1984 Olympic 1500m - 2 SemiFinals - Coe-Cram-Ovett-Abascal

1984 Olympic 1500m - 2 SemiFinals - Coe-Cram-Ovett-Abascal


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@athleticscoach2012 - 25.02.2012 06:19

Commentator says Ovett won Silver in Moscow. He got Bronze, muppet how do these people get these jobs!

@redd605 - 29.05.2019 14:37

The smog of Los Angeles,really ruined what would of been the icing on the cake.coe cram overt fighting down the finish straight,just as I dreamed and waited to see.but the final was the last time all three would be in the same race ,and would of been 1-2-3 if overt don't have breathing difficulties

@joemcm1 - 06.04.2021 18:10

a v ill ovett panicking but still qualifying for the olympic final-agree with anfeild8 below...the smog robbed us of a peak coe/an almost peak cram(1 year away)/and an almost peak ovett(vgc going into the games,but nothing on even himself pre-railings).for me,but for ovetts problems regarding the ones at the games its a gold for him,possibly silver if coe runs the right race in the final.still one year too soon for cram-and yes i know all about cram:ovett at crystal palace in 1983
