6 arrow great northern quiver

6 arrow great northern quiver

Samko Trad Bow

11 лет назад

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@SamkoTradBow - 20.10.2013 09:43

Jack, Those are Magnus 1 2 blade 145 grain broadheads.

@SamkoTradBow - 23.10.2013 09:23

Jack, I dont know how to make broadheads. I just buy them. Sorry cant help you with that one.

@brennerfahrenz6447 - 27.02.2014 20:51

I just bought this quiver for my Bear Grizzly, have you had any trouble with it sliding up and down the riser with those rubber straps. I'm using Easton Axis traditional carbon shafts with the smallest arrow gripper Great Northern offers. I hope I don't have the feathers touching when I set it up but if I do, I'll refer to this video. Thanks!

@nateshupp5041 - 25.02.2015 13:57

I love your videos but what poundage on your bow is it? I am 13 and use a 40 pound striker longbow do U recvomend wooden or carbon arrows? Plz respond back. Thanks

@triggerhappy5680 - 25.04.2018 03:16

nice dude ! i love the idea's !

@mbs7567 - 06.01.2019 03:05

Jason is that a longbow model or the adjustable?

@clintobon - 25.03.2019 01:43

This is a great looking quiver set-up! Do you ever worry about needing to cover your feathers? Either for camo or because of the rain. If so, what kind of cover do you use? I'm thinking of bow-mounting one of those Catquiver Minis because they cover the feathers, but part of me wonders if it's really unnecessary.

@huntinglife5202 - 30.09.2019 04:57

6 is to busy.

@Kmecha84 - 03.09.2020 20:11

What size plastic holders does one select for a standard carbon arrow. The great Northern bow quiver has 9/32-5/16" or the larger 11/32/23/64? I'm thinking the 5/16" option due to the gold tips being 5/16"?

@randalltodd4187 - 17.12.2021 21:01

Hey Jason, I've searched everywhere I can think of but can't find anything that resembles a Blueridge foam target. would love to change out the foam in my GN quiver....any ideas?
