Islam will die off. People following it will know one day how wrong the faith is. Specially it's Women will bring a revolution against it. Look at the Saudi Prince. He has realised it and has rejected Islam and is more inclined towards the more open minded Hinduism. In fact his daughtet's name is based on a Hindu Goddesses. People are tired of All Abrahamic narrow minded religions. Bill gates, ford, Zukerberg, Steve Jobs and most of Europe and Africa are all turning towards dharmic faiths like Hinduism and Buddhism.
ОтветитьI look forward to a day when today's Islamic extremists are able to say that earlier in their life they supported the October 7th attacks but that they came to understand that kidnapping babies for ideological reasons is simply sinful.
ОтветитьNice testimonial. Like one apostate says; 'Stay away from I_slam!'
Ответить72hoor is a big lie rest of 1 billion Muslims should become exmuslims
ОтветитьBasically another way of saying 'Nothing to do with real Islam ' ,
'Not real muslims '
I think the issue is too many radicals as this boy who stabbed a priest neutral to the PALESTINE conflict will say are getting stuff from online such as radical websites, groups etc. Thats the issue
ОтветитьThis was touching and educational.
ОтветитьIslam is the most dangerous ideology on the planet...Allah has serious issues with women, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Budhists, dogs, donkeys and pigs...he comes to earth from 100 billion light years away to check if his good muslims are making the morning prayers,,,the problem is 1.7 billion people believe that
Ответить"Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government." Nuff said.
ОтветитьI'm a Christian but regardless of Muslim fundamentalists, all fundamentalists should never be trusted. Fundamentalists justify their existence with blind faith i.e. dogma, they don't really believe, they use religion and faith to bolster their identity. Like with Islamic fundamentalists, they use Islam to feed their anger and hate because terrorists pray on those emotions for political gains. I've always loved my Muslim brothers, not only do they have a similar faith but before all this terrorist shit, I had read the epic of Gilgamesh and the Mesopotamian mythology that the Greeks copied, the music, I've even got a Persian rug that ties my room together.
We Christians and Muslims need to stop fighting. Even Muhammad said (I'm paraphrasing) that Muslims should be kind to Christians, as they believe mostly the same as Muslims.
ОтветитьRadicals Islamists increase rapidly in india. They are threat to internal security.
ОтветитьAll the lefties love it . Open borders. It’s already here in America yay Biden
ОтветитьIslam must perish Worldwide, immediately and permanently. Alla akbar my hairy anus...
ОтветитьThe reason is simple why jihad and extremism happened. Because of Sunni hadith.
Islam is Qur'an not the hadith.
Sufi, Ibadi, Ismaili, Mutazil, Kuraniun, Shia where are their extremist group?
I leave Sunni to Shia, anyone who learn basic Islam history and differentiate hadith will reject Sunnism.
This is odd over 2 billion Muslims living a normal peaceful life, he choose to join groups that chop up the religion of Islam, little of knowledge is more dangerous than none
ОтветитьIslam and peace are two parallel lines that never intersect.
ОтветитьBy the way , a bit of education!
Allah Akbar , means Allah is greater, not great and not GREATEST.
Greater than who or what, and why not the greatest of all?!
The conclusion of his speech is : "islam is dumbness "😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьHow to look inside Islamic extremism? Look inside the Quran and Hadith
I dont understand why such extremism exists in muslim only out of all religion
ОтветитьIslam is devil cult
ОтветитьWhat do you mean by “the books of old?”
ОтветитьUnderstanding the Jihad verses in the Quran:
Imagine that Jesus appeared again, and people recognised him, swore their allegiance to him and began following him. Whilst doing so, they also begin establishing themselves as a small community. As the community is establishing themselves, they receive word that an army of idolaters is descending upon them to wipe them out completely. Unsure of what to do, they then refer the matter to Jesus, who then asks God. God inspires Jesus accordingly and Jesus begins to direct the community on what to do. Some people in the community note down the words of Jesus and these words now become the verses/instruction not only at that specific time of war but also for future generations to let them know what to do if they ever find themselves in a situation where they get attacked by their enemies.
And the same was true for Prophet Muhammad. As you know he was first recognised by the Jews and Christians in their own holy books. Whilst he and his followers were trying to establish themselves, they were frequently attacked by the idolaters. This is when the verses of War were revealed to provide people of that time a directive and instruction as to what to do and how to conduct themselves during times of warfare. But these are by no means general verses that exhort Muslims to kill non-Muslims and they must not be misconstrued as such to deliberately mislead people into thinking that Islam is a violent/extremist religion which it is not.
Islam will continue with it without u
ОтветитьFollow Quran not its followers it’s simple. your vision is going to change.
ОтветитьYou have to ask: why do we need to recruit Muslims to inform on other Muslims in Canada! How did such people and families get into Canada in the first place? Canada needs a far stricter vetting process, so that we get only the best immigrants.
Ответить'' ISLAMIC VIOLENCE IS on the rise around the world !!!"
'' বিশ্বজুড়ে ইসলামিক সহিংসতা বাড়ছে!!!"
Ответить“Bit by the Jihadi bug” 😂
ОтветитьCanada is SH*T at preventing terrorists from coming in. It's a joke here. Side note: it's pathetic that people can't differentiate between ideological values and the people that believe them.
ОтветитьSpeaks to some dudes, becomes Jihadi. Starts doubting his interpretation, sells all belongings while having a wife and kids to finance a personal spiritual journey. I think the problem is much bigger and it's ignored in this talk. Personal responsibility to others, society and family is preached in the Quran but in reality it translates to selfish BS behaviour. In a world with such ideologies freedom is a mere illusion. Anything I heard in this talk is guidance by others, gathering information elsewhere so any subsequent blame can be put elsewhere too. Personal responsibility is secondary and anything other than males are second rate citizens. A perfect representation of islam. A simple, self-contradicting doctrine for simple-minded, self-contradicting people. Keep your borders open, see what happens.
ОтветитьIslam is so complicated. I’m not even Muslim. It’s terrible that people can justify the ending tens of thousands of lives for the glory of god. What the hell. I know not all Muslims are bad and all, I’m trying to understand and separate my bias but it’s really really hard.
ОтветитьIam EX-MUSLIM and i told you Islam is terrori-st
ОтветитьAll of Islam is terrorism
ОтветитьWhy could not islam as a religion accept to leave the judging to the real judge - God? May we all submit ourselves to God's real justice, instead of killing those who don't share our beliefs.
ОтветитьIslam is jihadist religion =evil
ОтветитьWow they'll give anyone a TED talk ZZZ
ОтветитьAny kind of religious extremism is bad. Problem with Islam is, it has roots in middle east during old times when wars and violence was common. We cannot support this kind of extremism in modern day.
ОтветитьIts weird how its peaceeful yet they kill so much
ОтветитьExcellent very well said....i as n hindu can say prophet Mohammed is in our hearts or that Allah is great cus I know that what we call God has another beautiful name Allah but I was shocked to learn when my muslim best friend said to me one day that" as students shout jai shri ram in the school I need to remove my children from that school" isn't that extremism? What difference does it make in shouting the names of great people from different religions?? I really now believe that every muslim has a bit of jihadi instinct which is amplified the other way..
ОтветитьDeport this man
Ответить''Most Muslims dislike and hate the Non-Muslims accross the world ; but ''Most Non- Muslims don't dislike and don't hate the Muslims accross the world ; WHY ???
''অধিকাংশ মুসলিম বিশ্বজুড়ে অমুসলিমদের অপছন্দ ও ঘৃণা করে; কিন্তু ''অধিকাংশ অ-মুসলিম বিশ্বজুড়ে মুসলমানদের অপছন্দ করেন না এবং ঘৃণা করেন না; কেন???
「大多數穆斯林不喜歡和憎恨世界各地的非穆斯林; 但「大多數非穆斯林並不討厭和憎恨世界各地的穆斯林;為什麼 ?
Subhanallah Allah guided you in the correct way of Islam. Not hurting others! Peace!!!!!!! Only no more fighting brothers and sisters as they see in the Quran if you kill one innocent person, it’s like you’ve killed the entire mankind! Peace only brothers and sisters have faith in Allah. Thank you for sharing your experience!!!! Islam =PEACE
ОтветитьAre you for real! Or just all bullshit to get us to believe???