I like this video, to a point.
It doesn't factor in the corruption levels of the Ukrainian government and it's sub-servient systems, such as supply and military. So it might be a good video to make, how much of the donated equipment and money has in its actuality reached the military forces at the needed areas against ending up in people's personal pockets or sold to other interest groups.
Also, on the point of the "Polish Legion" - while I do agree that if every country that has accepted Ukrainian migrants would do the same thing, Ukraine would have way more well trained battle units - I don't see them being any more effective than their Ukrainian trained counterparts if their equipment is going to be on the same level as an average green unit Ukraine sends on the front lines. A well trained soldier is just as susceptible to bullets and shrapnel as a badly trained soldier if their equipment level is below the modern infantry armour levels.
Also, when losing tanks/IFV's/APC's, it's likely that the crew survived if it wasn't a critical impact, however the survival rates of pilots in the aircraft shot down is much much smaller. Even if Ukraine has a functional air fleet, what they'll likely hit or have hit already is the lack of experienced pilots to fly the coming F-16's effectively.
Can't wait for your video on rocket systems & the rest.
ОтветитьI still say we need to send A-10s.... though i feel like we should NOT send the depleted uranium ammo....
Ответитьare you including the golf carts in the light vehicle losses?
ОтветитьThe only area where Ukrainian claims on Russian losses are not close to reality is in aircraft, but almost 100% of the overcount comes from very early in the war when they were using the Ghost of Kiev thing for morale reasons.
ОтветитьIt is messed up that perun videos are never recommend and the channel is at the bottom of my subscription list
ОтветитьThe funny thing about this war is that it is so much publicized that when it eventually ends, every clown that couldn't stop yapping nonsense will seem like an even bigger clown than before.
ОтветитьAn excellent analyis, but I am missing a very key thing - a discussion of drones. They clearly have had and are having a very important role on the battlefield. I would have liked to see the same discussion on where the forces are moving as far as drones are concerned.
Ответить"It is a plane..." Astute observation.
ОтветитьI feel bad i havent watched last couple videos, been watching a lot of William spaniel. Need to get caught up
ОтветитьWhere is powerpoint?
ОтветитьUkraine is winning big time by attrition. Russia is going broke....AND running out of new equipment and using WW2 tanks, BMPs and artillery now...
ОтветитьUkraine seem to be the place were old weapons are disposed of. In World War 2 the Americans did supply 16,000 brand new Sherman tanks to England alone. So winning does not seem to be the prime objective of the USA in Ukraine.
ОтветитьHopefully a Harris admin will have more appetite for properly supporting Ukraine, there have already been rumblings about scrapping the whole Zionist ghoul state department from the Biden days. Bodes well.
Ответитьtwo more weeks until ukraine wins natosisters! all they need is to draft 14 year olds for this next counteroffensive and putler will call it quits!!!
Thank you!
ОтветитьWho is going to win in 2 years from now? Frankly i dont see Ukraine winning this war.
ОтветитьVery good analysis
ОтветитьUA equipment losses are only as bad as their personnel losses - overwhelming.
Ответитьwould be nice if nato still held all that military gear we left in the middle east....
ОтветитьThe main issue with orxy is there known to take afu reports at face value unless there really reaching. there know to double count russian equipment and mark unidentifed soviet gear as russian. Orxys said russia has lost some 20,000 vehicles this is exremly unrealistic plus if we take orxy at face value ukriane shouldent have equipment problems yet they do a lot of time” destroyed” equipment is pulled of the front but is never marked as recovered or for exampled if pices of armormoured vehicles fall of because they were damanged there listed as destroyed some times. Orxy as a genral loss indicator is fairly bad but it is extemely good at calculating specific losses of equipment like m1 and t-90
Ответить"Almost certainly destroyed more Russian than Ukrainian equipment." Yeah if you believe Ukrainian state media over Russian state media. Pure cope.
ОтветитьYou should do a video on the return of AA guns for countering drones.
ОтветитьThank you so much.
ОтветитьThe polish style units are modeled after the Roman cohort. The US Army did this in the 80’s as well and they were literally called Cohort units - I was in one. We all came in together and discharged at the same time. Was awesome. Don’t know why the Army stopped with these type enlistments
ОтветитьUSA finding $2 billions feels like me finding 5€ in my winter jacket
ОтветитьFrom day 1 there has been a CIA/UKR disinformation campaign of taking pictures of UKR equipment with a Z painted on it and claiming it as a Russian kill.
So, I think the best indicator of actual losses is what is being done in the field.
UKR is sending open field attacks with unsupported infantry, this is an indication that they simply do not have any vehicles to use.
RUS is sending unsupported infantry only in urban settings; this indicates a doctrinal shift indicating they no longer wish to risk vehicles in this environment.
UKR has essentially ceded open field operations, moving from strongpoint to strongpoint on defense.
Both sides have moved to trench combat, indicating the trench breaching heavy equipment - tanks, bombers - are no longer available in quantity.
Does the Kursk offensive make this video's conclusion out of date?
ОтветитьAnother factor relevant for the re-use of captured equipment is that Ukraine deals with familiar soviet tech, while Russia has to deal with various sets of different stuff (in smaller numbers).
ОтветитьWhy does my comment keep disappearing
ОтветитьUndoubtedly a moot point, but the colour representing the catastrophic losses at :11:50 isn't red, its a reddish orange. Colour-blindness perhaps?
Ответитьdon't ask why, it's all thanks to cocaine😝
ОтветитьAaaaand Germany banned anymore military aid to Ukraine. And I get even more mainstream credence to say I WAS RIGHT about the Nordstream bombing!
ОтветитьHey Perun, regard Rosomak.
Short answer: Rosiek is not IFV and should not be placed as such in data flow. This is why there is less destroyed Wolverines then Bradleys.
Long answer: KTO Rosomak stands for Kołowy Transporter Opancerzony which loosely translate into Armored Personel Carrier, his main job is to transport troops close to their objective with supporting fire (in support fire configuration) while to do so and not a moment longer, then evac troops after objectives are fulfill. History of Rosiek is actually pretty simple it was answer for asymmetrical warfare that Polish troops engaged around the world and lack of proper vehicle was a main concern, early Afghan was a mess believe me. So on Finnish license Rosiek was born, it has quite a speed, a very good protection against IED and mortar and small caliber fire, but will not survive an long fire fight with IFV not mention other armored vehicle with superior firepower. It was primarily used by Polish forces in Afghan Iraq, Chad, and a lot of more other mission with asymmetrical warfare. To prove that point if you look at the data in recent Ukraine invasion of Kursk you'll se that a lot of elite Ukrainian QRF are using KTO rather then Bradley, the missions objectives changed (imho Ukrainians pretty well execute and learned a manurable warfare, I am impressed, they had similar problems like Russians at the beginning due to their Soviets inheritance but I am impressed, well done zielone barszcze ;>).
IFV Badger will be first fully Polish new hot shit IFV. But for it's combat effectiveness we will have to wait till send some for testing in Ukraine, I'll bet next year MAYBE if war do not end till then.
Cheers mate.
The cash heavy economy was one of the reasons I moved to Thailand. This digital token scheme stinks of draining the public coffers and ultimately funnelling the real money into the hands of a very few. Not to mention the Police State / Social Credit implications.
Thank you very much for your continuing coverage of this topic.
Yes, shocking...just like the western media keeps saying for years now that Russia is out of tanks, soldiers, missiles, artillery, airplanes, socks, underwear, oit of bullets, and finally, Russian soldiers have resorted to fighting with shovels.
You know, you uses to be non biased. Now you got all wraped up in this, and promoting the western propaganda. Tell about how Russia stopped the Ukrainian big offensice push to run the russians out in the summer of 2022, and especially 2023. Tell us how Russia is devastating eastern Ukraine right now. Tell us aboit the thousands of Ukraininas surrendering to Russia as well.
Before you call me Ivan, or a russian bot, ill tell you that I am Ukrainian, and most Ukrainians Hate Zelenski right now. Zelenski cpuld have signed the peace treaty with Russia in Turkey in 2022 and got all thsir land back as long as they promissed to stay Neutral and Not join NATO or Russia. Jist stay neutral. But no. Boris Johnson flew from Englland and wispered in that retatrds Zelenskis ear that Ukraine xan win and Nato will help. Well, to this day i dont see any Nato army in Ukraine dying alongside Ukrainians. I only see us diying and our houses destroyd. Zelenaki is always safe. Bastard
Is a wheeled IFV not more likely to be use for frontline logistics and medevac, than to actually take land.
You cannot just run a supply truck to the front line in this conflict... The vehicle needs to be able to defend itself, so is that what the Polish one is being used for?
Or held in reserve for mop-up in case of a breakthrough?
But then it would suggest lower quality than BMP or CV90, which is not very good... So maybe they just have no arrived yet, or... Wait a... Are they amphibious? :D
We talk about all sorts of fighter aircraft, but there are 2 type of aircraft which seem destined to leave active service soon.
One in the US and one in Europe.
I am talking about A-10 and Tornado.
The USAF have been trying to get their number of different types of aircraft down forever, and have 2-3 times suggested to the politicians to drop A-10. But apparently the brrrrrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrt can vote? Or is very popular with voters? Because the politicians keep denying this request from the USAF.
Ukraine should however be able to use the platform. And well, if Ukraine cannot use it, then what is the US going to use it for?
afaik... Raytheon basically mutilated RAF decommissioned Tornados, so the pylon (I think that is the technical term - the thing under the wing that hold the thing that holds the weapon) could instead be put on SU-24 (I think it was S-24), which are then used to launch Storm Shadow.
However, why not just give Ukraine the Tornado? Some of the Tornados are litterally built around launching HARM-missiles as part of their skill-set. Let the Tornados drop bombs (and, iirc, some are even possibly good at engaging drones?), and keep the F-16s focused on air-defence.
But it seems illogical to me that Italy and Germany (and possibly also the UK) cannot get a few of their F-35 orders fast-tracked (because the F-35 to replace Tornado for nukes), so it becomes easy to send Ukraine planes, which really should be allowed to have their last war, and be an attritable asset more than F-16s.
Also, on A-10, I want them videos of a Russian trench going BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT :D
On the Mirage fighters. I think there was something about France is training completely new pilots?
F-16 is given to converted pilots, right?
But any other platform will get the pilots being trained from scratch in mainly France and UK, right?
Possibly the same is happening in Sweden, they are training pilots, while they are building the planes.
Ukraine are likely to have larger air-force than Russia in 2028 :D
Anything other than F16, that will be 2026.
ОтветитьAs an old 113A3 driver. I am so happy to hear it talked about. Even if it so honest 😮
ОтветитьI think Men are one equipment loss that doesn't get talked about enough. World War 1 didn't end because the Great Powers ran out of equipment, it ended because they ran out of men. One disparity in terms of this conflict between Russia and Ukraine that Pro Ukraine people will never talk about or acknowledge is that Russia has 2 and half times more people than Ukraine has so if both sides continue to mobilize all their fighting age males, Ukraine will run out of men long before Russia does. Even if you make the overly optimistic assumption that Ukraine inflicts one Russian loss for every Ukrainian loss in a war of attrition that simply is unsustainable. For that reason alone I have always held the view that Ukraine CANNOT win a protracted war with Russia regardless of how much Western Military Aid is provided. Abrams tanks and F-16s are useless if you don't have tank crews and pilots to use them. If Ukraine gets a hundred IFVs from the West it needs thousands of men to go with them or else you have a bunch of Infantry Fighting Vehicles with no Infantry!
Ответить4 months laters and we now see this analysis is all BS....So so wrong Ukraine is now told be bend over and touch its toes while Russian shoves it into him