We did 2.8L/100 km in this Nissan Note e-POWER in Malaysia, Hybrids Better Choice than EVs? | WapCar

We did 2.8L/100 km in this Nissan Note e-POWER in Malaysia, Hybrids Better Choice than EVs? | WapCar


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@prescotthm - 21.11.2021 15:26

Vs Toyota and Honda hybrid what is their fuel consumption per 100km?

@peterwong8499 - 21.11.2021 15:31

Will this car be available in Malaysia market? Else what's the point of doing this video other than just for education purposes.

@sharifazmi1907 - 22.11.2021 11:19

Why malaysia took a criminally long time to introduce vehicle like this for example nissan leaf or nissan note-e power like in the video.....

@lamondaforestry - 24.11.2021 00:31

In terms of the hybrid tech, is there a big difference between this and the newer model? I can find this one where I live slightly used but the next one not yet. Nice review 👍

@crazz0526 - 24.11.2021 10:32

hopefully etcm gonna bring in this to the local market.

@Fiorano1234 - 26.11.2021 07:16

I personally own an epower Note (E13 new gen) here in Singapore and driven it for 9K km now. My long term FC since day one is at 20.8km/l and certainly at least for my model, an average of 30+ long term is hard to achieve. On routes that are low speed (30-80kph) with a couple of traffic lights, and if you made an effort, 26-30km/l is possible with AC on. My best ever was 33km/l , excluding short journeys which is not an accurate measurement (less than 10Km excluded). This car excels at lower speeds in terms of FC, the slower you go the better. 100kph constant cruise with no drafting gives you around 18-20km/l, I suspect at higher speeds an efficient petrol engine will be more efficient. 

In terms of FC, epower is not the ultimate. I think Toyota prius and hybrids such as CHR can be better, and Honda's eHEV Jazz as well since they employ ICE for higher speeds which is simply more efficient. Of course Epower is efficient but its key benefit is not ultimate efficiency but the drive feel of an electric motor. Because it uses a more powerful electric motor than a Prius/Vezel since its the sole propulsion, it wafts like an electric car. The ICE engine also kicks in very gently and as long as you do not punch the throttle, you will not know if its on or off. It doesn't sneeze in an agricultural way like a lower end Toyota hybrid like the Sienta, or even the Vezel Hybrid, hence the drive feel is remarkably refine and effortless. In the E13 epower Jazz, 0-100 is 8.3s GPS verified (using Draggy) and while doing that, flooring whenever you can in the city, you can still achieve very easily 17km/l. The thing with these hybrids, you dont need to baby the throttle... you drive hard u get 17-19, u drive gently , you get 21-22. Traffic jam sometimes gives u better FC... since speed drops. If however I'm doing 130-150kph on NSHW day in day out, this could be less efficient than a normal 1.2T ICE car. This car loves the city, it love traffic jams, it loves to idle silently with AC on while waiting for your wife(yes can idle 20mins without engine on with AC on). 

Long story short, the Note Epower is a 8s warm hatch with 280nm that will do 18-20km/l no matter how hard you drive it. It also glides like a far more expensive car and doesn't have that irritating hybrid start that u always hear when a lower end Toyota hybrid (Sienta/Yaris Cross) has when you accelerates. I hope you will find this useful !

@rikes7855 - 27.11.2021 10:22

Nice, you failed to mention Honda Series Technology Hybrid in their CR-V, Accord and Clarion

@irenetan5329 - 28.11.2021 05:12

How is this different from the new Honda city e hev?

@Jackykam124 - 28.11.2021 11:26

is there any cheap EV in malaysia?

@isaachiew676 - 19.12.2021 21:28

totally agree! I think this is right now the more logical approach towards hybrid cars. I would definitely buy one!

@nasirashraf5462 - 22.12.2021 11:39

What's the Maximum Speed to be used in ECO Mode on Nissan Note E-Power?

@amirazhar2114 - 02.01.2022 04:51

The main concern about hybrid and ev is service and repair (spare parts) price....
The engine / e-motor is really scary to imagine what would be the price for the up keep...

@fktaufik9252 - 10.01.2022 13:40

added complexity,weight,cost and child labour in exchange of nothing.cant even accelerate over 120 kmh?
try mazda2 skyactive D (diesel) also has 35km/l FC.1000km / tank.

this type of hybrid will die sooner than anything.

@lubnamunir9448 - 05.02.2022 21:23

I m having e note drive
Exprince excellant.

@lighter666ify - 25.03.2022 04:47

Whereabouts in Malaysia was this filmed?

@tushaardaiboo4004 - 19.04.2022 12:48

driving this car in eco mode for a month now and getting only 21km per Litre ( 4.7L/100km).. anything I might be doing wrong?

@СергейСергей-ъ4г8к - 08.05.2022 16:06

Это в идеальнейших условиях она столько ест....... При морозах -20-30°С аппетит 10 -11 литров!!! Не стройте иллюзий!!!

@ohilton576 - 15.06.2022 21:56

Lol. And then the battery dies a few years later, that will be more expensive than replacing the car. So poor owners will just be driving an underpowered internal combustion engine car around carrying all that dead weight = Ridiculous power to weight ratio.

@borutgoli840 - 28.06.2022 18:54

any small eu6 diesel car can achieve 3l consumption. look how this guy drives.
he goes 30kmh.

no hybrid can achieve diesel mpgs.
in series hybrid you loose lots of energy in converaion from mechanical to electrical and back to mechanical
in paralel hybrid you do not gain much but just add complexity.

variabile valve piston engine is the best. and if your concern goes to environment switch to CNG fuel

@abetguerzon1939 - 01.07.2022 16:41

istill feel safer to use separate pedal for brakes.. what if you needed to stop on a dime... would the single pedal stop in time?

@KMLiew - 16.07.2022 06:16

Generator on wheels

@601118385000 - 05.08.2022 16:12

Why is this not coming to Malaysia? I am just lost for words.....

@rizshah7305 - 17.09.2022 13:56


@kennyrober - 13.10.2022 02:30

Hello,how are you? I'm owner of a Nissan note 2016 epower,i drive it in Ireland. My car does not do this fuel consumption,i can drive around 650/700 km per tank , with no AC on.
Does my car has any problem,or it's not adjust correctly ,or idk. Could you give me some tips ?

@stevenjoseph5736 - 15.11.2022 08:30

Well done bro, one question, i would assume the answer already, but just to clarify, is the air conditioning all electric?
Or does the compressor work off the engine?

@toyotaprius79 - 23.12.2022 01:05

I'm glad to see these in Europe. 🇮🇪👋
They're relatively unknown, and a fine bargain

Wish Nissan would remake the Cube with ePower

@thomaskipkemeituitoek949 - 09.01.2023 14:14

Let me subscribe to your channel. I love it..

@tarkan8047 - 17.01.2023 10:52

Great video Adrian, thank you

@t8polestarcyan22 - 23.01.2023 00:38

How much power is wasted through generator, battery, inverter and electric motor? Compare that to pure EV that only goes through the inverter then electric motor. Now there are many cheap pure EVs to choose. Perhaps Proton should ask Mitsubishi to make EK X EV for them?...

@waynebrowne11 - 24.01.2023 17:06

I need a link on how to give this car a typical service. HELP

@ksimzia5515 - 26.01.2023 22:27

I just bought one. Love it!

@akbarkassamali467 - 01.02.2023 04:59

Fantastic review,
Very well presented.
Wonderfully and detailed explanation.

@lo_Navy - 02.04.2023 15:25

when is mass production

@abdulshakuradmani3462 - 14.08.2023 20:47

Hi. How can switch off the e-paddle mode if i need to?

@roshanrajar8531 - 31.08.2023 05:40

Nissan not looking good like toytta& Honda

@LamentOfTheFallen - 22.10.2023 07:52

Honestly, It looks identical to a Nissan Versa Note..

@MrGeneral2as - 28.10.2023 16:53

Thanks for the information.Can you please tell me how much the battery cost for replacement

@shanesommerville7717 - 03.11.2023 14:07

got Nismo edition and cant get above 22KM/L, I wish I could get 2.8lt/100, I only get about 750km from a tank

@olusegunbraimoh2030 - 07.01.2024 08:22

I love your video

@silasrotich9613 - 17.01.2024 21:32

How about if the battery dies?

@MarianA-vu8tb - 06.04.2024 14:02

Now imagine an e-power car with diesel engine instead of petrol, the fuel efficiency should be thru the roof considering the torque of a diesel engine beats the pants out of the torque of a similar size petrol engine, more like an experiment for sheets and giggles cos diesel engines are going to be banned in the near future for non-commercial purpose.

@zubairraja3877 - 16.04.2024 05:01

I am using it never go behind to 24km/ltr while you’re claiming 35kl/ltr

@captragnutz523 - 11.06.2024 22:48

Great video very helpful.

@hilmijalil3413 - 19.06.2024 03:36

Imagining that the most of the parts are upgradable. More battery capacity, just change the battery. More torque and power, change the motor. More charging power, change the engine.

@wongkokcheong - 19.07.2024 11:12

Not even zero emission.... aiya.

@nadeem5476 - 25.07.2024 10:07

u should have turned ON the AC :) u were sweating and sweat is visible at your face !

@leogeee1 - 29.08.2024 05:50

This is a great concept to ease into EV. I have a 2015 Nissan Note (petrol CVT-USA) and it is faultless. Americans are hesitant to venture into EV due to the short driving range and lack of charging stations. The EV Note must come to the United States.

@wewontstopcoswecantstop - 23.09.2024 04:44

Great video. I just purchased one and this video really explained the ins and outs of the car.

@briancole5828 - 29.11.2024 08:56

I feel like if this was as good as it sounds Nissan would of made this available in America.
