The true biggest villain to appear in the infamous series of Dragon Ball GT. Baby, the last remaining legacy of the once extinct Tuffles is back and wants to avenge his people against the Saiyans and rule the universe. Across the fanbase, GT is widely debate to this very day about the true scope of the characters prowess. Now with the likes of Super and Daima following past it, GT is often overlooked and misunderstood about the lore of Baby. In this video, we deep dive into the full destructive power of Baby. To see if he is truly as monstrous of a villain he makes him out to be.
Shoutout and credit to all Youtubers whose footage were used for this video.
I do not own Dragon Ball, so please support the official release.
Background Music List (In chronological order of each chapter) -
Dragon Ball Z - Vegeta’s Theme with Epic Choir (EnigmaTNG)
Dragon Ball GT - Background Theme #1
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi - Courage
Dragon Ball GT - Soundtrack 40 (Bonkers)
Dragon Ball GT - Soundtrack 69 (Withstanding Power)
Dragon Ball GT - Soundtrack 30 (Secret Revealed)
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi - Dangerous Mind
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - AGL LR Super Baby 2 (Great Ape) (Anniversary)
Dragon Ball GT - Soundtrack 5 (Battle With General Rildo)
Dragon Ball GT - Soundtrack 8 (Evil Baby)
Dragon Ball Z - Buu is Fighting
Dragon Ball Z - SSJ3 Goku Vs. Janemba
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Realm of the Gods
Dragon Ball GT - Welcome to The Grand Tour
Dragon Ball GT - Soundtrack 9 (Faceoff on Planet M2)
Dragon Ball GT Final Bout - Hero of Heroes
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - TEQ LR SSJ4 Full Power Goku
Dragon Ball FighterZ - Super Baby 2 Theme
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Great Ape
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - Ape Transformation & Rage Mode
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - TEQ SSJ4 Gogeta
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - STR SSJ4 Vegeta Active Skill
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - LR SSJ4 Goku & Vegeta Intro
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Dragon Spirit
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Main Theme
Dragon Ball GT - Soundtrack 12 (Recap Title Card)
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