TenSix PSI Pro 12v Automatic Compressor How To

TenSix PSI Pro 12v Automatic Compressor How To

3,737 Просмотров

We made these neon green monsters with a simplified experience in mind. Follow the simple steps in the video and below!

1) Set your compressor on the ground
2) Hook up the battery leads to your vehicle battery, negative first, positive second.
3) Start your vehicle
4) Connect your quad hose kit to your compressor and open the slide valve
5) Set your desired pressure using the + and - buttons on the compressor.
6) Confirm the desired pressure by hitting the "Go/Power" button.
7) Hit the "Go/Power" button one more time to start the compressor. If you want to stop it at any point in time, hit the Go/Power button again.
7.5) The compressor will stop and start itself throughout the inflation process, this is normal as the program learns your air needs.
8) Once it is done, it will stay turned off and your desired pressure will be on the screen. It should read within 2psi of your hose gauge.
9) Disconnect the quad hose kit, and the battery leads, and store back in its carring case.
10) Head to the next adventure!

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!

[email protected]
916-696-7738 (call or text!)
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