Everything you need to Power Kato Switches with DCC

Everything you need to Power Kato Switches with DCC

Silver State Trains

10 месяцев назад

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@randydobson1863 - 21.04.2024 05:20

hello Silver State Trains & Randy and i like yours video is cool & Thanks Silver State Trains & Friends Randy

@michaelwalpow5261 - 24.04.2024 15:31

Love the cost/supply breakdown. Thanks for making this

@davestrains6816 - 27.04.2024 16:05

Good info, thanks for sharing. Dave

@derailroad - 01.05.2024 19:07

Excellent Work brother, love the price comparison

@PaulSmith-pl7fo - 15.05.2024 11:23

Hi Stephen. Does the Digitrax problem with switches on start-up apply to a specific controller or all controllers?

@Redheadedlady55 - 18.01.2025 03:36

~How do you set the wire to power track. I have Bachman track & powerpack, know how to connect my stuff...but not the wiring on KA-TO

@tomgiorgini9154 - 21.01.2025 14:57

the kato switch controllers are junk whimbletrains I think is his channel shows you how to do it for $3 a switch, with the green red leds defiantly the way to go, you have an extensive track system there needs an appropriate control panel

@TubeFan96 - 22.01.2025 04:16

Great video Silver State, appreciate the detail here for a total novice like me. Could you feed power from the DCC controller straight to the Kato 24-842 and then on to all the switches? I'm going to be using a Zephyr Express which i believe sends low voltage AC power to the track. Could i tap into that perhaps since the 24-842 converts AC to DC
