KSP Easy Mods Episode 3 - ScienceAlert

KSP Easy Mods Episode 3 - ScienceAlert


9 лет назад

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@catrissia - 20.09.2015 15:09

Oh wow I always thought it was a bug when it told me I could do another EVA report after I had just done one. This mod could use a better message when you do it and it tells you no science available. Also I was watching another video with this mod where the alert for EVA science came up during reentry, pretty sure that would be fatal. Wonder how many kerbals lost their life to that prank.

@LightningFox2407 - 29.12.2015 17:48

this mod is no longer showing up in the mod list

@markbegley1197 - 26.09.2016 01:23

ScienceAlert doesn't install like you show. When I opened the folder I am presented with 10 different subfolders and 7 files including API, Experiments, GameData, ProfileData, Properties, render, Resources, Scan Interfaces, Toolbar, Windows, BiomeFilter.cs, MagicDataTransmitter.cs, ScienceAlert.cs, ScienceAlert, ScienceAlert.sln, Settings.cs, and StorageCache.cs There were NO INSTRUCTIONS for installing... UNBELIEVABLE! Can you help me get this installed? I really could use this mod.

@havan56 - 16.12.2019 07:51

Good easy to understand video so far.

Haven't messed with the options here much but I can see how you'd want a set of alerts for when EVA's are possible and when they're not. E.g don't notify me of potential science from an EVA while I'm flying a plane through an atmosphere.

@InsideBSIProd - 20.02.2020 01:49

Why the fuck is Google telling me this video was posted the 11 oct 2019 ? I trusted you, Google...
