How Do You Do Rhetorical Analysis? A guide for writing better papers

How Do You Do Rhetorical Analysis? A guide for writing better papers

Writing with Andrew

4 года назад

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@courtneyj.wright4008 - 31.08.2022 05:19

Added this to my syllabus, Andrew! Bravo and thank you for sharing good content about rhetoric!

@EmmaLainez-f9r - 29.06.2023 06:45

After watching rhetorical analysis videos all day for my English final I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your video, and it managed to make me understand better, and it was funny :) thanks

@LouveAsterion - 17.03.2024 17:08

your chin is amazing

@SmittenKitten. - 01.05.2024 03:26

I'm trying to write my rhetoricalized analyzation, but I'm struggling to find the write words... (Oh, I am so funny.) In all seriousness, I'm finding myself writing and writing and writing, and I don't even know if I'm saying anything in my analysis. I can't get outside my own head to read it.

Thoughts on purpose. While I understand what you're saying regarding the ad, could you extrapolate meaning for something commercial that goes beyond making money? Or am I projecting what it is I want it to be about?

It's a struggle when it comes to something like a song for a band that, 1) wants to make money/increase their popularity, and 2) probably wants to change the way people think. Would I mention both? It's so hard to be non-biased when it comes to a piece of rhetoric you actually start to become moved by. For example, would Bob Dylan or Woody Guthrie's purpose be to make money/gain popularity, or change minds? (Neither are the authors of my analysis.)

@AnneGoggansQHHT - 23.08.2024 01:00

Bow ties are cool
