Places to see in ( Regensburg‎ - Germany ) Altes Rathaus

Places to see in ( Regensburg‎ - Germany ) Altes Rathaus

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Places to see in ( Regensburg‎ - Germany ) Altes Rathaus

The Old Town Hall of Regensburg (Rathausplatz) is the seat of the Lord Mayor and part of the city administration of Regensburg. It also houses a museum on the history of the Regensburg Reichstag. The building dates back to the middle of the 13th century in the oldest part. At that time, the tower still standing today and a four-storey annex were built in the style of the palaces of the patricians . The building was built on the northwest corner of the former Roman fort to the former merchants district. The later Reichssaalbau was built in 1360 as an urban dance hall. In the 15th century, additional administrative buildings were added.

The previously sporadic and meeting participants are in different places Reichstag found from 1594 still in Regensburg and from 1663 everlasting in the kingdom hall and the adjacent Beratungssräumen the various colleges instead. The building complex consists of the baroque New Town Hall with Neptunhof , the early Gothic Old Town Hall with town hall tower and Rathaushof and the Reichssaalbau. In the Rathaushof is the Venus Fountain of the Regensburg sculptor Leoprand Hilmer from 1661. The Reichssaalbau has a window front with a high Gothic bay window . The late Gothic extension with the staircase has a magnificent pointed arch portal with the city keys.

As a "document Reichstag", the Reichstag Museum in Regensburg is a permanent exhibition that focuses on the significance of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation for German and European history and is related to the city's history. The museum was established in 1963 in the Reichssaalbau and the historic rooms of the Old Town Hall. Here was from 1663 to 1806 the seat of the Everlasting Reichstag.

The museum includes the Reichssaalbau and other interesting rooms. including:

Kurfürstenkollegium (served as a council chamber and later as a counseling room for the Electors )
Kurfürstliches next room (location of the allegedly original " green table ")
Blue hall
Reichssaal (one of the most important secular rooms of the Middle Ages with preserved wooden ceiling, decorative paintings of the 16th century and imperial throne)
Princely College of 1652
Imperial City College
Baroque princely staircase from 1652 to 1655
Guardian's chamber with swords and necklaces
Fragstatt, interrogation room with torture tools
Poor sinner room, death cell for convicts
Dollingersaal, was transferred in 1964 after demolition of the Dollingerhaus in 1889 with a stopover in Erhardihaus here. You can see significant early Gothic art . Reliefs including a tournament scene from the Dollingersage .

( Regensburg‎ - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Regensburg‎. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Regensburg‎ - Germany

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