What we got our 6 kids for Christmas

What we got our 6 kids for Christmas

Chrissy Horton

2 месяца назад

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@jennalewis7113 - 24.12.2024 21:58

Did you make it? Did you have to wrap any presents?

@monika-1315 - 24.12.2024 22:05

Cool things ❤ Klask is very nice game also, although it takes quite more space😅

@alanadidonato147 - 24.12.2024 22:14

You’re the best. So real and such a wonderful family.

@Rose20287 - 24.12.2024 22:16

This was our first year where we didn't wrap anything Christmas Eve!! I finished wrapping everything last night! We have 7 kids expecting number 8, so I definitely feel your pain lol

@nobadtripzz - 24.12.2024 22:24

this is such a smart idea ! thank you❤god bless you and your family, merry christmas ! 🎄

@heathermicola3894 - 24.12.2024 22:25

As a mom of 9 this completely stresses me out 😂. My gifts have been wrapped for weeks! I also use lots of reusable drawstring fabric gift bags

@emmaleebuzzard1023 - 24.12.2024 22:37

Yes!! We did a lot of shared gifts too this year. Our kitchen toys were way falling apart so that is a lot of what we got.

@shellyknowsall - 24.12.2024 22:40

I stayed up until 3a getting a head start on the wrapping in hopes that I wouldn't have to stay up as late tonight 😂 Why do I always wait until the last minute?! 🤦‍♀️🤣

@jocelyndaley523 - 24.12.2024 22:58

Lite Brite!!!!! ❤

@CeraniW09 - 24.12.2024 22:59

I order things weeks in advance and wrap them as they get delivered. Saves me tons of time and stress on Christmas Eve. I just hide the gifts in my closet, and we have a "no kids in mom's bedroom without permission" rule.

@Keepingitkealialikeamotha - 24.12.2024 23:08

And here I am on Christmas Eve not a present wrapped 😂❤ Merry Christmas! 💕

@nataliem2323 - 24.12.2024 23:29

My husband calls the eve before Christmas Eve "Christmas Adam" because Adam came before Eve. Haha😂

@annamcdonald1191 - 24.12.2024 23:39

We call "the eve before Christmas eve" Christmas Adam. 😊

@AlishaH-fo8qv - 24.12.2024 23:52

Next time, instead of wrapping everything, you can get reusable, large Christmas gift bags that have a drawstring. And maybe just wrap the smaller gifts...👍✅

@pienkunicorn - 24.12.2024 23:53

I'm constantly floored by how much stuff Americans give kids for Christmas.
When I grew up it was one gift each on Christmas. That's it. The grand total.
Y'all be like "only" three gifts each plus all this other stuff 😮😱

@ambervanwyk5601 - 25.12.2024 00:00

That is so cool! We did the same for our 2 boys. Plenty fun games and board games, also including battle ship 😂 for both of them to play together. And then obvs individually too

@careynorman9426 - 25.12.2024 00:19

Good luck
Merry Christmas!!

@mariea.7349 - 25.12.2024 01:07

This year I got mine books because let's be real even though I tell my family they should gift experiences they always get some stuff as well.

@jadem3613 - 25.12.2024 01:11

This year marks another Christmas Eve where we still havent wrapped any presents... I'm throwing everything in a gift bag with pretty tissue, will probably be doing this at 2am (again). The thought of wrapping everything is overwhelm, so happy to see I'm not alone in this, thank you! 💖🙏

@embracethepuzzle6492 - 25.12.2024 01:22

Little hack!!! GIFT SACKS!! They’re a life savor. I have 3 children, 1 one the way and though some would say it takes away the joy of unwrapping the paper or going crazy with the tissue paper from gift bags, it’s actually AMAZING!!!! ❤

EDIT TO ADD: It also makes hiding the presents a bit easier. Even in a smaller home. 🏠 ❤

@hals999 - 25.12.2024 02:42

I just finished wrapping my ĺast present!

@SarahBethFollowell - 25.12.2024 02:43

In my house we call it Christmas Adam... get it because Adam came before Eve

@MrsLeBlanc14 - 25.12.2024 04:04

It’s Christmas Eve and I’m yet again wrapping all our presents. 🙄

@nataliebentz1496 - 25.12.2024 04:24

That might still be too many gifts girl. My kids get one gift, a shared gift and their stocking. Am I the grinch? No. Their grandparents spoil them.

@kia.kikiii - 25.12.2024 05:33

We have a two year old and 7 month old, definitely got some shared gifts and a few that the baby can grow into. They’re too close in age to have several toys of their own and we want to teach them to play with one another too!

@TrekieGal - 25.12.2024 06:01

We leave for midnight mass in 30 minutes. My husband is napping and has yet to wrap any gifts for me or any from his mother or sister 😂 I left him home with the oldest 2 for 4 hours today and he made cookies instead. Mass will end at 2 am so he's going to have a fun night/morning 😂

@jenniferlumia9892 - 25.12.2024 06:15

And here I am nursing my 13 month old that has a cold on Christmas eve for the 3rd time and I've only wrapped like 3 gifts...it's 10:15 pm

@kinzefreiatg3351 - 25.12.2024 06:41

I love how you did this! Not super overboard but everyone got something fun and useful, merry Christmas!! ❤

@cutethulu_xo - 25.12.2024 06:53

As a teen, I just accepted that it was "tradition" to wrap all the presents Christmas Eve....after coming home late from the extended family party that is 🫠😂

@cimoirine - 25.12.2024 07:51

Good luck! I had to wrap 1 gift on Christmas Eve, my husband’s. All others I wrapped the weekend before or 23rd

@ypmama4747 - 25.12.2024 08:51

My husband and I have also never not had to wrap a present on Christmas Eve until THIS year! It is Christmas Eve, just got home from church, and no unwrapped presents. It is an amazing feeling! (Yes, we did do it all last night, the 23rd) 😅

@ashleylewis2783 - 25.12.2024 16:42

How do you wrap/open shared gifts? We got one this year and I’m struggling with who gets to open it

@KathleenMansfield-f7r - 25.12.2024 17:27

Chrissy. A blessed Christmas to you and yours. When my kids were little they each got 3 gifts… just like the infant Jesus got 3 gifts from the Wise Men. A big special one, a medium size one and a smaller one!

@JcHb-oh2kq - 25.12.2024 22:52

Merry Christmas ! 🎄

@violingirl1349 - 26.12.2024 05:35

We didn’t wrap most things till Christmas Eve because we have a couple littles we can trust to not find and unwrap the presents! 😝 But it all worked out!
Merry Christmas!

@kimsutton3154 - 26.12.2024 15:55

Great idea!

@caroblue7988 - 26.12.2024 20:49

All this plus whatever their grandparents send? Us Aunts and Uncles!

I used to get one large gift shared with all my siblings, a medium gift for me and a small one in my stocking.

Sometimes I don’t even put all the gifts my kids get under the tree and dole them out during the 12 days of Christmas until Epiphany. We used to get a couple small toys and chocolates on Epiphany for the 3 Magi visit.

@kfinman - 27.12.2024 05:52

We don't do gifts for our babies either!

@alliebrown9009 - 27.12.2024 09:30

Thank you for sharing your struggle with “procrastinating” gift wrapping. I tell myself every year that I’m going to wrap as I buy/receive the gifts so that I’m not staying up all night wrapping presents….. was Christmas 2024 any different… nope! I guess pushing off wrapping until the last minute is a Christmas tradition that I never wanted! 😅😂

@Altypalty - 27.12.2024 15:43

Such a great idea to do the shared gifts! We did a similar thing this year as. A few individuals and the rest shared. We also got a couple extra for them to wrap and give to friends and family they want to bless themselves. ❤

@Olivia_2929 - 27.12.2024 21:12

Yes finally i family who gives their kids a normal amount of presents

@emmaleecrick2674 - 29.12.2024 02:28

My kids got a lot of the same retro games this year and they love them!!

@JuliaDempsey-j3z - 29.12.2024 04:42

Thank you for being realistic and not getting each kid something outrageous like a trip to New York or something overboard!❤

@jocelynf4209 - 30.12.2024 08:52

I have no kids yet and was still up wrapping to 3am this year! 😂😂❤🎄

@meganmoore6410 - 31.12.2024 03:27

The number of same items we got is insane

@meganreese1486 - 08.01.2025 03:36

Yeah, my 16 month old got a shape sorter in her stocking that was her brother's first. And otherwise she got socks, toothbrushes, and some jingle bells I got her last year (which went right back into Christmas storage this week to use again next year)

@crystalaltman4958 - 10.01.2025 07:14

Well I don’t feel too alone…for the first time in my adult life (25 years being an adult), I was still shopping and hadn’t wrapped one thing 2 days before Christmas…and I buy for almost 20

@crystalaltman4958 - 10.01.2025 07:16

I really wish I would have kept things this simple when my kids were growing up. Each one (only 2 kids) had 15-20 gifts each. So much money that didn’t need to be spent. They usually REALLY loved like 5 each and I could have gotten away with 5 each.

@Lucia-xg8mn - 13.01.2025 02:25

My 9 year old sister got the same camera and she loves it and takes it everywhere great idea!
