in the house that I used my VA for the second time. I have been here 3 years. How can can I used the VA for another duplex. Should I refinance out the VA then re use it.

@derekadams6037 - 06.07.2024 20:12

Can equity in an existing home qualify as reserves?

@davidcornett9188 - 11.07.2024 18:39

2. Q’s - 1. 6 months can come a TSP account?
- 2. 2 consecutive years? Has to be the 2 years immediately preceding the purchase? I’ve been a land lord for 10plus years, but sold my property a year ago. This doesn’t qualify?

@markgatz6127 - 26.07.2024 21:57

I do know that property with 4 or less units is listed as residential and anything with 5 units or more is listed as commercial property.

@DavidRamirez-fi2ev - 28.07.2024 23:34

I'm a realtor and taking property management classes from college you think they'll qualify me for that quadplex? i do have the reserves

@Between_the_numbers - 16.08.2024 23:04

Haha seeing this video just pissed me off

@FilAMUSMilitary - 03.09.2024 04:29

Hello - as a veteran with 100% VA rating, can he/she purchase first property 4-plex (Bexar County in Texas) live in one and rent the three. Then after 1-year, can he/she purchase a single-family home as owner-occupied and rent all of the 4-plex considering not to exceed $726,200. The veteran has sold all properties and has credit score of 850 currently. The veteran has been home owner/landlord since 1995 and sold all in May 2023. Therefore, all loans are paid off. This veteran is planning to rebuild his/her real estate portfolio again after settling the divorced decree. Look forward to your reply. Thank you from retired US Army officer.🙂

@DonC11669 - 19.09.2024 03:46

🤔 Interesting.😎👍
