Dunk tutorial, Between the Legs, How to Eastbay dunk. #dunklife

Dunk tutorial, Between the Legs, How to Eastbay dunk. #dunklife

BW High Flyer

3 года назад

27,127 Просмотров

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@RR.edits567 - 19.12.2024 06:26

not me watching to try on mini hoop

@Abuahamisu - 26.05.2024 01:57

I subed for your great and clear instruction of how to execute the dunk sir. I have a feeling if i obey your instructions it will help me nail it in no time. Great job Sir! Keep it up!

@Sawyer-cs8vi - 11.05.2024 02:48

Thank u this helped me so much

@masterLego-wl5by - 25.04.2024 22:17

W Video, if you had to give one secret tip for more bones, what would it be?

@tamajthelegend4232 - 10.03.2024 13:35

this gonna probs help me learn how to do this once my vert gets higher i am dunking now but only really close and after running up type stuff like i have to take off close to the rim and i have to dunk the ball right or it wont work but im makin progress i couldnt dunk for nun 2 days ago now i can go to the park and show them i know how to dunk now soon i will be throwin down tricks like this and yammin on everybody pause

@hehehehehahaha-b2d - 05.03.2024 00:37

i cant hear him bro

@xzibitthamer2623 - 30.12.2023 07:57

Thank you man for ur inspiration vids for this dunk I will try to attempt this dunk you earn a follower

@Neo.mnisi2250 - 02.10.2023 15:33

Totally not the 495th subscribe

@Sheluvsgio - 29.08.2023 12:22

I can do every dunk but an eastbay lol

@antbizzy806 - 27.07.2023 00:13

I want to turn this into a wrestling move the between the legs head chop thanks for the inspiration

@slim_le3k673 - 26.01.2023 04:28

I’ll follow you up once I hit it

@ksodean4681 - 20.01.2023 07:30

What’s your vert ?

@Nfonbruno - 30.11.2022 04:18

My girlfriend is worried 🙊😳😅 but I will try my best!

@ericklopezzz - 03.10.2022 03:48

my right ear enjoyed this gangy

@seauenhauteur01 - 09.08.2022 04:44

Impressive bounce. Thanks for the tips. I can only on 7 foot hoops these days (I am 42+ years old).

@CardScapeGame - 15.06.2022 23:41

Thanks imma try this today

@prosciuttoefunghi7487 - 17.05.2022 19:39

Bro literally first try after using ur tips 💪💪you keep up the good work there, it's amazing

@freshoutaustralia987 - 25.04.2022 05:33

Bro I can't here

@zachbolte8182 - 14.03.2022 04:02

Well my basketball rim goes down to 7 1/2 feet and I can touch the ball in the rim so I think I can be able to do it but if I can’t then I’m gonna put my hoop in the ground and if no my mom‘s friends/workers don’t want to put the hoop in the ground I’m just gonna order it in ground gorilla or mega slam bass or hoop

@ГабриельГайер - 15.12.2021 22:25

Thanks that helped me

@danoverload999yearsago8 - 16.10.2021 17:11

Hey this is a good vid. No dislikes

@danoverload999yearsago8 - 10.10.2021 07:30

"The only way to get faster, get faster. The only way to jump higher, jump higher"
Ah yes, floor is made of floor

@parsazr8486 - 03.09.2021 02:09

Keep up the good work bro
Thanka a lot for the good tips

@TheReaIDeaI - 10.07.2021 17:48

Appreciate it
