Just The Basics: Starting Your Non-Toxic Journey | Taylor Dukes Wellness

Just The Basics: Starting Your Non-Toxic Journey | Taylor Dukes Wellness

Real Alex Clark

3 месяца назад

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@bohobella7247 - 11.12.2024 17:36

Great interview Alex! She was was informative!😊❤

@Jeanie1989 - 11.12.2024 18:14

This was such a powerful episode.

@stephaniwagner637 - 11.12.2024 19:08

Fantastic episode! Chalk full of excellence information ❤ I'm obsessed with Alex's wardrobe!! She always has the best pieces ❤

@kayglo12 - 11.12.2024 20:29

*PSA for my wool ball girls*

My clothes were so staticky, but I saw a reel where a girl clipped a clothes pin onto the wool ball, and it took the static away!! It works yall!

@melissahowe6254 - 11.12.2024 21:03

I wouldnt be surprised if my sons eczema was worse from getting the extra jabs and his liver not being able to clear out toxins 😢

@rachh_simpson - 11.12.2024 21:03

I refused to give my newborn vaccines. He is now nine months old and has not been vaccinated. I have a friend whose baby is the same age and he has been to the hospital twice because of RSV and been on countless antibiotics. We live similar lifestyles, only major difference is the vaccines. Like clockwork he gets sick about three days after and the cycle of fever sickness and antibiotics begins again. He is vaccinated according to the typical schedule. My child has not ever gotten sick as of yet. None of the pediatricians near me will even see your child if they are not vaccinated or willing to be vaccinated. They will not keep you on as a patient either for emergencies or sicknesses. I was able to find a family Doctor who accepts unvaccinated children and visits for my child are $450 out of pocket since my insurance will not cover him. Maybe we will see some changes in the vaccine schedule in the next few years. It is not my business if somebody else chooses to vaccinate their kids nor do I feel like it’s appropriate to comment on it, most moms are doing their best with the information they have. I just don’t think the ones that aren’t should be treated as lepers because Ive found they are typically less sick than the ones who do get vaccinated.

@stellaDLT - 11.12.2024 21:45

I'm an RN and over, so over trad med it aches at me seeing how we treat these illnesses. Or the food we give at hospital chasing sugars w units of insulin

@Elmachuca - 11.12.2024 23:17

“I don’t want to get into the science of it” 😂

@jessicac6787 - 11.12.2024 23:24

Eating steak and cottage cheese is not dirty keto lol.

@Lucille_9 - 12.12.2024 00:17

Great video! You should have Gary Brecka on here!

@kimb9287 - 12.12.2024 00:55

Best episode yet! But let's be honest I say that about every episode LOL

@hiscanvasofgrace3391 - 12.12.2024 03:29

Love Taylor Dukes!! I have to try her products ❤ its hard because non or less toxic products tend to be more expensive, and unaffordable for some. But we all do the best that we can ❤

@Bridget-Vee - 12.12.2024 03:30

Another great one Alex! South African fan here, I always find it fascinating how deep African propaganda is in America that you guys believe we do multiple cleanses because of "dirty tap water" or have to take multiple shots before coming to Africa.

@damoab1909 - 12.12.2024 15:31

Danger Coffee (no mold).

@HeyLady08 - 12.12.2024 15:56

Another amazing talk Alex. I’m definitely going to incorporate the things you ladies talked about. Another great guest on!

@mamad3699 - 12.12.2024 17:47

Witch deodorant is good?

@allig1415 - 12.12.2024 18:55

Your an excellent interviewer Alex! I appreciate how you dont talk over your guests & that you actually listen & you dont interrupt & come with a bunch of background on your topics, you dont skip a beat which makes you a true professional at what you do, your one of the best shows out there, Love ya Girl 💛✌️

@LaurenYoung-l8k - 12.12.2024 19:29

Alex! Can you share where you got your shirt! I love it. STUNNING! On the podcast: so good. I've had a lot of health/ digestive issues that western meds couldn't fix, so I went the naturopathic and functional medicine route. I'm doing so much better. I feel just like Taylor said: Why wouldn't you do everything you could do to be healthy to see your kids grow up, etc!

@desertmoonmarket484 - 12.12.2024 22:07

“Traditional medicine” doesn’t seem like the most accurate term.

@sara_razzle - 13.12.2024 18:56

I've tried so many clean deodorants and I'm sorry but I just hate them all. I haven't found anything that works 😩 I've changed so many of products at home and use vinegar and all that but I just haven't found a deodorant swap that works for me.

@arianamerchent8474 - 14.12.2024 01:16

Oof the part about jabs was so relatable. I was that person that NEVER thought I’d ever be anti vax but at my first child’s 2 month jabs I saw a change in him. It was like the lights went out in him. I followed that gut instinct, did research, and now I’m full on crunchy.

@sabrinapeters9119 - 14.12.2024 05:34

Loved this episode! Alex, you have touched on almost everything, and cannot wait for more in depth episodes on may things BUT what about haircare? Low tox/nontoxic haircare options, how to shop for hair types, essential oils for hair, hair masks, eating for hair, types of brushes and combs, things to avoid, scalp health and care, heat and hair damage, industry lies. I would LOVE an "all about hair" episode

@drrendallgoogleMD - 14.12.2024 06:20

Alex this is one of my fave eps of the new podcast. This was “5 orange juicy”

@rebekahmay9589 - 14.12.2024 13:28

" I have a friend who makes under $100,000 a yr. Multiple kids on a tight budget"- girl, try 4 kids with under $40,000. We really are using only vinegar.

@kimjaniga7517 - 14.12.2024 13:53

You are my favourite podcaster. I listen to so many smart and informative people but the guests you have regarding health and feminine values are awesome.

@marninewman3239 - 15.12.2024 00:26

I use an ozone laundry system to wash my clothes. They cost around $300 bucks, but I haven't had to buy or make laundry detergent in 3 years.

@samanthabuckley9033 - 15.12.2024 03:39

This was my favorite podcast episode in a long time bc it wasn’t about making you panic but feel empowered and hopeful. The little tips are great! I’ve been going semi-crunchy for 3yrs now since my first child was 2yrs old, and it was all for her and her future. I’m so happy I did and that this country is heading in the right direction! MAHA Moms all day baby!

@emilythiele449 - 15.12.2024 20:18

Sooo how do I do a parasite cleanse

@erikav1516 - 16.12.2024 18:14

What an incredible listen! Thankyou so much for this and the wealth of knowledge given to us in just over an hour. 👏🏻 Love this podcast.

@screwylouie420 - 16.12.2024 19:34

FAVEEEE Podcast 💚💚

@valerie6709 - 16.12.2024 21:48

I have all the motivation in the world to start a cleaner life but unfortunately me and my husband can’t get in the same page. He is a shopaholic and loves to bring junk into the house. He loves to shop for sugary cereals, sodas, buys tons of clothes detergent just because he saw it on sale.

Then he sees me making my DIY cleaning products and tells me to finish all the products he buys before I use my homemade stuff. Its frustrating.

@laurengriffin2816 - 16.12.2024 22:04

I love love love everything about this! So empowering to use the God-given methods that are available to us to live a life thriving in health.

@valerie6709 - 16.12.2024 22:11

Years ago I bought a fragrance free bag of epson salts that last me a long time . I went back to get more and all I could find was epson salts with fragrances. I bought the coconut oil one thinking it might be the best choice.

I found fragrance free epson salts on Amazon so I will definitely buy that one next time.

My pediatrician has been irritating me lately. I vaccinated my kids with the regular vaccines that schools require. I am fine with those but I don’t give them the yearly flu vaccine. It seems that she keeps pushing me to give them the flu shot . I just say No with no explanations but then she replies “Children get really sick” each time. I really like her but that has been irritating me.

@Jolene03 - 17.12.2024 03:18

I just want to say thanks for your podcast! I have been LOVING your content lately.
This is awesome, keep it coming girl ❤

@LeilaVickers - 17.12.2024 23:03

Loved this episode so much! I ordered Taylor Dukes chocolate protein powder and it’s the best I’ve ever had! It’s so decadent. I also got the magnesium and hydration packs. I am so happy with each item! Thank you for sharing her with us!

@taracampbell6627 - 17.12.2024 23:22

A must listen! One of my favorite episodes to date!

@stephaniemcclellan3369 - 18.12.2024 10:44

This was SO easy to understand and HELPED me. Like you said I WAS STRESSING OUT! My mama.had a stroke (73) then we found out she has cancer. So I started her clean keto, then I delved into non toxic and I'm OVERWHELMED!!! Ty for your kindness and your EASY way to do it!

@joannadp3488 - 18.12.2024 17:33

Which chai brand is good and clean? Looove chai!

@kayglo12 - 19.12.2024 21:31

I'm trying to become more crunchy, and I'm making better food choices and learning to read labels. I am completely overwhelmed, however by reading labels on hair, deodorant, body wash etc.
And also, where do we stand on castile soap? 😅🙃🫠

@katiebertling3869 - 20.12.2024 23:10

I need a favorites things list. What kind of freaking charcoal Deodorant am I supposed to buy?

@mama_knitter - 20.12.2024 23:58

Was she at Hope 4 Cancer?

@laurajoiner1684 - 23.12.2024 05:59

I would REALLY love to know what would be ok as far as detox while pregnant or breastfeeding. Great episode!

@sarahlouise6003 - 27.12.2024 02:35

i’m super attracted to this topic but i wish we would leave religious side commentary out of it; to those of us who aren’t religious it makes everything sound less credible (e.g. thankfully mercury happened to be in retrograde that week).

@jrxl556 - 28.12.2024 21:29

How can I find an integrative doctor?

@stephj4940 - 30.12.2024 20:30

***Buy organic vinegar or apple cider vinegar for cleaning*** Conventional white distilled vinegar is made from round up ready glyphosphosate Monsanto Bayer corn in America.

@Fixyourfatigue - 13.01.2025 00:47

Great interview!

@marciehamilton-graves5036 - 16.01.2025 00:42

I have tried several different protein powders but after watching this I bought TDW unflavored bone broth protein powder and there is a noticeable difference! It tastes so much cleaner and smoother and just healthier!

@mpcat7958 - 18.01.2025 08:03

I like Taylor's shirt. Super cute

@trinityklaas - 10.03.2025 08:54

i love you i watched your glenn beck podcast such great information

@micaelavanzillotta2681 - 23.03.2025 01:46

Can you do a video on parasites?
