Apartment Maintenance Vlog #36

Apartment Maintenance Vlog #36

Apartment Maintenance Pro

2 года назад

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@matthewfroh4053 - 17.01.2023 04:27

I started doing maintenance a little over a month ago and really appreciate your videos. I hope you're doing well good sir and hope you continue to create content

@Raysmaintenance - 17.01.2023 06:50

thats about how my day went lol

@MaintenanceMan00 - 17.01.2023 07:14

No harm no foul in making mistakes. Glad you kept the camera rolling through the rest of the repair.

@Katana_00 - 17.01.2023 08:57

Excellent content

@davidroddini1512 - 17.01.2023 20:01

Just found this channel and want to ask a question: I live in an apartment that has a main lug panel (no main breaker in the panel). There is also no breaker to cut the power between the panel and the meter. It is not a split bus panel; so, to cut power to the apartment would require flipping 16 different breakers. In addition, the breaker box lists that it was made by “I-T-E circuit breaker company, Walker division”. On doing some research, this was the name I-T-E used after about 1955 (when they took over Walker electrical company) but before 1968 (when they merged with Imperial-Eastman and changed the name to I-T-E Imperial). This means that today in 2023, the panel box is anywhere from 54 to 67 years old. I have spoken with the manager about the panel and they insist that I don’t know what I am talking about. They say the panel has to have a main disconnect and can’t be as old as I am saying. However, they won’t even send the maintenance man to look at the panel, let alone an electrician.

Should I be concerned?

@markbarber1920 - 18.01.2023 03:46

I always use good pipe dope on any of those fittings, works out better in the long run.

@zueszues3178 - 18.01.2023 04:02

Hell yeah real good video showing everything

@OneManParade - 18.01.2023 05:18

That disposal retaining ring wasn't clamped all the way.

@USA047 - 19.01.2023 01:33

Great vid. Pipe dope on the threads to help seal and lubricant

@Fitjaycjr - 19.01.2023 02:06

Great video showing everything at the end and what was wrong

@hectorcarrasco3394 - 09.03.2023 06:26

Man i hate it when the time comes to have to saw a sink apart because you've exhausted all other options, I've been their, with that and a garbage disposal!!

@royortiz150 - 10.03.2024 13:33

I would put Teflon tape on the mixing valve regardless if it needed it or not, I was always told Teflon is cheaper than a leak

@engineer1793 - 17.03.2024 08:41

Bulbs and ballasts a maintenance man job security. I get those calls all the time. I work in a commercial building

@Anti-Groomer - 31.03.2024 16:00

The other side of the coin from when you get a a bunch of work orders for a single, easy to fix issue.

@DanielRenwick-n8u - 23.11.2024 20:07

Hope you don't mind but I think you look like Billy bob thorton
