MSM violated the 1st and the right to a free press when they started outright lying to push an agenda. Thats not news that's activism
ОтветитьIt’s called brainwashing
ОтветитьThis is what "psyops" look like. A coordinated messaging to brainwash the sheep. Like "no one is above the law" or "safe and effective".
Ответитьone of my favorite aspects of this talking point issue is many are too dumb to even use it properly in a sentence, they just know they need to put it in somewhere.
Ответитьpart of the problem too many of these "journalists" are too dumb to understand a a multifaceted concept
ОтветитьThe problem is there are about 70 million stupid people that actually believe that crap!
ОтветитьI think people need to actually study the constitution rather than listening to what people say it says, ugg
ОтветитьConstitutional Crisis
Modern Russia Hoax
That smug girl in the yellow on
should be canned like Joyless Reid.
REALLY GREAT SHOW! Statist mainstream media (propaganda)... there's the Nazi/Fascist marketing department. The quote often attributed to Joseph Goebbels is, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." This reflects the idea that repetition can make falsehoods seem true to the public.
ОтветитьMy favorite, Joe Biden, "sharp as a tack, on point, top of his game". Two weeks later, "Go kamala!" 😂
Ответитьboth sides are fake, it's all theater
ОтветитьThat clip that "Puts it into perspective" is made up of 50% fox news clips. , so yeah. both sides are corrupt, and controlling the narrative when it comes to media. Both major political parties have completely lost their minds and I refuse to vote for anyone as a result of this.
ОтветитьConstitutional crisis BS they never read it and don't follow it.
ОтветитьThey've reached the last ditch.
ОтветитьI would love these Libs to explain how money to Ukraine will win the war. What is Ukraine spending the money on? The USA and other European countries have be giving the Ukraine weapons to fight the was as the USA has. But what and how does money help win the war? Ukraine is not buying weapons. Believe me, money to Ukraine ends up going to the pockets of people like Soros and the Bidens.
ОтветитьThe problem with the left, is that they actually think Americans are mad about Elon and Trump getting rid of wasteful Government spending. A Constitutional crisis would be to let the fraud continue. The only crisis that is being made here is the crisis of all these politicians (Left and Right) loosing kickbacks. HOw else do you think they go into office making 190k a year and are multimillionaires after just one term! I guess if my income was dependent on kickbacks, I would consider that a crisis too. Look at AOC (Alexandria Ocasio Cortez), she went into congress 4 years ago leaving a waitressing job. She is now worth about $30 million. If you do the math, thats a combined income of $760k. Even if she made investments with a 100% (average annual returns on investments is about 10%, if you are doing really good) return with every penny, she would only be worth about $3.4 million. This my dear friends is why these Democrats are in total meltdown, has nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do with greed and dirty politics!
ОтветитьDon't ever stop. Your platform is one of the few I really trust out here
ОтветитьThe same people said the constitution is shit suddenly cares.
ОтветитьJanuary 6th is the Christian holiday Epiphany. It's a resurrection and this was an insurrection. One means to rise again and the other to not rise at all. I'm convinced Jan6th was some black magick BS. These people don't want peace, Europe doesn't want peace. Peace would mean Christ and they ain't having it. Clearly.
ОтветитьThe Pink Floyd "Welcome to the Machines" heard in the background is very fitting.
ОтветитьWhy is people (mostly women) who talk and show the whole white of the eye such a sign of crazy? Its like an common trait among these lunatic leftists.. Their eyes are so wide open the white can be seen around the whole eye.. Which is ironic cause they are very narrow minded and have terrible vision cause they cant see reality.
ОтветитьI don't believe there are very many people in the mainstream media who are capable of independent thought. That's why they parrot exactly whatever they've been told.
ОтветитьI have got some mixed feelings about what is going on. While alot of the stuff that is going on is absolutely necessary and rooting out waste ans corruption is needed, this is also fucking over low level employees that do needed jobs. I have a friend who was forced to justify her job at the VA. She works in laundry services at the VA. She makes sure that veterans who need medical services aren't sleeping in filth. She's helping to maintain sanitation and preventing the spread of desiese due to dirty linen. She makes just under 40k a year doing an absolutely needed service for vets, not making 250k to fund drag burlesque shows in Guatemala. I wish that DOGE was doing more to make sure the people they are investigating aren't screwing over these kind of people.
ОтветитьFox is no better than the rest of the news. They are all bs.
ОтветитьHey FCC, are you charging the Advocacy Media for use of the airwaves?
ОтветитьPrime example why WE THE PEOPLE dont trust the Legacy Media!!!!!!!
ОтветитьThe law says that District Court Judges have NO jurisdiction over the executive branch.
ОтветитьWhere not a democracy where a republic.
ОтветитьGreat stuff!
ОтветитьSo, maybe the dms should start thinking about selling one or two of their mansions, and or rental properties to keep their bank accounts flowing.
ОтветитьCovert hypnosis is the use of a repeated message over and over to brainwash (hypnotize) people to believe a lie is true.
ОтветитьThese clip compilations of them all saying the same scheis were first popularized by Rush Limbaugh decades ago. Their tactics have not changed in my whole three-and-a-half decades of life.
Rush was Right, and we should not doubt his past wisdom.
seem to belong to the SAME media!
and I am surprised to see FOX saying the same lines as NBC. Trust? What`s that?
The funny part is that none of those dipshits actually know the constitution.
ОтветитьScott Jennings is a beast.
ОтветитьConstitutional crisis? Where? How?
ОтветитьI'll have my taxes spent on Americans IN America than wasted on the revolving door of wars. Money that goes to a foreign land helps no Americans at all.
ОтветитьMake no mistake, the left always telegraph what they are doing by accusing their opponents of doing the very same thing. So when they say ¨Constitutional crisis¨ it is the jumped up leftish lawyers & judges who are creating a constitutional crisis by trying to usurp the executive authority vested in the President. When was a judge ever empowered to make executive decisions? They are not but that is what they are trying to do & it needs to be shut down.
ОтветитьEvil Minds that Plot destruction... sorcerers of deaths construction!!!
ОтветитьCNN needs the Scott Jennings HOUR 👍🏽
Ответитьoh, so he did catch on when that shit started. Huh.
ОтветитьWhat I want to know is where is it coming from? Its got to come from somewhere right?
ОтветитьWhat’s off? Do you people have a memory of a goldfish? Usaid recently sent 10 million to Lebanon for “media echo chamber installments”