Equator Crossing Ceremony - Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 36 - Video

Equator Crossing Ceremony - Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 36 - Video

Sailing SV Delos

55 лет назад

5,765,053 Просмотров

The crew finally crosses the equator and is back in the northern hemisphere! The shellbacks (Brian and Brady) put the pollywog girls (Phoebe, Karin, and Josje) on trial for their crimes against Neptune.

The girls are found guilty, and have to perform 3 punishments to earn Neptunes forgiveness as trusty shellbacks!

Our Mission
It’s simple really- we just want to make you SMILE! We do this because we LOVE it. Given our short time on this AMAZING PLANET there’s absolutely, positively, nothing more we’d rather be doing with our time!

We hope by sharing this adventure you will find some inspiration in your life. If doesn’t have to be sailing. It can be anything at all. Just take a few minutes every day for yourself, breathe deep and relax, and don’t forget to SMILE!

Send Us Love
We LOVE sailing, we LOVE traveling, and we LOVE making sailing videos about it! We're only half-way around the world, so there's plenty more to see!

Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload sailing videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process :)

Support Our Videos- Buy us a cold one.

Check the links below for more SV Delos Sailing Around The World Action!

Music In This Video
Onetox- Ramukanji 0:00

Kevin MacLeod- Black Vortex 1:30

Kevin MacLeod- Twisted 5:47

Huma-Huma- Two Step 7:04
YouTube Audio Library

Phoebe Leyten- Detachment 11:41


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