Я только что заметилa, что в перерывах между двумя танцевальными сценами Пинки Пай и Рэйнбоу меняются местами.Показывается, как жертва и убийца менялись местами по ходу повествования.
ОтветитьAbsolute cupcake
ОтветитьThis shows the importance of luna
ОтветитьSe corrompió es parte del caos y los Decepticons
ОтветитьWait.. so youre telling me that cupcakes hd was fake and pinkie is the innocent one😨
ОтветитьCómo se llama el audio
Ответитьnow, the real question is, did pinkie actually try to kill rainbow?
ОтветитьOverall the scary insanity in this video, this music is fire!🔥
ОтветитьWhat’s the song name??
ОтветитьI Remember Watching This In June Or August 2024 My Bro!😲😳🤯🫨😵💫😵🙂🥲🥹
ОтветитьTrue Insanity.
ОтветитьRewatching all of these grimdarks makes me want to write one for Twilight!!
Ответитьomg now imagine pinkie had this video as her nightmare and she try's to kill rainbow whom at the same time has the cupcakes nightmare so they are both paranoid of each other and before they can attack each other fluttershy appears and because shy got there because she had a nightmare about both cupcakes and this vid she quickly separates them and calls the others to help and it turns out they all had nightmares about each other and just before a big fight happens they hear discord laughing, realise its his fault for the nightmares and kill discord instead and while all that happens the world revolving is playing as the song in the background
ОтветитьNoooo Pink😢
ОтветитьOoh, this was actually kind of cool, because it was the fact that there was a video were pinkie made rainbow dash into a doll or something, and then there is this video, this is just amazing❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьThis is SO GOOD WOW!!!!!!!!! Rocket to inisanity is one of my favorite fan comics ever
ОтветитьSong name?
ОтветитьSo in the beginning of the video id like to note that she technically is sawing into the middle of rainbow, (ie the cut in the dance scenes) but in the mext shot of the dream its just her legs harmed. Just something i think its fun because it shows how misleading in a way the dreams were
Ответитьi love this thing so much
ОтветитьNO pinkie still alive are she ?????? 😢😢😢
ОтветитьReminds me of the Cupcakes Animation which I really adore. I find it really cool how fitting some moments or scenarios are to the beat! I am serious when i say that you are one of my favourite Animators :D
ОтветитьIm sorry but like. Yeah the story is really well portrayed in this and easy to follow its very well storyboarded. But why can i see no comments about how HARD this animation goes like oml the style shifts?? The staticky colourful thought bubbles?? The expressions on the lineless dancing parts?? The freaking sketchy animation with the bright bg in the middle??? This animation is absoloutly DOPE obviously the HDs are a part of my childhood and all but they are FLAT compared to this. The ammount of effort and creativity that went into making this is insane
ОтветитьI’m so sorry but can anyone tell me what the lyrics are? I can’t understand a single word 😢
ОтветитьMeh Pinkie Pie did deserve it
ОтветитьPerfect video to show to a small Victorian child. I'm sure they'd love it ❤
ОтветитьFludershy's design is from pony mov's sead mov😅
Ответитьoh were so back
Ответитьpony scary things animations are back,yay
ОтветитьWait what is this about it’s like my little pony but is there like some kind of lore or smth and what are the lyrics they are fire
ОтветитьNice this is awesome this is the very first one of that fanfic that I've ever seen I've only ever seen animations of cupcakes so this is a nice Refresher the animation was Stellar two
No pinkie
ОтветитьI've been trying like an idiot for the past 30 minutes to find the lyrics, for fuck sake someone tell me the lyrics 💀
ОтветитьGoing out
ОтветитьI feel terrible for pinkie she didn’t deserve that horrible fate
ОтветитьWhats the name of the song- felt like I've heard it before lol-
Ответитьwhats the song called?