Hi, Mark!
Here in Korea, we are also experiencing unseasonable weather conditions. It’s kind of warm here too.
This morning I heard a news report saying that some of the spring flowers bloomed again due to the warm weather…ha ha
We must be under the influence of global warming…
I don’t like cold weather but I’d prefer it to be on its way
The weather is unseasonable here, too. I live in Seoul. Hi Mark. 😃
ОтветитьHere in Assam too
ОтветитьTQ for teaching the word 'unseasonable'. It's new to me. Perhaps, that's because we have practically one 'season' all year round in SG - sunny with occasional rain.
ОтветитьNow ...SOFT MUSIC, GOOD SUPPER...,and then...SEE YOU ON TV !!!!🫠🫠😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
ОтветитьIn my place is rainy ))
ОтветитьHi, Mark! It was unseasonably sunny and warm in St. Petersburg deep in September this year. The weather was like in summer!
ОтветитьHi Mike! God thanks you for your kindness. ?
ОтветитьHi Mark.We have the same weather now.unseasible worm)))))
ОтветитьIt's unseasonably cold,or warm or wet
ОтветитьFunny enough, we have a bulrush here in Czech too, in prety much the same latitude. In a kid's slang we call it "cigars" and when we were school kids, we smoke them. On one side we lit it and from a stem side we sucked it. It was fun, we felt like the adults. Fortunately last time I smoke.
ОтветитьYou're awesome too, Mark!! Love... 💕❤
ОтветитьIn Belarus we had unseasonable warm September this and previous years. It was more similar to a summer month and I hope that it will permanent phenomenon. I don't like winter time at all.
ОтветитьHey Mark. First of all, thanks so much for doing this lesson. To be honest, we're experiencing unseasonablly warm weather here for this time of year in Iran, having said that I prefer the mild weather neither too cold nor too hot I love your amazing videos. Omid from Iran. ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьToday's my brother's birthday and I payed attention to the weather this day. It's always warm and sunny on the 18-th of October.
Ответитьteacher Mark ,the dogs in this vedio are not friendly to each other
ОтветитьDeep in October it unseasonably high amount of float in my country
ОтветитьCool word to know. Can we use it in the context of someone inappropriately dressed? Let's say one dude went for shopping in the dead of winter to the nearest convenience store wearing slippers, shorts and a t-shirt. And we could say about him "Get a load of that oddball he unseasonably dressed! Wait a minute, he's wearing gloves ... 😁 well then that changes everything 😁
P.s. All this happens somewhere when it is really cold in winter cause otherwise it would be not that big of a deal to galavant in the middle of the winter wearing shorts and slippers😅
Thanks Mark!!!❤
In the last few days, we have been experiencing an unseasonably high amount of flooding in Morocco's South East. Unfortunately, some people died and some houses have been destroyed.
God bless you!
Hi Mark, there’s the same unseasonable warm weather in my place too. Poland
ОтветитьIt’s Mehr month in Iran😄
ОтветитьThank you Mark have a good Day👌
ОтветитьHi,Mark! I am planning to take a Celpip exam, can I get a good advice for my preparation? I'm struggling in speaking and writing there is always butterfly in my stomach everytime I talk to someone whether it is face to face or phone calls. thank in advance
ОтветитьHi, will you be surprised to know that it's October in my neck of the woods as well? I usually watch your videos at night, but your day is the same like it was here: sunny and pretty warm, with fall colours. Such weather is "seasonable" for my region, but we had unseasonably scorching summer. Bullrush used to be a real treasure in my childhood: we liked to burn it from their top, then to blow it out and it made a lot of white stinky smoke and fun for us...❤your videos
ОтветитьI love your channel, because you have an incredible way of teaching.
ОтветитьHi GENIOUS !!!! ...Happily, I get home!!!! 😎😎😎 Hope you have a GREAT FRIDAY EVENING !! !!❤❤
Yesterday night ( SO LATE!!! ), I saw the whole episode...guy !!!, Really unseasonable weather , in ALBERTA !!...I can't belive it, man...,You're wearing a T SHIRT !! , for this time of year !! CRAZY, guy !!! I'M really taken aback by the weather in your city !!! WARM IN OCTOBER??? ... ,BUT, I think , is a beautiful Fall to Canadian people! ,isn't it ?? I mean ,it's not cold yet....and most of the trees have their leaves...,That's unseasonably well 🎉🎉🎉!!!!
Here in ARGENTINA, the weather is warm and humid, the last few days, have been near 28 °( if I not mistaken..) It's a little hot ,for this time of year, but, it's a nice SPRING here...Maybe, to beat the heat ,I'll get some Vanilla icecream !!😊 would you like some ,guy ??😎😎😎...don't forget, I've a NEW FRIDGE !!..or maybe you prefer cold beer with peperonie pizza 😂😂😂
OK ,GENIOUS ...I want to tell you...,that I miss your GREEN JACKET...mmm I miss SO MUCH ,that military" coat !!!!😅😅😅😅
LOVE YOU MARK !!!❤❤❤❤...I'm waiting for you , to enjoy my cool icecream 😅😅😅😅.........,Please, forgive "dogglish English 😂😂😂!!!!!
LOVE YOU PROF ❤❤❤😎😎😎😎😎🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
You deserve 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
ОтветитьHi Mark. I love cold weather and I don’t like hot weather. In my country unseasonably warm for this time of year . I think it’s due to climate change .
ОтветитьThe autumn leaves haven't fully bloomed in south Korea yet^^
ОтветитьHi Mark! One week ago it was great snowing in my locality. It was really unreasonable weather because usually it happens in November.
I try to watching your videos every day, it's very useful for my practice English, thanks a lot!
Hello Mark. How are you doing ? I am in Provence in France. A lot of rain this autumn here. Really unseasonable weather. Usually it's sunnier. I have been viewing your videos for a long time. I enjoy it. Take care.
ОтветитьBest english teacher subbed to this channel since 2019
Ответитьits a very contrast season of all time every year)
ОтветитьHi Mark I miss you so much long time no see. I've been busy teaching my students that's why and just because I got the flu I hope you still remember me coz I love you so much. I wish we were together right now we'd have a great time. I also wish you a lot of aucess in your life.
ОтветитьIn my country the weather is unseasonable
ОтветитьI know you're a strong man and actually I've never seen such a cool guy like you in my life
ОтветитьHi Mark, here in Türkiye it was unseasonably warm for October until this week and unlike you I don’t like warm weather so I’m happy we started to get cold weather.
ОтветитьNext week will be unseasonably warm in southern Sweden, up to 17 C degrees 😊
ОтветитьThank you teacher for this video ❤
ОтветитьWe are in unseasonably rainy weather in October.
ОтветитьHi Mark 😊psy rozmawiają po angielsku 😅😂😂😅w Polsce jest piękna jesień 😊😊😊drzewa są bardzo kolorowe 😊😊😊
ОтветитьDziękuję że mówisz wyraźnie i w końcu wolno 😊😊😊
ОтветитьPięknie tam u ciebie 😊😊😊
ОтветитьPaździernik jest piękny ale ja najbardziej lubię Maj 😊😊😊
ОтветитьUnreasonably warm and wet in my country too (climate change).
ОтветитьThanks Mark for being seasonable. 😊
ОтветитьNow in Bangladesh, summer is on its last leg and we're going to fell the winter soon. ❄️☃️
ОтветитьIt is unseasonably rainy weather that lasts for nearly half of a year here. I dislike it because it is not in my favour.
ОтветитьGlobal warming, dear Mark :/