Chemical Warrior - Original Song By Johnnie Ferro

Chemical Warrior - Original Song By Johnnie Ferro

Johnnie Ferro

55 лет назад

63 Просмотров

I wrote this song about the pharmaceutical drug abuse problem in this country - really in the world. Not to say drugs are absolutely never necessary to handle a problem, but they should ALWAYS be an absolute last resort in my opinion. Let me know how you like the song in the comments below and have an amazing rest of your day! :)

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Follow Johnnie on social media:


Insta: @johnnieferro

Tik Tok: @johnnieferro

Twitter: @johnnieferro


To see what gear I use to make my music, check out my Amazon store:

To check out Johnnie's handmade clothing line with Mixed Media Girl, go to

Thanks for tuning in!

Johnnie Ferro Proudly Endorses The Following Companies:

Minarik Guitars (
GHS Strings (
G7th Capos (
Wathen Audio (
Mixed Media Girl (


#cool_song #johnnie_ferro #big_pharma #big_pharma_game #psych_drugs_harm #psychotropic_drugs_mass_shootings #psychotropic_drugs_side_effects #pharmaceutical_drug_abuse #controversial_topics #controversy #controversial_songs #controversial_music_videos #controversial_music #drugs_don't_work #medical_drug_abuse #medical_drug_song
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