Being Wealthy… Sooner Rather Than Later?

Being Wealthy… Sooner Rather Than Later?

Pennies Not Perfection

55 лет назад

2,259 Просмотров

Just some rambling about why I want to be wealthy, why I want it to happen now rather than later, and my own mental roadblocks to building wealth.

Are you trying to achieve financial freedom? How do you feel about building wealth and being wealthy?

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@britneycall1146 - 19.11.2024 20:10

"Money gives you options." I love that! It's not about having the money, it's about what you can do with it.

@rolandosouffrain7957 - 19.11.2024 21:01

Transfer Tuesday, yay 🎉🎉 last payment of 2024. $387 into my Roth 401k. Roth 401k and Roth IRA both maxed out for 2024. I will definitely be Wealthy. I'm on track to be a Tax Free Millionaire in about 3 years. 🎉🎉🎉 wish 🤞🏾 me luck.💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

@laurapantoja8404 - 19.11.2024 21:18

Completely unrelated but you look fabulous. Your face looks so much slimmer and that pink color suits you so well.

@elisan7587 - 19.11.2024 21:48

I'd like to know what number defines people as rich. 1m$ will not get you far these days, so 5m$ net worth per person? Having a house, going on vacation, being able to pay for university is just middle class, maybe upper middle class if the house is big and you're flying first class.
Either way thank you for sharing your goal.

@FunandBudget - 19.11.2024 22:08 of the things I noticed is you still attributed having a lot of money as the ability to give and pour into others. I point this out because it seems as if its the only way you can feel good about having a lot of money as if to say, see its not for me...its for them. I'm here to say that it is okay to spend money on yourself and to know that you get to be taken care of and set up for life too and more don't have to justify being wealthy :-)

@catgodfrey6451 - 19.11.2024 22:16

Great video 😊❤😊

@mybdayis420 - 19.11.2024 22:23

It is such a long road to accumulating real wealth (as in not worry about money) for the average-incomed American but we can do our best.

Do you have a number you are looking to hit and an attainable plan to get there?

@aleciariddick7719 - 19.11.2024 22:26

Hey Mary, start with googling with abundance mindset prompts to dig deep into your money mindset, I did.

@miamisoljah - 20.11.2024 02:16

You posting this video for the world to see is the first step in manifesting. Use this as your words of affirmation. ‘’I see myself in a higher income class. I deserve to be wealthy. ‘’

@ThriftyAsian - 20.11.2024 03:29

I’m with you on everything! I want more confident in talking about topics that nobody wants to. I want to be wealthy to help so much more people mostly my mom so she can retire but after that help other people!

@robertmorris2576 - 20.11.2024 04:38

Awesome video, Mary. I feel like i can give more since i have more

@allthingsalecia - 20.11.2024 05:17

Thanks for sharing. I want to be wealthy so that I can give like no one else and build a legacy for my family. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. 💜

@JessicaMVaughan - 20.11.2024 07:13

Do you think you'll be getting a 9-5? Love you and looking forward to following your journey!

@brookenigh - 20.11.2024 18:40

If you are not yet consuming the Bigger Pockets Money podcast, I cannot recommend it enough. It's life changing! It made me realize my assumption of needing millions to retire was grossly over-estimated and now I'm 2 years away from retirement since I now know how to accurately calculate my financial independence (FI) number. I won't even be 50 in 2 years so I'm thrilled about that. They also recommend so many wonderful books that truly have been the jumping off platform for me in my journey towards FI. Best wishes to you; you've got this!!!

@amycolucci6769 - 21.11.2024 02:44

Good for you. I’m working on this myself as I tend to have a bit of imposter syndrome.

@CharliniAlmeida - 21.11.2024 15:14

Wow a very honest and transparent video - nice! 🙌 Money beliefs are like software running our system in the background subconsciously. I found affirmations and breaking limiting beliefs via energy healing & inner work super helpful with this! I'm an energy healer helping others with exactly that - I see a lot of people who inherited their money limiting beliefs from previous generations! Keep up the videos!

@barbarahughes6009 - 21.11.2024 23:59

Being wealthy seems to mean having enough passive income to live on at the level you want.It’s quite an abstract concept because some people want to live frugally and others to spend more money.

@saadisjehbazi77 - 25.11.2024 18:06

Hi marry very nice video but the editing is very bad
I'm a video editor we can talk about it.

@PenniesNotPerfection - 19.11.2024 19:37

Are you trying to achieve financial freedom? How do you feel about building wealth and being wealthy?
