Samsung Galaxy Book Pro Review: Lightweight + AMOLED = Must Buy?

Samsung Galaxy Book Pro Review: Lightweight + AMOLED = Must Buy?

The Tech Chap

3 года назад

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@squirtsmacintosh9321 - 23.02.2022 22:45

Thanks for the review. I was able to pick up the 15.6" i7 version with 16GB, and 512 SSD. At $653 out the door, I felt it was worth it.

@chaowang1488 - 24.02.2022 01:24

does it have backlight keybroad?

@Ripple-State-Of-Mind - 26.02.2022 07:14

Is this the 15.6 inch screen, core i7, 16gb memory, 512gb ssd?? If so can you please let me know where you bought the silver version please?? I'm only able to find the blue one. 😭😭😭

@nothingshub8466 - 27.02.2022 23:59

Is. This comes with touch screen

@annagrudz - 03.03.2022 13:01

The webcam disappointed me. At the time when we spend houres on skype or zoom the cam should be much much better!

@doncallahan403 - 04.03.2022 02:48

+The Tech Chap That's a nice laptop. I would love to add a Samsung Galaxy Book to my lil Ole ecosystem of Samsung devices that I have.

@batabingbataboom - 16.03.2022 23:08

Doesn't connect to airpods :(

@yousafmahmood7910 - 19.03.2022 23:34

Very nice BUT Apples chip wins handsdown, price and product is superior from the M1 Mac Air. Hopefully that new Intel hybrid chip makes it to the new hardware soon. Until then I switched from Windows to OSX as an editor, same for the Apple phone from My Android. Again the only problem being the hardware, otherwise I prefer the prior tech software wise.

@moasesj2336 - 23.03.2022 18:52

Thanks for that info 👍

@soulatheartcounsellingandp7011 - 25.03.2022 18:00

Thank you. This review was a relief as I've just bought the I5 pro version. I just couldn't keep looking anymore and so I took the plunge instead. So your review was not a potential horror story!! The price has reduced, I paid less than £900. I think I will get on fine with it for light business use and some essay writing.

@constablewayne5847 - 02.04.2022 23:16

Kinda annoying that this so-called 'pro' device has compatibility problems with Linux.

@michaeljimenez3782 - 11.04.2022 23:32

Costco has them for a good price as well 💯

@fitedu-club658 - 19.04.2022 03:17

What is the battery life?

@simozamb7835 - 20.04.2022 04:12

what is the weight of the laptop you are reviewing? thank you so much for your review?

@ema5417 - 09.05.2022 10:58

Does this laptop can print using no wifi printer..i mean just download the printer's driver?

@LearningnEarning - 30.05.2022 10:56

Why buy this one when Lenovo provides the same features for half the price ?

@ceciliaellis454 - 30.05.2022 14:31

Hi do you use screen protector for galaxy book pro 360? will the screen get scratches when you write or draw on it?

@ТрояндаКвітуча - 04.06.2022 12:40

Thank you.

@TheEcorristine - 18.06.2022 14:05

New subscriber, excellent video. You absolutely nailed it, everything I needed to know about galaxy pro I got from your video...nice one..Cheers

@SimplyKurtis - 29.06.2022 11:41

Someone said you remind them of Mike Ross from Suits now I can't unsee it

@alyssaguevara8284 - 31.07.2022 03:44

Hi, I’m usually an Apple kind of girl (Mac, iPhone, Airpods, iPad) but my College’s bookstore is selling this for $899.98 which is really compared to others. Does anyone recommend getting this Samsung laptop if I have mainly used Apple in the past? My biggest concern is connecting my small Canon camera to the laptop (the cords resembles an iPhone chanrger, the part that connects to the brick) and also uploading images/documents to the laptop from my iPhone 13 Pro.

@edwardblackmon9659 - 06.08.2022 19:46

Is this laptop good for photo editing?

@typingcat - 13.08.2022 09:04

Number pad SUCKS. It skews the trackpad to the left. Remove the number pad, centre the trackpad, add one special key column on the left and right side. Also, white keycaps SUCK. The backlight will make the letters illegible when the ambient light is dim.

@GameOnMe - 15.08.2022 18:34

That webcam start endesirable

@Hope-ok9te - 16.08.2022 12:34

does yours ever overheat? My fingerprints were about to melt. My CPU hits 100 celsius every time i turn it on, according to HWmonitor and Core temp, even when fan has been adjusted and optimized. I use this only for zoom and web-browsing FYI. I see lots of reviews on this on overheating (in Korean language since Samsung happens to be the largest Korean company) and I regret buying this product. I think this is a pretty common issue with this laptop. I'm really curious as to what your experience is.

@CarlHamilton1914 - 18.08.2022 02:19

Wow that laptop is thin! I would imagine Samsung doesn’t intend on you opening it yourself for upgrades?

@ep0nym0us28 - 31.08.2022 19:52

I just came out of Best Buy, where I liked this one. But decided to watch some reviews first though. I also noticed that i got warm… Didn’t hear the fan (but I wasn’t really doing anything with it). So thank you for this review.

I actually think I will buy it. I had Samsung several laptops back in my life))), and I did like it. The 360 is also great. After my old Samsunng I bought an Asus Zenbook and wanted to crash it against the wall immediately because it would not go 180. So I learned the hardway that it is important for me))

@stuartarmour9161 - 01.09.2022 18:01

You said “bugger” so that sealed it for me. I’m subscribed!

@ОлегШкрябін - 13.09.2022 11:55

Is this device full metal?

@josephmanu5664 - 16.09.2022 14:37

i really like amoled displays...GOOD JOB SAMSUNG.

@yokubibnsafar7895 - 29.09.2022 21:40

bro loved introduction. You have showed uzbekistan :)

@10secondsrule - 12.10.2022 08:22

Like most windows laptops this is a joke. It’s slow as hell and the fan is constantly running loud with minimal load on the cpu. My old iPad Pro is faster for photo editing than this piece of garbage.

@barr.mrjohn - 14.11.2022 17:57

pleases footage from Uzbekistan. I send greetings to you from Uzbekistan)

@nicolecarpenter7491 - 15.11.2022 07:01

I just paid $199.00 for this computer

@سفينةنوح-خ5ذ - 03.01.2023 06:11

Which is better in your opinion surface pro 9 or samsung book 2 pro 360 13 inch i7 16 ram for business as a second laptop or 2 in one because i have another m1 pro 14 inch laptop
I want another easy laptop for presentations and easy to go laptop or tablet but can go Windows because Apple ipad dosent go well as a computer or full experience of laptop i am a Marketer

@Alemneh1 - 13.01.2023 14:34

pls help me, where's sim slot?

@williamsokoronkwo3958 - 21.01.2023 05:21

Damn!!! That screen tho

@temedius - 14.02.2023 16:41

Hello! I just came across your review and was wondering about something. Is the screen really that dark? Or is it bright enough for normal use? Have heard that it could bei much better.

@colinthorn514 - 24.04.2023 00:16

Nice one. Subscribed

@jm1stunnalove779 - 28.05.2023 13:55

Will lightroom work on this

@nafizhaq4554 - 25.06.2023 17:19

What’s the body made of plastic?

@KoshkaNaLadoshke - 28.07.2023 20:32

Hello, I have a question. The first laptop you're showing - the letters on the keys are centred, on the other one - they're in the top left corner. Why are the keyboards different? Thank you in advance.

@Emrodriguez616 - 02.09.2023 23:38

Does this thing has keyboard backlight.

@hashimrahman2143 - 14.01.2024 11:25

This Or Galaxy Book3 i7 15 inch 16gb ram

@sirajkuttilanji - 02.03.2024 19:55

Let me know any Spen that works with Book 4 Pro....Please????

@RynaxAlien - 04.06.2024 22:53

QDEL and QLED display technology is superior

@GingerZlatovcen - 05.11.2024 19:40

but the question is, can it roblox?

@Thetechchap - 10.06.2021 22:06

Hey Chaps! Does the AMOLED screen tempt you to buy it??
