Raising Your Projector Standards

Raising Your Projector Standards

Sam Zagar

1 год назад

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@Satchidanandarui - 06.03.2025 18:02

1/3 splenic projector goddess here 🦄🦋❤ loving this talk 🕸️thank you!🎉

@pascaleff - 05.03.2025 10:24

Hello!!! Thank you so much for your approach.
I would like to find that video you mention about the channels. Thanks a lot!

@estheteLD - 05.03.2025 02:35

A lot of time the "return payment" isn't obvious but I can just feel in the invitation of hidden payoffs so I know it's right for me. It's taken me clearing out a lot of the inauthentic BS invites and just going hermit for a while to becomes sensitive to this.

@christopherlamott9351 - 23.02.2025 00:22

Really trying to lean into this. I've been studying HD for about a year now. I feel mostly good about my splenic authority... I still miss or ignore or debate with it at times, but mostly I think I follow it. I've decided to move off the ranch I've been living on because it is exhausting and unaligned, even though I have no idea where I'll land.

Recently I've been paying more attention to my Innocence motivation. Desire transference is a real struggle. It feels like I'm meant to just surrender and not TRY to create anything. It's so hard to create or interact or DO anything without expectation, without having desire around it. Creating just to see what happens feels almost wasteful, which so much of me rebels against. Definitely feeling somewhat stuck around this, just trying to relax and trust.

I have what I need, and that has always been the case, at least when it comes to the basic physical needs.

I have been told SO MANY TIMES that people appreciate my wisdom, my efforts, my heart. And the compensation has been a HUGE issue, because words of affirmation only go so far. I sat with a younger couple yesterday and the day before (they've broken up, but I doubt it will stay that way), and shared with them. She brought me a token of appreciation, which was nice. I enjoyed spending the time with them, and I feel the interaction was indeed transformative for them. The problem is, they're both broke. It seems like everyone I'm best equipped to serve is struggling financially. If I were to charge for my time and energy, I feel I wouldn't receive invitations because the people who really need it can't afford it, and something around that feels WRONG.

So, figuring it out... a little at a time. Thank you for sharing. 🙏

@DeclaredMajor - 12.02.2025 04:34

I’m a 6/2 splenic projector. Musician. Never had a desk job. Always felt/called lazy compared to ppl, but got a lot done in a little time. I’ve explored, succeeded and lived a lot of lives until getting the urge to leave California at 33. I’ve ALWAYS used “charm” or displayed what I offered to get an invitation. I’ve always inherently waited for invitations. I’ve experienced countless times of people almost cosmically not being able to hear me if I wasn’t recognized. Moving away started my hermit phase… so when I found human design — I was reading my life on the page.

@EVOLVEwithGregandLea - 10.02.2025 08:09

I needed this tonight. Been struggling with feeling 100% invisible 🫥.
I was thinking about being this Projector person, and what it means, how to live, work, thrive as one.
This helped me. ❤

@Sinikkastudio - 01.02.2025 04:15

found myself here again because my divine ass was wasting energy RESPONDING!! 😆

@pakie7118 - 30.01.2025 06:02

This was brilliant. Thank you Sam.

@emmabodd - 29.01.2025 20:26

Wish this was the first thing I’d seen

@sisterhoodsignal894 - 28.01.2025 14:04

Here is a splenic projector quite new to human design. I found this video extremely helpful. I appreciate your wisdom.

@abeespalm - 26.01.2025 03:49

I’m a projector reflector type very prone to bitterness from my current career, it’s hard to let go, but I know it’s the right thing, to do something else that’s closer to align with my projector design.

@KarenWilsonOnline - 26.01.2025 02:04

Wow! Mic drop thank you for sharing. I just found out that I’m a projector2/4 splenic (root) did I say that right? This was so informative for me and I’m nodding my head. Yes yes yes. at 51 years old it is such a gift to have validation in who I am and understand. To have compassion for myself in a way that I’ve never had before just by understanding my human design thank you thank you thank you 💕💫

@brockit79 - 21.01.2025 01:38

Very powerful video, and your message delivery is on point. I'm an Energetic, Emotional Projector, 1/3.

@anniebenefield5430 - 19.01.2025 19:20

You are awesome! You are fully engaged in what you were meant to do in this life. I so appreciate your wisdom and your guidance. So happy that you crossed my path. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

@thesiriusshift - 18.01.2025 12:38

this was an incredible build. thank you 🙏🏽

@rosemarycassidy6850 - 16.01.2025 18:25

Love this. Thank you! Splenic projector here.

@julialarsson4140 - 12.01.2025 00:22

We came with uranus, I guess that's why we are odd, unusual, weird, different 😅🙏 rebels

@julialarsson4140 - 12.01.2025 00:20

Oh so many comments 😂🎉

@julialarsson4140 - 12.01.2025 00:19


@FunctionalPhilosophyOfficial - 02.01.2025 12:53

This video has been crucially important for me. The way you defined true self projectors as being people who can change someone’s life in one interaction gave me chills. That’s exactly what I can do. But I’m realising that as an emotional projector I have not been respecting my strategy OR authority to anything CLOSE to the degree I need to to thrive. It explains so much.

@larry89 - 27.12.2024 02:45

I can tell you care about this information a lot, thank you so much from a fellow projector.

@PaigeAlexandria-lz9ot - 21.12.2024 23:22

So deep! 3/5 Splenic Projector.. I’ve been contemplating an offer I feel recognized by (hot yoga studio manager) after being let go from my cancer research job a couple months ago. During second interview with studio owner, she’s very confused by my interest, and I felt a little doubt. But I truly felt no ounce of seen or useful in that research field. Everyone thinks it makes no sense , but I want a career in health/ wellness and am a yoga instructor. Praying I will make even more money down the line. I feel at home in the studio and suffocating at corporate job. I taught yoga weekly there during my last 3 months and started a wellness initiative. It was the only thing that kept me showing up lol Any tips on making the transition make sense? Lol

@liebepam - 07.12.2024 20:08

I literally just found your video, and you spoke to my core.

@aleksandras8217 - 05.12.2024 00:59

wow thank you for this. I am supposed to be emotional projector 4/6.. I hate being this. I am tired and exhausted and I do not see a way out. I am at the point when I am broke, demotivated, hopeless, helpless.. In theory I have two systems I mastered and I love using.. in practice I have no desire to "get out there". there is no pull, no invitations. I do not connect with people, I don't have my tribe. I feel miserable. I do not have any money left to invest in courses, readings, consultations.. I am watching free stuff available. wish me luck, I really need it. Life mostly feels like a torture to me and I do not get so much of a relief. I've been trough so much already, and I have changed so much but still it's mostly suffering on daily basis and questioning why am I even here.

@allyssamilan - 10.11.2024 23:43

I have never heard it said that way, about proper splenic choice-making being centered in - "Is this healthy for me? Is this healthy for me RIGHT NOW?" This feels 100% resonant for me - I've been doing it accidentally, and now I get to do it on purpose! I feel so excited to move forward with this extra level of attunement! Thank you so much...!

@Mossdala - 07.11.2024 19:35

Thank you ! 🍀

@tararosecrans4291 - 07.11.2024 17:00

I just started listening and already hooked. I'm a 2/4 Projector - splenic. I FEEL absolutely !@#$% useless to any sort of collective improvement. Friends and colleagues disagree. But. Here I am

@crystalcary - 07.11.2024 00:17

Splenic 1/3 projector here, this is REQUIRED VIEWING for projectors. Thank you for this.

@trackpanties - 04.11.2024 10:10

This is your best video yet🎉🎉. Serious mood suits you👍🏻.

@jessicapeeples700 - 31.10.2024 06:28

I'm a 2/4 splenic projector and I am soooo thankful for you. I knew something was off about following my instincts, how can you do that when there so much crap that you have to unlearn? Also I have a defined ajna and head and it never sleeps! So thank you this makes sense. What is healthy for me in the moment!!! This I can do!

@BedandBreakfastCoach - 30.10.2024 19:07

You are amazing, thank you! Splenic 2/4 Projector here and I feel like you saw into my soul x

@marijkelandman7570 - 29.10.2024 12:43

Thank you 🙏🏻

@margolyn8291 - 29.10.2024 06:58

❤feel retired 😂6/2

@UniversalCode9 - 26.10.2024 16:44

Projector 2/4. I felt this message.

@EonJred - 23.10.2024 14:35

Fantastic! Thank you Sam! Great post. Projectors are going to lead the way for humanity fo sho!! Community starts here. ❤

@didikyanto974 - 19.10.2024 05:54

Wow, what a great insight. You make my day as a projector. Thank you

@Kooljupiter - 12.10.2024 22:29

New to all this
My chart says I’m splenic with a defined Heart Ego
The way you broke down the Will for the Ego authority type is strongly resonating with me and clarifying my own “feelings” I experience and strong aversions towards sales and the hustle mentality

@TheTaperCoach - 05.10.2024 15:56

Splenic 4/1 projector.
Made many “wrong” choices.


It was my way and it was written in the cards and stars it would be like that and I would “wake up” through shock.

The bad choices still let me to the life I love now that fits me as a Projector. I thought I was somehow still broken, but HD actually shows me this is who I am. Half in and half outwards, half retired at age 46 while not retiring ever as I won’t stop being me.

I am afraid too, to let go of something when I haven’t seen the new step. But I have to. I am fragile and hurt many times. I have been depressed and very fearful, lost many people around me, feel insecure and chose relationships that were not it, but were at least something.

It’s time to change, which is part of my cards too. Always change will come.

Glad to find this channel and you Sam.
I can use the help

Sending much love and light

@lorrainedawson1578 - 02.10.2024 10:45

Found out I'm a projector two days ago, then found this video today, yeah!

@naranayjana - 25.09.2024 07:17

@jenpoole7291 - 24.09.2024 06:22

I only have a channel of confusion, and the channel desire.
What am I supposed to do with that? 😂

@susanburdick3633 - 24.09.2024 00:46

I get it. Years of marriage - went a long to get along…..really didn’t realize it would be 20 yrs later. After all the friends changed… 31 yrs later the generator that I’m married to does nothing

@helenacbozic - 22.09.2024 15:32

Thank you. Founding that I am an emotional 4/6 Projector is dramatically starting to change my life ...

@miriampaula2440 - 21.09.2024 09:01

Splenic Projector 5/2! Thank you for your video because I completely relate,😢 the feeling of not knowing you, do not recognize yourself, forcing being recognized and the HUGE bitternes in your life, really hard the feeling of feeling from another planet

@HeidyBrens - 15.09.2024 17:08

Thank you! Splenic 4/6 projector here. I know this since five years. I am 62 now. Two burnouts, breastcancer and a divorce of a generator after 34 years marriage. I was so sick and tired. Now ten years later and still on myself and learning a lot! Sleeping a lot😅 walking in nature , making art and being in the now helps me. No job anymore, living on minimum. Starting my own practice very soon. Love my life....feels indeed like to retire.❤
