What If Fudge Had BELIEVED Harry? | Harry Potter Film Theory

What If Fudge Had BELIEVED Harry? | Harry Potter Film Theory


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@dawnbliss6626 - 27.06.2024 00:27

But.... Umbridge was always wearing the locket, which corrupts (not that I want to defend HER)

@calebbarnes5652 - 02.07.2024 04:44

Umbidge capturs voldemort "Now sit down ind write I must not commit geniside 500 times with this quill " Voldemort "But you gave me no ink" Umbidge "oh that won't be an issue :)" harry for half way across the world "why is my blood disappearing?"

@bluedragon_326 - 02.07.2024 05:44

Black's Army? No no no.......Padfoot's Army!

@callumfarquharson7706 - 11.07.2024 13:37

I think the cup is the biggest problem. I can’t see Harry and Dumbledore finding out the cup is at Gringotts, let alone breaking in. The only reason Bellatrix gave it away is because she believed some already broke in. I don’t think she would break otherwise.
I think they never find that horcrux, they assume that Voldemort includes himself in the 7, Harry confronts him and wins the duel but there is still 1 more horcrux.

@CharlesRay-rt7jb - 21.07.2024 01:05

Hot take alert : The Order of the Phoenix would be far more boring! Part of the fun is The DA’s unity fighting Umbridge!

@FallenTitan-u5m - 24.07.2024 09:55

Nobody hates Umbridge

@StudentToMaster - 24.07.2024 11:08

Why didn’t James transform when mr no-nose attacked him? It would have been so much easier to fight off Voldemort!

@Masterozo78 - 28.07.2024 23:09

Why does Sirius always die

@williamfincher2260 - 31.07.2024 05:15

If Fudge believed Harry, he would have done proper investigations on Voldemort's return, and he wouldn't have given Umbridge such power.

@UnnamedCarapace - 31.07.2024 10:57

I thought she did? Isn’t she a Na… I mean… Tom Riddle supporter?!

@sailorbychoice1 - 01.08.2024 01:30

I think the DA Club still happens, only this time it is school sponsored, Sirius and Snape could teach actual spells, charms and curses one may face and how to overcome them. Snape did teach Harry his favorite spell afterall. As a matter of fact nearly everything Snape is shown to have taught Harry gets used in the books.

@rlyman3516 - 03.08.2024 17:24

I don’t think Dumbledore would hire Sirius because Sirius would have a little bit more bias, give Harry special treatment and treat the Slytherins unfairly.

@danielgodfrey4415 - 11.08.2024 19:41

Who sentenced Barty to death?
Or was Fudge in denial

@Dustinman123 - 12.08.2024 16:58

Fudge fudged it up

@jameskirk4692 - 04.09.2024 01:13

Thank you for this video

@ilianag5680 - 15.09.2024 10:56

I think Sirius would not be a good teacher, neither before but especially not after Azkaban.
And I don't think Severus Holdsagrudgeforever Snape would reach the point of killing him in duel.

@daveschmidt9230 - 16.09.2024 01:36

I have a question if the sorting hat would only choose pure bloods for Slytherin house how did Tom Riddle get picked because we know that Toms father was a muggle so what is going on

@Verder783 - 22.09.2024 08:42

The thumbnail made me click it. I wanted to see how the pink slug could be good.

@boullioncube389 - 23.09.2024 03:39

I just watched the Owlry question about this and love how the guys didn't remember this video at all 😂

@bryanhikes7248 - 25.09.2024 22:32

Big question. Maybe you can answer in a video. If voldemort wanted to subjugate muggles why did he start doing tha last time he had power and why didn't he break the statute of secrecy? How did the larger world not figure it out. To my understanding voldy was in charge for a long while stealing shampoo.

@Speechless-14 - 02.10.2024 02:32

We need a what if Sirius survives! He always dies 😭

@MithrandilPlays - 06.10.2024 05:18

That ending setpiece would have been SO cool

@Mr.wednesdayallfather - 06.10.2024 21:35

I can't be the only one in the camp that Harry should have set fired umbridge lighter up Potter

@Mr.wednesdayallfather - 06.10.2024 21:38

Just imagine how much of this could have been stopped if instead of imprisoning the death eaters they simply executed them granted Sirius would be dead but that's a small price to pay for almost all the death eaters not being there when Voldemort comes back

@quincyking010 - 07.10.2024 16:47

The order is just people working directly under Dumbledore

@Jaismeen-g6g - 08.10.2024 13:58

Sirius could have survived if Harry used the mirror he gave him, he wasn't in the room but had the mirror with him all time, Harry could've used it ....that is my greatest regret that he didn't remember it

@karenvickers482 - 11.10.2024 21:27

If Umbridge is on the good side; that would mean she wouldn't sic the Dementors against Harry and Dudley.

@geana._. - 16.10.2024 09:21

Honestly, I feel like a Fudge that believes Harry and Dumbledore is a SANE Fudge. Therefore, I believe that if we're dealing with a sane Fudge, then he would at least want to interrogate Crouch Jr. To figure out how he got to this point and position before allowing the dementors kiss. That's the only critique I have! I don't think a sane and reasonable Fudge would be so quick to allow the dementors kiss and possible cover up his mistakes as well.

@HopeforAllKind - 17.10.2024 11:03

Didn’t Voldemort have spies in the Ministry?

@AlexEvans-w4k - 23.10.2024 21:46

Why didn't dumbledore ever ask for memory or offer his pensive?

@CeticWales - 26.10.2024 17:38

Very interesting with the way "If Ron was a Hufflepuff" is going...

@amashizaino - 30.10.2024 09:23

The Ministry dropping the ball like this doesn't surprise me. I mean look at the prejudiced bs they put Hagrid through. AND the fact that they threw Sirius Black into Azkaban WITHOUT ANY INVESTIGATION. So yeah....the Ministry is ran by corrupted idiots in denial.

@Alvinator-d7p - 09.11.2024 05:23

Totally different topic but what would have happened if harry sent Krum to see Dumbledore when Crouch turned up in the forest. Moody/ Crouch Jr. wouldn't dare attack. Would he?

@Black3ight - 12.11.2024 11:15

Since Dumbledore knows about the curse on the DADA position he would certainly device a plan to get Sirius to only teach that one year. Also he would not let Snape just kill him, but Dumbledore could let Snape injure Sirius badly enough that he wouldn't be able to teach any more and also then let Snape basically kill two birds with one stone. 1. Letting Snape take some anger/hate out on Sirius and 2. give Snape the opportunity to flee and get back with Voldemort as a spy.

@Emerald-t7k - 14.11.2024 03:55

what if Winkie was the Malfoys' house elf instead of Dobby? Would she try and warn him at all or would she be such a loyal servant that she'd assist Luscious and by extension or maybe even outright assist Voldemort? how would that effect chamber of secrets?

@forrestrosen6490 - 16.11.2024 08:26

What if lily took Harry and disappearated?

@Cecelia-n7c - 18.11.2024 03:25

What if Harry was evil?

@13SScorpio - 09.12.2024 17:00

On Cedric and his untimely end... it always confuses me how they make kids compete in a super deadly tournament where they have to do stuff like fight dragons but when one of the kids actually dies they all act super shocked.

@lt.langle - 15.12.2024 05:40

You should do a video on who had a prophecy. Maybe Dumbledore had a prophecy that he would lead the chosen one to victory😊

@msoufen - 23.12.2024 18:45

Wait, if the Ministry itself was guarding the prophecy, would Arthur NOT need to guard it? Then, he wouldn’t get attacked, therefore, Harry would not need to go to Grimmauld Place for teh holidays. (I know Arthur works for the Ministry, but why on earth would they suggest him to protect the Prophecy?)

@vihaankkodali1088 - 28.12.2024 05:59

It’s not umbridge it should be chicken bridge

@Querterus - 02.01.2025 12:30

i dont know to mutch about harry potter
but isnt there a spell that forces the target to speak the truth?
if yes just ask for consent and let him speak

@Smiththeinspiringanimator - 05.01.2025 20:02

So would that mean fudge would actually get attacked by Voldemort if he actually tries to take the steps that Dumbledore recommends because in the original story he actually got sacked but if that never happens does that mean Voldemort goes after him and he gets killed using the killing curse?

@Alex-t2q8g - 04.02.2025 23:31

i think even if fudge believed him, (and my personal theory is he DID all along, but was too scared to admit it!) he still would NEVER actually admit to the wizarding world that voldie moldie was back. fudge was a coward, and he was scared to lose his position of power above all else. he loved his cushy spot as minister of magic, and we see how easily he becomes paranoid that dumbledore wants to overthrow him despite dumebledore's many protests against that power. it would be interesting to see him working in secret, like supporting the giants but not revealing why- and secretly working with dumbledore! but i don't think he would ever truly be courageous enough to admit that the ministry has "let", (as he is afraid the public eye will blame him and the ministry, will think he has "failed"!) voldemort return. he WANTS to keep covering his ears with his hands and going lalaa like a toddler tantrum.

@ilikecake683 - 10.02.2025 17:54

I feel Fudge did believe Harry, he just didn't want it to be true and deluded himself into thinking it wasn't. To me, the scene in the ministry where Fudge says Voldemort isn't back gives it away. There's far too much fear and anger for him to truly believe Voldemort hasn't returned.

@NathanBaker-d3f - 12.02.2025 23:10

This video is perfect, this fudge is way better than ever

@mr.h1262 - 13.02.2025 23:53

God save us from politicians with bruised egos

@ForeverDegenerate - 27.02.2025 06:16

I know I'm a year late, but I've got two problems with this sequence of events.

#1) Nagini is a Horcrux. Snape wouldn't be able to kill her. However, I can see Dumbledore just pulling a Neville and charge Nagini with the Sword of Godric Gryffindor to kill her.

#2) I question whether Harry survives Voldemort's Avada Kedavra. Why? Because Dumbledore isn't dead so Dumbledore isn't there to meet Harry between life and death to tell him that he has a choice. Without that, I argue Harry doesn't realize he has that choice and walks off into the light and actually dies.

I think what would really happen is that Dumbledore would kill Voldemort. He would cut Nagini's head off a-la Neville, then draw The Elder Wand on Voldemort who wouldn't stand a chance. Remember, with Dumbledore alive, he remains the True Master of The Elder Wand. Harry would be remember as "The Chosen One," but the one chosen to kill Voldemort, but rather the one chosen by prophecy to be the sacrifice that would ultimately render Voldemort mortal. And Albus Dumbledore would go down in Wizarding History as the Greatest Wizard to ever live having defeated the two greatest Dark Wizards in Wizarding History and saving The Wizarding World twice.

I would also argue that without the pressure of having to take his father's place at Voldemort's side, Draco actually stands with Hogwarts and turns against Voldemort. Draco would actually the redemption that people so desperately wanted for him. How? Because I can see, with Lucius being arrested, Narcissa is brought to Hogwarts for protection. And that would be all the motivation Draco needs to stand with Harry and Hogwarts. That and Snape whispering into his ear, "You DO realize I'm not a bad guy, right?" I mean, Draco all but reveres Severus Snape and with the revelation that Snape has been a member of The Order of The Phoenix the entire time coupled with his desire to protect his mother would turn Draco around completely. And because of this, I can see Draco rising as, basically, the Harry of Slytherin. I can see him effectively leading Slytherin House and convincing them to stop being dickbags and actually stand with the rest Hogwarts, made all the more easier with a lot of their parents having been freshly arrested by The Ministry. I also think this would lead to the ultimate redemption moment for Draco where is actually able to produce a full patronus. So Voldemort, with his paltry few remaining Death Eaters would, in this reality, face the full might of Hogwarts with all four houses defending her and both Snape and Dumbledore.

In fact, with these odds, I could see an entire alternate ending play out where Dumbledore doesn't kill Voldemort. Instead, once Nagini, his last and final Horcrux goes down, I can see Voldemort immediately fleeing and abandoning his Death Eaters. The remaining Death Eaters are rounded up by Dumbledore and the students and staff of Hogwarts while Voldemort lives out the rest of his mortal life and dies in hiding, attempting to, and failing to, rebuild and rise again. Or, you know, somebody like Mad-Eye Moody or Dumbledore himself eventually finds him and kills him. Because, another person who died in the real story, but would be alive here would be Mad-Eye Moody. Literally, the only three people who died in the books and movies that would remain dead would be Cedric Diggory, Barty Crouch Sr, and Sirius Black. And the only other person who dies in this scenario is Harry Potter himself.

And this brings me to the not-likely possibility that Harry DOES survive The Killing Curse without Dumbledore there to tell him he can, in fact, live. I don't see him leaving the Dark Forest alive. Why? Because in this scenario, Narcissa isn't there. She's safe within Hogwarts with Lucius behind bars. There isn't anyone there to lie to Voldemort about Harry being dead. So even if Harry survives The Killing Curse, Voldemort would just check Harry, see that he's still alive, and Curse him again. There's just no way, in this scenario, that Harry survives The Dark Forest.

Well... I say that, buuuuut... there is ONE way he survives. And that is if someone intervenes at the last second. And the obvious choice, given who else doesn't die in this scenario, is... Dobby the House Elf. I can see him teleporting in as Voldemort is about to cast the spell, grab Harry, and teleport out. But I stand by my earlier argument that Harry doesn't make that that choice because he doesn't know that he can.
