The Judge and the changes he made Watchtower make

The Judge and the changes he made Watchtower make

JW Researcher Rose

55 лет назад

5,710 Просмотров

Rutherford worked his way in, then took over the Watchtower organization. He ignored Russell's Will and did whatever he wanted to do.

Which ended up getting him and a bunch of other people arrested. So what else did Rutherford do and change. I hope you enjoy the video. Please comment and give me your feedback.

Right now you are living history. Your experiences and stories will be history 30 years from now. Like mine is from 30-40 years ago. Like every Witness since Rutherford and Bible Students since Russell. If this organization is still here in 30 years do you want Witnesses at that time to know what happened today? What you were taught as Bible truths before the Governing Body members erase everyone's memory of it?

Image sources

Watchtower publication sources:
Millions Now Living Will Never Die
Proclaimers of God's Kingdom
Vindication 1
Vindication 2
Vindication 3


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